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Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on February 21, 2011, 11:48 PM:
For those in the NYC/Northern NJ metro area, The 1929 vintage Landmark Loews Jersey theatre in Jersey City, New Jersey runs 35mm classic films once a month. The theatre is run by Friends Of The Loews, a non-profit volunteer organization that is restoring the venue. I am usually projectionist for the Friday night shows.
The Landmark Loews Jersey – The Wonder Theatre Of New Jersey
This coming weekend of February 25th and 26th, The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre located on Journal Square in Jersey City, New Jersey, continues its 10th consecutive year of classic films with three films featuring one of the great couples of cinema, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.
The theatre is located directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City, it is also easy to reach from most area highways. Secure discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre. Have your parking ticket validated at the theatre’s boxoffice.
Unlike Some Other Classic Motion Picture Venues, All Our Show Are Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
Friday February 25th at 8:00pm – To Have And Have Not (1944)
Starring Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Walter Brennan
Directed by Howard Hawks. (100 Minutes)
This is the movie that brought Bogart and Bacall together – both on screen and off. Bogart is the owner of a charter boat in Vichy-controlled Martinique. Approached by Free French activists, Bogart doesn’t want to stick his neck out for them – until he finds that doing so will help Bacall. What makes the film truly electric is the unmistakable chemistry that was boiling over for real between Bogart and Bacall as the cameras rolled.
Saturday February 26th at 6:00pm – The Big Sleep (1946)
Starring Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall
Directed by Howard Hawks. (114 Minutes)
One of the most popular noir films and most influential detective movies ever made, The Big Sleep nevertheless has one of the most convoluted scripts of any movie made in classic Hollywood. Director Howard Hawks literally blew past red herrings and possible dead ends by letting dialogue and action spill out so fast that there is barely time to acknowledge, never mind contemplate, a new plot twist. But Hawks did slow down to let the audience fully appreciate the erotic innuendo in the repartee between Bogart's Philip Marlowe and Bacall's Mrs. Rutledge -- performances that were made palpable by the couple's real-life relationship. This was cutting edge stuff for a Hollywood still under the Production Code. It's the combination of this razor sharp sexual edge with the disquieting murky mystery that gives the film its distinctly hot yet cold, dream/nightmare feeling.
Saturday February 26th at 8:30pm – Dark Passage (1947)
Starring Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall.
Directed by Delmar Davis. (107 Minutes)
A well constructed Film Noir that is one of the most darkly seductive but seldom revived pairings of Bogart & Bacall. Bogart is a man wrongly accused of his wife's murder who undergoes plastic surgery to conceal his identity. Bacall, more vulnerable here than in other roles, is a lonely heiress who shelters Bogie -- and falls for him -- while he tries to find his wife's real killer. The film makes great use not only of its stars' real life chemistry but also of its San Francisco setting. The Bay Area's hills and winding roads, world-famous bridges and even prison proximity are integral to the story, while the city's mixture of affluence and squalor, misfits and money men give texture to the shadowy atmosphere. The supporting cast more than hold their own, and Director Delmar Davis makes great use of the tight, efficient script. The opening scenes filmed from Bogart's perspective are especially effective, adding a distinct, perhaps even Hitchcockian feel. Don't miss this rare chance to see this noir gem on the Big Screen.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on February 23, 2011, 05:27 AM:
Very interesting - this is the first time that I've heard of a cinema (that's presumably normally using digital projection) having a regular 35mm 'slot'. I expect such opportunities will eventually become the cinema equivalent of steam trains in the world of transport!
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on February 23, 2011, 08:47 AM:
Actually, for movies we are only have capabilities for 35mm. On the rare occasion that we need to run video/16mm, we rent the equipment for that specific show.
While the rest of the cinema world is going digital video, we are in the process of upgrading to 70mm.
Adrian, there is a gentleman from Coulsdon, Croydon, England who regularly comes to our classic movie shows. He told me that it is cheaper to fly to New York for a quick holiday than it is for many places in England/Europe.
Posted by Michael De Angelis (Member # 91) on February 25, 2011, 10:57 PM:
Mitch and The Friends of the Loews, have always presented an enjoyable program each time that I have attended. The admission is very reasonable.
The Godfather, Rocky, Way Out West, The Sons of the Desert.
I'll never forget being in a packed matinee watching Way Out West, and when Sharon Lynn (Lola) asks if it's true that her dear, dear Daddy is dead; Stan replied: I hope so they buried him. WELL, the crowed roared with laughter so long that it buried Lola's follow-up line.
When Rocky walks outside of Adrien's house, and then he admits that the TV report bothered him, makes you feel the quiet emotion of the character.
Being inside The Lowes is another dimension, especially when you watch one of your all time favorites on that grand screen.
Posted by David Michael Leugers (Member # 166) on February 26, 2011, 12:02 AM:
Wow, you guys that live close enough to attend are very fortunate. What a beautiful cinema and to see classic films the way they were meant to be seen... who could ask for anything more?
Posted by Greg Marshall (Member # 1268) on February 26, 2011, 10:06 AM:
I love this!!! If I lived in the area, you would see me there often! In Nashville, we have a cinema that was saved from being torn down. They run all art type films, revival films, and is also a performance theatre. They ran Casablanca over Valentines weekend... I missed that one, but I understand the Monday night showing was sold out... so my guess is they'll bring it back later.
Like I said, I love reading great posts and articles about palaces that have been saved and restored. Bravo!!!
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on March 06, 2011, 11:09 AM:
Wherever you are located, you should get out and support venues showing classic films, especially when they are running 35mm film. Trust me, they are not making piles of money doing this, they are doing it for the love of presenting classic films the way they were originally experienced. As more and more commercial cinemas switch over to D-Cinema (video), it is becoming harder and harder to convince the distributors to strike new 35mm prints of their classics. We should all take advantage of these screenings while they still exists.
Like many old movie palaces, The Landmark Loews Jersey is now an performing arts center. Fortunately, the management has never lost sight of the theatre's history and the importance of the Cinematic Arts along with the Performing Arts. Unlike some other "arts" centers, we do not run films as an afterthought, or with consumer grade video projectors, but rather 35mm film, run reel to reel as it was during the golden age of Hollywood.
As a trailer snipe from the 1950's proclaimed, Go Out To The Movies, They are Your Best Entertainment Value!
Posted by Nick Field (Member # 2132) on March 07, 2011, 01:04 AM:
Most of our beautiful cinemas in the uk that looked like that have mostly been torn down to make way for shopping malls or appartment blocks,very frustrating.
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on March 21, 2011, 06:09 PM:
The Landmark Loews Jersey – The Wonder Theatre Of New Jersey
For the last weekend of March (25th and 26th), The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre located on Journal Square in Jersey City, New Jersey, continues its 10th consecutive year of classic films with three comedy classics to usher in the start of spring.
The theatre is located directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City, it is also easy to reach from most area highways. Secure discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre. Have your parking ticket validated at the theatre’s boxoffice. As usual, I will be the projectionist for the Friday show.
Unlike Some Other Classic Motion Picture Venues, All Our Show Are Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
Friday March 25th at 8:00pm – The Lady Eve (1941)
Starring Barbara Stanwyck & Henry Fonda.
Directed by Preston Sturges. (93 minutes.)
Always the ironic satirist with a gift for terrific characters, improbably wild scenarios and perfectly tuned dialogue, the great writer/director Preston Sturges had what is, arguably, his most glittering success in The Lady Eve. Without doubt, the film is one of the most sparklingly funny screwball comedies ever made, replete with beguilingly ribald sexual innuendo and such overt overtones about the appeals of dishonesty and criminality it’s a wonder that Sturges got away it all in the face of the puritanical Hollywood Production Code.
Saturday March 26th at 6:00pm – Beetlejuice (1988)
Starring Michael Keaton, Geena Davis, Alec Baldwin & Winona Ryder.
Directed by Tim Burton. (92 minutes.)
A deliciously off-the-wall, fast paced comedy-horror, Beetlejuice was Tim Burton’s second feature – and it not only defined his signature mix of wild imagination, sweetly fractured characters, surreal sensibility, gothic whimsy and dazzling special effects, but also firmly established him as one of the most original movie makers of our time. Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin are a young married couple who are killed in a car accident but are stuck haunting this world before they can move on to the next. When an obnoxious yuppie couple and their unhappy, Goth-obsessed daughter (played by Catherine O’Hara, Jeffrey Jones and Winona Ryder in her break-out role) move in to their old home, Davis and Baldwin try to frighten them away. But when their fledgling haunting skills prove less than effective, the two turn in desperation to a veteran spook: a yellow-haired, profane and thoroughly gonzo spirit played to over-the-top perfection by Michael Keaton. And that’s when the unique Burton blend of comedy and the macabre really takes off.
Saturday March 26th at 8:20pm – A Shot In The Dark (1964)
Starring Peter Sellers, Elke Sommer, Herbert Lom.
Directed by Blake Edwards. (101 minutes.)
A murder has been committed at the palatial Parisian residence of George Sanders. All the evidence points to sexy, wide-eyed housemaid (Elke Sommer). But then the gloriously, monumentally inept Inspector Clouseau (Peter Sellers) arrives on the scene and sets out to prove her innocence. What follows is an unbroken series of impeccable gags played out at a mad pace.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on April 17, 2011, 04:16 PM:
As Always, All Our Show Are Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
Friday April 29th at 8:00pm – The Matrix (1999)
Starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving.
Directed by The Wachowski Brothers. (136 minutes., Rated R)
What if everything that we think is real about our world is instead unreal, a virtual reality created by malevolent, all-powerful computers to fool and enslave humans? This film is a dark, convoluted and action-packed film that was one of the biggest sci-fi titles of its decade. If the ever-more complicated story gets confusing enough at times to make you feel as if you've become hopelessly lost in the user's guide to the latest version of Windows -- that's the point: the film deliberately creates a kind of techno-intoxication to overload and confuse you, break your hold on the ordinary and numb you before completely overwhelming your senses with its special effects. Few films mess with your mind and cause your eyes to pop so far out of your head as "The Matrix." It is a must to be seen on the Big Screen.
Saturday April 30th at 6:00pm – The Thing From Another World (1951)
Starring Kenneth Tobey, Margaret Sheridan, Robert Cornthwaite, James Arness. Produced by Howard Hawks. Directed by Christian Nyby. (87minutes.)
An intelligent script; a fast pace; rapid-fire overlapping dialogue; a tight, controlled atmosphere; a smart and competent female character; and relaxed, natural performances -- all are hallmarks of this movie by Howard Hawks. The “thing” itself is seen only in fleeting glances, a directorial decision that built incredible tension while also mostly avoiding the unintentionally funny “man in a rubber suit” scenes that plague so many sci-fi films of the era. The cast is excellent, though none were stars at the time Underlying all is the palpable dread of a lurking, unforgiving enemy that gripped America in the McCarthy era.
Saturday April 30th at 8:10pm – John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982)
Starring Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, Richard Dysart, Richard Masur, Donald Moffat.
Directed by John Carpenter. (108 minutes., Rated R)
When it was released in 1982, John Carpenter’s "The Thing” was mostly panned as a debasement of the original. But time has lent perspective, and today the film is generally recognized as that most rare of remakes: not a copy, but a successful new adaptation that stems from distinct creative instincts and different sensibilities. The Cold War allusions of the earlier film are gone, and there is much less of an “us vs. it” feeling than an even more paranoid “you can’t trust anyone” mindset. And to top it off, the John Carpenter film is actually truer to the short story that both films were based on. Watching to two films back to back gives one an intriguing look at how two very different film-makers interpreted the same story, giving us two films that are at once the same, yet so different that having seen just one, you will not know the outcome of the other.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on May 11, 2011, 06:48 PM:
As Always, All Our Show Are Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
Friday May 20th at 7:45pm – Barry Lyndon (1975)
Starring Ryan O’Neal, Marisa Berenson, Patrick Magee.
Directed by Stanley Kubrick. (184 minutes. Rated PG)
To recreate both the aesthetic style of 18th century paintings and the physical look of the period, Stanley Kubrick, cinematographer John Alcott and production designer Ken Adam used authentic antique props and costumes to brilliant effect, and they lit their scenes with only natural sunlight or candles, for a look that no other movie has ever touched. The result is a film of singular visual style and beauty, and one of the richest and most evocative period pieces ever made.
Saturday May 21th at 6:00pm – Days Of Heaven (1978)
Starring Richard Gere, Brooke Adams, Sam Shepard, Linda Manz.
Directed by Terrence Malick. (95 minutes. Rated PG)
Terrence Malick's follow-up to his acclaimed 1973 debut Badlands confirmed his reputation as a visual poet and narrative iconoclast. Inspired by the work of silent master F.W. Murnau, and shot in natural light primarily during the "magic hour" before sunset, Malick's spectacular imagery largely takes the place of conventional exposition and excessive dialogue. Terrence Malick, who has been called the reclusive genius of American cinema, continues to make critically acclaimed movies -- only to disappear from the director's chair for years. His latest film, Tree Of Life premiers at the Cannes Film Festival this month.
Saturday May 21th at 8:15pm – Sunrise (1927)
George O’Brien & Janet Gaynor.
Directed by F.W. Murnau. (110 minutes. Unrated)
Considered by many to be the finest silent film ever made by a Hollywood studio, F.W. Murnau's Sunrise represents the art of the wordless cinema at its zenith, a movie of extraordinary visual beauty and emotional purity. Murnau’s graceful moving camera, expressive lighting and superimpositions lyrically evoke the inner passion, pain and romanticism that drive a love triangle among a simple country couple and a vamp-ish city woman. The story is poignant and the acting sublime; indeed, Janet Gaynor won the first-ever Best Actress Oscar for her role in Sunrise, along with her part in another film, Seventh Heaven. But it is the extraordinary Expressionist look of the film, so carefully crafted by Murnau and his cinematographers, fellow German imports Charles Roser and Karl Struss, that lifts the film into the realm of lyricism, and winning them the first Best Photography Oscar.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on May 11, 2011, 07:06 PM:
Mitchell...I had the pleasure a couple years ago to see a 35mm print of BARRY LYNDON...
I have to say it was the most beautiful film I have ever seen on the big screen. Visually beautiful. If I was in the area I would be there.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on May 12, 2011, 10:29 AM:
My gosh, seeing those photo's of these screen palaces really emphasizes just how much beauty we've lost, even in archetexture.
Those film palaces, even in and of themselves, were an event just to go to. Comparing them to our modern "film houses" (far from palaces) make them seem lifeless and incredibly bland.
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on May 16, 2011, 03:46 PM:
Bill, you just hop onto I-80 east, and make a right turn just before the Hudson River. It's only a mere 11 hours down the road.
Osi,there is a famous quote by Marcus Loew that goes something to the effect of "I don't sell tickets to movies, I sell tickets to theatres".
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on May 16, 2011, 04:14 PM:
Mitchell...if it was an 11 hour round trip I might consider it...
That really is a beautiful place there. That must be a real treat running films there...keep up the good work!
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on June 05, 2011, 05:06 PM:
Landmark Loews Jersey – June 10 & 11 - Bernard Herrmann
As Always, All Our Show Are Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
Friday June 10th at 8:00pm – Cape Fear (1962)
Starring Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Polly Bergen.
Directed by J. Lee Thompson. (106 minutes, B&W)
Gregory Peck, playing the straight-laced hero as usual, is the perfect counter-point to Robert Mitchum in what becomes a psychotic game of cat and mouse. Peck’s growing frustration and terror at his utter helplessness -- both legally and physically -- to head off what Mitchum is so relentlessly doing is devastatingly palpable. The supporting cast is excellent. And Bernard Herrmann’s haunting score is literally pitch-perfect.
Saturday June 11th at 6:00pm – The 7th Voyage Of Sinbad (1958)
Starring Kerwin Mathews, Kathryn Grant, Richard Eyer & Torin Thatcher.
Special Effects by Ray Harryhausen.
Directed by Nathan Juran. (94 minutes, Color)
One of Ray Harryhausen’s best work is The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, an Arabian Night-inspired tale of Sinbad as he sails the seas, forms an uneasy alliance with an evil magician and battles a Cyclops, a two-headed Roc and a magically resurrected skeleton. The action starts right away and continues throughout the film, and Bernard Herrmann’s score is the perfect companion, adding mood that enhances the visual effects. Herrmann went on to score three more Harryhausen films.
Saturday June 11th at 8:10pm – The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
Starring James Stewart & Doris Day.
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. (120 minutes, Color)
American tourists Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day witness the killing of a Frenchman they've recently befriended. Just before dying, the man whispers a secret to Stewart; a political assassination will occur during a concert at London's Albert Hall. But Stewart soon finds out that he dare not go to the police, because foreign agents have kidnapped his son to insure his silence.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on October 20, 2011, 06:03 PM:
The Landmark Loews Jersey – The Wonder Theatre Of New Jersey
For the weekend of October 28rd and 29th, The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre, the metro area’s favorite venue for classic films located on Journal Square in Jersey City, New Jersey, continues its 11th consecutive year of classic film screenings.
The theatre is located directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City, it is also easy to reach from most area highways. Secure discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre. Have your parking ticket validated at the theatre’s boxoffice.
As Always, All Our Show Are Still Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
For October, three Halloween favorites. We recommend attending with someone who’s blood is above room temperature.
Friday October 28rd at 8:00pm – The House On Haunted Hill (1958)
Starring Vincent Price, Directed by William Castle. (175 minutes, B&W)
Wealthy Vincent Price challenges seven people to spend the night in a haunted house. Those who make it through the night will be paid $10,000, assuming they are still alive… Presented with EMERGO! William Castle’s grandson will be there to talk about his legendary grandfather, the making of The House on Haunted Hill and to raffle off a copy of the newly released “House On Haunted Hill: A William Castle Annotated Screamplay” – the newly published script for the movie with Castle’s handwritten notes.
Saturday October 29th at 6:00pm – Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)
Starring Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, Bela Lugosi & Lon Chaney, Jr. (83 minutes, B&W)
This movie is really two-for-one because in addition to Abbott & Costello, the three most iconic characters of Universal Picture's now legendary classic horror are brought together here: Dracula is in search of a "simple, pliable" brain with which to revive the long dormant Frankenstein Monster. It turns out that the "ideal" brain belongs to the hapless Lou Costello. Soon, Laurence Talbot, better known as The Wolf Man, arrives to warn Costello and his pal Bud Abbott about Dracula's plans. Both horror and hilarity ensue.
Saturday October 29th at 8:15pm – The Cabinet Of Doctor Caligari (1919)
Starring Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt. Directed by Robert Wiene. (71 minutes, B&W)
Silent film to be accompanied by Wayne Zimmerman at the organ.
Featuring highly stylized, often nightmare-like sets, stark lighting and shadows, and angled cinematography perfectly fit its theme of madness and disorientation, and made it perhaps the most visually striking movie yet produced. It defined the look of German Expressionist cinema -- which went on to influence American horror films, Orson Welles, Film Noir, Hitchcock, and more.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
October Movie Flier
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on November 07, 2011, 08:05 AM:
This coming Saturday, November 12th, The Landmark Loews Jersey is hosting a 35mm screening the 1966 Batman feature staring Adam West and Burt Ward. We are getting the Fox vault print, so it should look good. Catwoman Lee Meriwether will be there in person to discuss the film.
This is not a Friends Of The Loews show, but rather a rental as part of a comic book convention taking place in Teaneck NJ earlier in the day. Their website link is below.
NJ Comic Expo
Posted by Allan Broadfield (Member # 2298) on November 07, 2011, 09:17 AM:
Mitchell, when you showed 'House on haunted hill' did you feature 'Emergo'? Saw it twice when it was first shown in Britain many years ago. When the skeleton appeared a woman behind me was screaming that she was having a heart attack, though I suspect she was planted by those naughty exhibitors!
[ November 07, 2011, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Allan Broadfield ]
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on November 08, 2011, 10:34 AM:
YouTube Video of EMERGO at the Landmark Loews Jersey on October 28th, 2011.
I am a volunteer projectionist for the Loews Jersey, so I am normally up in the booth during shows. I could actually hear the audience cheering when the skeleton came out over the noise of the projectors.
Yes Allan, I suspect that the woman was planted to enhance the experience.
[ November 10, 2011, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: Mitchell Dvoskin ]
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on November 13, 2011, 01:10 PM:
The Landmark Loews Jersey – The Wonder Theatre Of New Jersey
For the weekend of November 18rd and 19th, The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre, the metro area’s favorite venue for classic films located on Journal Square in Jersey City, New Jersey, continues its 11th consecutive year of classic film screenings with a remembrance of World War 2.
The theatre is located directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City, it is also easy to reach from most area highways. Secure discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre. Have your parking ticket validated at the theatre’s boxoffice.
As Always, All Our Show Are Still Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
For November, three films that represent three aspects of World War 2, the war in Europe, the Home Front, and the war in the Pacific.
Friday November 18rd at 8:00pm – The Train (1964)
Starring Burt Lancaster & Paul Scofield. Directed by John Frankenheimer.
(133 minutes, B&W)
Shooting on location, using real trains, train yards and stations, and surrounding stars Burt Lancaster and Paul Scofield with a French supporting cast, director John Frankenheimer created a galvanizing realism that not only gives an extraordinary look to the film but also reinforces tension while underlining the human cost of a mission that offers only symbolic rewards. And Lancaster famously did his own stunt work, adding an extra degree of realism to the action and the intensity to his typically powerful performance.
Saturday November 19th at 6:00pm – Saboteur (1942)
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Starring Robert Cummings, Priscilla Lane, Norman Lloyd.
(115 minutes, B&W)
A theme that Hitchcock used over and over again, an innocent man is accused of sabotage, and is on the run from both the police and the Nazi spies actually responsible for the dastardly deed. From an aircraft factory in Los Angeles to Radio City Music and the Statue Of Liberty in New York, the action is non-stop in one of Hitchcock’s best films.
Saturday October 29th at 8:20pm – The Bridge On The River Kwai (1957)
Starring Alec Guinness, William Holden, Sessue Hayakawa. Directed by David Lean
(161 minutes, B&W)
This film ranks as one of the greatest films of all time, combining sweeping vision with human scale, and is also one of director David Lean's best films. It is a riveting dramatization of the peculiar cruelty of the Pacific Theatre in World War II, and of the madness and bravery inherent in all war. The story is loosely based on the historical construction of the Burma Railway by the POWs and forced civilian conscripts who were used by the occupying Japanese as slave labor.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre Lobby
Posted by Allan Broadfield (Member # 2298) on November 13, 2011, 06:27 PM:
Excellent Mitchell! Was thinking of rigging up Emergo when I next play the video!
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on November 13, 2011, 06:54 PM: guy's have some fantastic films lined up. I wish I was closer. How has the response to the shows been?
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on November 14, 2011, 10:01 PM:
Response varies from show to show, from ok to great. The October movies did very well, in spite of the snow storm on that Saturday.
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on March 19, 2012, 07:10 PM:
The Landmark Loews Jersey – The Wonder Theatre Of New Jersey
The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre is the metro area’s favorite venue for classic films!
The theatre is located directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City and it is also easy to reach from most area highways. Secure discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre. Have your parking ticket validated at the theatre’s boxoffice.
As Always, All Our Show Are Still Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
This coming March 30th & 31st features three Deadpan Humor/Crime films.
Friday March 30th at 8:00pm – The Big Lebowski (1998)
Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi. Directed by Joel Coen.
(127 minutes, Color) Rated R.
A story of mistaken identity complicated by extortion, double-crosses, deception, embezzlement, sex, pot and gallons of White Russians. It's a series of bizarre vignettes, which might be a problem if they weren't so funny. The title character, brilliantly played by Jeff Bridges, is a latter-day stoner version of Philip Marlowe.
Saturday March 31st at 6:00pm – Fargo (1996)
Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare, Harve Presnell.
Directed by Joel Coen. (97 minutes, Color) Rated R.
Frances McDormand stars as Marge Gunderson, a very pregnant police chief whose affable, folksy demeanor only partially obscures the fact that she's a clever, observant and very effective cop. When a pair of motorists are found slain not far from the corpse of a state trooper, Marge begins piecing together a twisted case. Frances McDormand won the Best Actress Oscar for her role.
Saturday March 31st at 8:10pm – Pulp Fiction (1994)
Starring John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Havey Keitel, Bruce Willis.
Directed by Quentin Tarantino. (160 minutes, Color) Rated R.
The Oscar-winning script by Tarantino and Roger Avary weaves a twisted morality play as it joins the eventually intersecting storylines of Los Angeles mobsters, small-time criminals and a mysterious briefcase. The surreal yet realistic atmosphere, long takes and wittily pop-literate non-stop dialogue emotionally engage the viewer in the minutiae of the characters' experiences even as the film also comments on their status as pulp creations, rendering the moments of shockingly baroque violence simultaneously ghastly and humorous.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on March 19, 2012, 08:09 PM:
I was looking through your web site and its truly remarkable what has been done to keep the place going, full credit to the folk that have donated their time and experence, a really amazing place.
I could not help but notice that you are screeing "A Night To Remember" on April 28th. Is that the 1958 Titanic film?
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on April 22, 2012, 06:51 PM:
The Landmark Loews Jersey – The Wonder Theatre Of New Jersey
The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre is the metro area’s favorite venue for classic films!
The theatre is located directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City and it is also easy to reach from most area highways. Secure discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre. Have your parking ticket validated at the theatre’s boxoffice.
As Always, All Our Show Are Still Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
This coming April 27th & 28th features a weekend of nautical disasters certain to give you that sinking feeling…
Friday April 27th at 8:00pm – Lifeboat (1944)
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Starring Tallulah Bankhead, William Bendix, Walter Slezak, Hume Cronyn.
(100 minutes, B&W)
A tiny lifeboat adrift in the North Atlantic holds eight survivors of a Nazi torpedo attack, spanning various classes and walks of life. A day later, the castaways pick up another passenger, a survivor from the German U-boat. At first everyone assumes he is just a simple seaman, but it develops that he is in fact the U-boat’s captain, fluent in English and very intelligent – perhaps dangerously so.
Saturday April 28th at 6:00pm – A Night To Remember (1958)
Starring Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, David McCallum, Jill Dixon.
Directed by Roy Ward Baker. (123 minutes, B&W)
It was 100 years ago this month that the HMS Titanic sank, and this film lays out the human side of the tragedy, offering an emotionally potent look at those who survived and the many who did not, while it also clearly depicts the reasons, technical and human, behind the shipwreck. Kenneth More heads a huge and stellar cast, with 200 speaking parts, as the Second Officer from whose point of view the story unfolds.
Saturday April 28th at 8:25pm – The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
Starring Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, Red Buttons, Carol Lynley, Roddy McDowall, Stella Stevens, Shelly Winters, Jack Albertson, Pamela Sue Martin, Leslie Nielsen. Directed by Ronald Neame.
(117 minutes, Color)
After a massive tidal wave capsizes the Poseidon on her last voyage before being scrapped, the survivors divide into two groups: those who stubbornly remain where they are to await the help they are sure will come, and a handful who bravely follow impassioned Reverend Scott (Gene Hackman) in what he believes is their best chance for rescue by forging their way upward through the shattered, upside-down ship, toward what was the bottom of the hull but is now on the ocean's surface.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
[ April 23, 2012, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Mitchell Dvoskin ]
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on May 30, 2012, 07:03 PM:
The Landmark Loews Jersey – The Wonder Theatre Of New Jersey
The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre is the metro area’s favorite venue for classic films!
The theatre is located directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City and it is also easy to reach from most area highways. Secure discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre. Have your parking ticket validated at the theatre’s boxoffice.
As Always, All Our Show Are Still Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
The coming 2 weekends will conclude this seasons classic films at The Landmark Loews Jersey.
For June 1st & 2nd
Friday June 1st at 8:00pm – The Producers (1968)
Starring Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, Kenneth Mars, Estelle Winwood.
Directed by Mel Brooks. (90 minutes, Color).
Down-on-his luck Broadway producer Max Bialystock takes an offhand comment by his new accountant Leo Bloom and turns it into the ultimate ponzi scheme: the two will over sell shares in a new musical, make sure the show is a flop that closes on the first night, and keep all the money.
Saturday June 2nd at 6:30pm – My Man Godfrey (1936)
Starring William Powell, Carole Lombard, Alice Brady, Gail Patrick, Jean Dixon, Eugene Pallette.
Directed by Gregory La Cava. (95 minutes, B&W)
In the midst of the Great Depression, a spoiled daughter of a wealthy family wins a prize by bringing an unemployed man living at the town dump to a party. The girl falls in love with the man and impetuously hires him as her family’s butler. We soon find there’s more to the man than the girl or we suspect, and less to girl’s wealthy family.
Saturday June 2nd at 8:30pm – Bringing Up Baby (1938)
Starring Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Charlie Ruggles, Barry Fitzgerald, May Robson.
Directed by Howard Hawks. (103 minutes, B&W)
One of the crowning comic achievements in the careers of director Howard Hawks and of stars Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant, “Bringing Up Baby” is also the ultimate distillation of the screwball comedy. The story, such as it is, involves a nerdish paleontologist, an heiress determined to snag him, two leopards, a dinosaur bone and mistaken identity. A non-stop parade of inspired gags, incredibly smart and funny wordplay and the pointed if hysterical skewering of the archetypes that screwball comedy so deftly makes fun of: the idle rich, eggheads and officialdom.
For June 8th & 9th
Friday June 8th at 8:00pm – Mothra (1961)
The Toho Monster Classic, presented in Japanese with English Subtitles.
Saturday June 9th at 6:00pm – Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)
For the kid in all of us.
Saturday June 9th at 8:10pm – Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)
Return to Hogwarts when learning to be a wizard was still filled with awe, mystery, and fun.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on April 12, 2013, 01:38 PM:
The Landmark Loews Jersey - The Wonder Theatre Of New Jersey
The theatre is located on Journal Square in Jersey City, NJ directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City. It is also easy to reach from most area highways. Secure discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre. Have your parking ticket validated at the theatre's boxoffice.
As Always, All Our Show Are Presented Exclusively From High Resolution 35mm Motion Picture Film With Genuine Carbon Arc Projection, On Our Giant 50 Foot Wide Screen.
April 26th & 27th, May 3rd
Anti-War war films...
Friday April 26th, 2013
All Quit On The Western Front - 8:00PM
Saturday April 27th, 2013
Paths Of Glory - 6:00PM
Dr. Strangelove - 8:30PM
Friday May 3rd, 2013
M*A*S*H - 7:30PM, Robert Altman's classic hosted by actress Sally Kellerman.
Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey Web Site For More information.
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