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Posted by Chris Quinn (Member # 129) on May 22, 2004, 06:06 PM:
Just want to say a big thanks to all the organisers of the BFCC, with a special thanks to John and Keith, they put on a brilliant show, i was most impressed with the 2nd release of Gladiator and the extract from Spiderman and 5th Element.
It was a crying shame that Kev couldn't make it due to a laryngitis, i hope you feel well soon mate.
Thanks to Rake Movies i got my L&H fix and Derann supplied me with some nice cartoon shorts, Gone Nutty and Early Bloomer and a nice spanking brand new copy of T&J's Night Before Xmas. CHC supplied their magical formula (Cresclean) which i have tried out for the first time and has repaired what i thought was a bin job. Made £70 on the bring and buy and then spent it on some more lovely film, i only wish i had more lolly to spend on some of the great features on the Derann and CHC tables, oh well.

Shame the attendance was not higher, was a shock to see after an absence from the hobby for 12 years, i found it rather worrying that it seems to have shrunk, lets hope the BFCC gets more support in October, Eh lads! but we need more dealers too, after about an hour i had to start again, as i run out of tables to browse, so come on dealers where were you??
Well, after a day mingling with other collectors i feel great and my other half even agreed to watch some of my new acquisitions. Brill! Right now where did i put my Spaceballs!! Bugger time for bed.

Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on May 23, 2004, 01:56 AM:
Hi Chris and everyone, i agree whole hearteldly with what you said Chris, it was great to meet some of the forum gang for the first time, sorry not to have had Kevin there, maybe some time in the future, i have to echo what Chris said about the dealers, altough i understand that maybe with the costs of having table etc etc however i do belive that with the exception of health or berevement all dealers should attend to show their full support to the hobby, if our friend can make it over from New York then there is no excuse,anyway my brother and i did have a great day and echo everthing Chris has already said, Dealers and collectors alike should keep it going while we still can and while the hobby still has some life, we last attended a couple of years ago and did note how fewer people were there, not so many good 2nd hand features about, or did i miss them in that first 20 min stampead [Big Grin] Excellent, lets all do that again and next time we'l do our best to stay to the end, i was knackeard by 3pm and Brother had a jab at the Doc's into his coller bone two days before and it was playing him up so apologies to all for not saying tata.
Posted by Barry Attwood (Member # 100) on May 23, 2004, 02:56 AM:
I too was most impressed with the long "Spider-Man" extract, pulse sycned with 5.1 DD sound, it was a marvel, and the print has to be one of the best German releases I have seen. I enjoyed all the pulse sync demonstration, and found all the extracts (Gladiator & The 5th Element) to be of very high quality, and how Keith can get them into sync (especially "The 5th Element" extract) with the DVD is still a marvel too me.

As a previous dealer of many years at this event, I can perhaps guage better than most on attendance levels, yes I think it was a little down yesterday, but you have to remember that this BFCC was unique in the fact that the date was changed at short notice (even Buckingham Films could not attend as usual), and many people who have to work most weekends could not change their schedule at the last minute, and of course it was also F.A.Cup Final day, and last but not least, it was a nice day in London, and the 'How about you take me out somewhere nice' factor comes into play, where you "JOINED" collectors cannot get away with saying it's a rotten day and sneak off to the BFCC for a few hours (usually with the family credit card, which comes along for the ride, of course!). I think if you ask either Keith or John, I'm sure they would say that they were pleased with the attendance in this unique situation, and I found that the 2 dealers halls were busy for most of the day, and you can't say fairer than that. One thing is for sure, I had a great day, I saw most of the film shows, picked up one or two things for myself, and finished up accross the road at the UGC Ealing watching "Van Helsing" for the second time, what better way for rounding a day out watching films, than by watching another.
Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on May 23, 2004, 05:49 AM:
I had a great day and considering the date change and the FA cup thing [what ever that is] [Wink] the attendance really wasn't that bad.

There was a mad rush at opening time around all the dealers and I certainly managed to pick up a couple of good titles. [I'm now nearing the end of my search for MGM titles but that will be the subject of another post].

The Bring and Buy was interesting, there was even a GS 1200 on there for £395 but the general opinion was that it had lead a full and rewarding life, still good for the price though.

It was great to meet Doug Meltzer [we still haven't had that warm beer] and Paul and his wife, all from the States. We all hope that you will be making return visits [Smile] .

Also, to put faces to names of some of the UK forum members, Tom and Dave of course amongst others.

The shows were marvellous, Keith and John put a lot of effort in to them and it payed off, I am always amazed to see that tiny 8mm frame blown up and stretched on to such a big screen, the resulting picture quality really is testament to the potential of our favorite guage! The sync pulse shows, despite a certain amount of nervousness and trepidation on the part of the projectionists ran perfectly, the sound was brilliant.

Just looking forward to the Autumn show now, have to start saving [Smile] .

Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on May 23, 2004, 11:49 AM:
Oops, hope i didnt give the wrong impression, we did very much enjoy the day, and like you say it was great putting faces to the names, i'd slap a pic on here but someone may put out a bounty on me!! [Big Grin] if anyone gets a copy of that picture of us on that stage id love a copy if poss, next time ill bring a camera.
Kev, hope you get better soon, the film shows were brill, i couldnt but help myself tell some one to shut that F***** door!! all the trouble Kieth and john go to ensure times of film shows are given to eveyone and how many donkeys just kept coming in and out putting light onto the screen [Mad] Still, i made the bloke sat in front of me laugh for a long time, got myself and my brother some excellent 8 and 16mm goodies to, kicked myself when i got home for not treating myself to both Gladiator extracts and forgetting to get some cres clean, still,, good excuse to go back in either Oct or next May,
Posted by David Roberts (Member # 197) on May 23, 2004, 02:33 PM:
I wasnt able to stay that long but thoroughly enjoyed the time I did have.Bought a nice st1200D for £180 which runs very nicely appart from a rather high mains hum from the amplifier,anyone got any ideas as to cause?
Also it was great to meet some of the forum members,one observation I made,you are all younger than I immagined!!!!
The numbers were down on last year, but not drasticly in my oppinion. I even managed to park directly opposite the Town Hall again this year.
Again,very nice meeting the forum memers.
Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on May 23, 2004, 03:18 PM:
David, you say the nicest things [Smile] , I'm just a little worried though that when I met Paul Adsett on Saturday he told me I look sinister in my forum picture [Confused] . Must have been the lighting [Wink] .

Posted by Kevin Faulkner (Member # 6) on May 23, 2004, 03:55 PM:
The hum on the ST1200 D HD or on any Elmo can be reduced by adjusting the "hum buck coils". There are 2 of these coils on 2 track elmos and one on single track machines. The coil is situated on the plug and socket board below the head assembly and is the size of a resistor covered in a yellow plastic sleve. Its position with ref to the machine will determine the way it stops hum. You should turn the machine on in forward play with no film and turn the volume to max. Also turn on the lamp at the max setting. Now move this coil arround with a non metallic object such as a knitting needle until the hum is reduced to a minimum level.
Be careful not to move the coil too much back and forth as its possible to break the wires.
This coil basically cancels out the 50Hz hum that the mains transformer and motor produce which is why you must also have the lamp on.
Get back to me if any of this is not clear or email me direct.
Thanks for the get well wishes from every one. I think the antibiotics are now working and my throat infection is feeling a little less painful.

Posted by John Clancy (Member # 49) on May 24, 2004, 02:56 AM:
Thanks fellas.

I'll endeavour to get the piccies onto the bfcc web site shortly. Aggers is in the Hammersmith office right now with his camera but hope to see him in here to rip the piccies off it later.

Attendance was over 250 paying punters. Surprisingly, this was exactly what we expected but as usual, we always hope for more than is likely. Without the change of date we may have got nearer 300 so it looks like there are still roughly as many collectors as this time last year. The problem the hobby has is that because there have been fewer releases and fewer people to buy them over the last ten years there is less second hand stuff around for dealers to deal. The internet has exacerbated this and ebay has been a blow to film collecting conventions. We hope the shows are interesting enough to keep people coming and we're always looking to put ourselves out to ensure that fact. Saturday was very stressful in this regard.

I'm knackered.
Posted by David Roberts (Member # 197) on May 24, 2004, 03:30 PM:
Thanks for the info regarding hum from my st1200.
Ive yet to try this and will post again when I have.
I should mention that this ST1200D is magnetic only,no optical sound and as such,the only one of this type Ive seen.
Back in the late seventies,the U K importer of Elmo equipment only brought in the optical and magnetic version of this model.

Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on May 24, 2004, 04:21 PM:
By the way, next time we all go r u all aware of the carpark around the back of the very town the convention is held in? it only cost me £2 for the whole day and its a secure parking lot. thats a handy bit of info there Kevin, i'll copy and paste that onto word, your going to have to do some techy tips for our mag, anyone know how many official good projector repair people are left these days? i only know of two, one in stoke on trent and i think the other is in sussex,(possibly). Any chance we can ban E bay? [Big Grin]
Next time we all go theres a nice pasta bar right next door that my brother and i nipped into for dinner and a quick drink, be a nice place for a half hour break next time, maybe. Must admit it was excellent to meet you all and my 4 hour trip in the car was like being next door compared to the effort doug made from New York, well done mate [Wink]
Posted by Tony Milman (Member # 7) on May 24, 2004, 05:05 PM:

Better late than never I suppose........John, Keith and everyone else involved can I add my thanks to the growing list for making Saturday a great day out. The time and effort that must go into this event is enormous and I hope to be around to help in October should you need it. The sound system is staggering and combined with pulse synch.......

It was great to meet Paul and Doug from the US and I do hope we see you chaps over here again. Personally I liked the smaller of the two halls so you have to come over in October to see it.

Even better was the video footage I took of Ian O'Reilly with a fist full of notes and a broad smile. Evidence for the Inland Revenue (the IRS for our US brothers) perhaps? Thanks also to Duncan of Derann for that special what shall I spend that fiver on next.....

I am now enjoying some of the purchases I made on the day and it will indeed do the children good to go without meat for a week or two- too much is bad for them.

Once again, many many thanks to you all.


p.s. David, so that was you buying that projector...I was stood alongside you during the interrogation!
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on May 24, 2004, 10:58 PM:
I think I want to come in October! I have never been to London so it should be a blast. Do I need to rent a car to get there or is there public transport? I am afraid I may smash up the vehicle if I am not used to driving on the other side! [Smile]
Posted by John Clancy (Member # 49) on May 25, 2004, 02:20 AM:
Alan, fly into Heathrow and use the train or the tube to get into central London. Ealing (where the convention is held) is about 30 minutes by tube from the centre. There's absolutely no need for a car to get around London (unless our wonderful workforce are on strike of course!).

The train from Heathrow comes into Paddington main line station and from there it is only ten minutes by local train to Ealing. Years ago, a collector did attend from New York, arrived on the morning, attended the BFCC and then flew back in the evening. Presumably he slept on the plane. Now if he's have used the Concorde he'd have been home in time for dinner. has been updated with some piccies from Saturday and other details. If anyone else has any pictures to put on the site please let me have them at Anyone who would like higher resolution copies of anything we've put up just let me know.

[ May 25, 2004, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: John Clancy ]
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on May 25, 2004, 01:21 PM:

I’ll be posting shortly about my UK adventures, but I just wanted to tell you and my fellow countrymen that there is no reason not to head on over for the October BFCC. London is an absolutely beautiful city and it is amazingly easy to get around. I never encountered any real difficulty in my travels. Since you are a New Yorker, you’ll find the tube system quite similar to our subway (much quieter due to those rubber wheels!) and easier to comprehend. You can take the train to Dudley and visit the folks at Derann, or head over to Cleethorpes to check out Classic’s shop. The highlight of the trip though, will be the warmth and friendliness of the UK forum members, which left a lasting impression on me.

It’s a bit curious that the first group of forum members I’ve had the chance to meet live 3,500 miles away! You’d think that the east coast group would have met up by now. So yes, definitely make plans for the next BFCC, but come on gentlemen, a social gathering of Yanks (with cold beer!) is in order.

Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on May 25, 2004, 01:33 PM:
Hi Doug,

You get to be the pioneer. You did something I've been thinking about for a while.

Just for curiosity, how much was the air fare, hotel...etc.? If it was within sanity I might be able to do it as well.

C'mon Alan! We're from New York, we drive on whatever side of the street we feel like already!
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on May 25, 2004, 01:56 PM:

Great photos! I love that one of us up on stage!


I had booked through Expedia. I believe the fare (with taxes) was approx. $400.00. It'll cost you a bit less to come to our NYC gathering!

Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on May 25, 2004, 04:21 PM:
hopefully next time perhaps on this forum we cud all say meet at a certain time in the cinema again, i was looking around for a while trying to work out who was there, I forgot which one of you chaps said you had a house house in Liskeard? Thats just a 20 minuite drive for me. [Wink] Just managed to finish screenig my 8mm bargins tonight and will be viewing Cromwell on 16mm Thurs with my Bro. It appears to be a great print on Agfa saftey stock, anyone tell me about this film Stock? Did you all get the films you were looking for or like me did you buy when you saw something that took your fancy? [Big Grin]
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on May 25, 2004, 04:25 PM:
It does look like a great thing to have so many collectors in one room!
I wonder how many collectors we have here in the states?
there must be many more judging by Ebay sales of projectors and such.
Posted by Tony Milman (Member # 7) on May 27, 2004, 03:15 PM:

Looking forward to volume one of your travels to blighty. Will make for a good read especially you rummaging (sp?) around in Ian's shed! We do at least now know that Ged runs Derann almost single handed whilst watching Godzilla movies and even better news that he won't read this because he doesn't like the forum!

Quite what Gary and Duncan do is beyond me......except give out discounts that Steve can't get his head round (which is probably why he went back with almost as many 16mm films as he came with......)

Come on Duncy Baby Give us GLADIATOR in full...................

Tony:D [Embarrassed] [Roll Eyes] [Eek!] [Mad] [Cool] [Confused]
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on May 27, 2004, 03:34 PM:
Good shout Tony, hehe, we couldnt get a penny off the cromwell feature we bought, miserable git! all the films we bought in the last 20 years plus, im voting Duncan as a class A saleschap. A good laugh and friendly, just what we need more of in this country.
Steve never even came over to chat, wake up buddy, talk to your customers not just your buddies [Wink] [Smile]
Posted by Ian O'Reilly (Member # 76) on May 27, 2004, 04:08 PM:
I've just found Doug he's still in the Shed. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Tony Milman (Member # 7) on May 27, 2004, 05:32 PM:
Hey Grandpa Ian,

its well past bedtime for you.....don't those nurses look after you these days? Oh, by the way I have some great video ooops sorry ahem, modern day super 8, footage of you holding a large portion of Mr Foster....'s,,,,,cash!

Posted by Chris Quinn (Member # 129) on May 28, 2004, 12:24 PM:
Derann! Hmmm, I was most amazed when i asked if i could buy one of there scope brackets only to be told that i would have to pay for the kowa 8Z lens if i wanted a bracket, apparently they come together.
So looks like Derann are following the lead of car manufacturers, if you want a part you have to by the whole dam thing!

Tom, how about getting your nice engineer chap to make some swing brackets up on the same line as Spondon made.
I'll buy one. [Smile]

Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on May 28, 2004, 01:02 PM:
If it were like the Spondon bracket I would buy one too! [Smile]
Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on May 28, 2004, 01:03 PM:
OOPS! Sorry, double posting [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on May 28, 2004, 03:20 PM:
Thats a good idea, that should be easy enough for them, i'll enquire. I only ever had a fixed bracket made by spodon for the HDit screws in and is fixed, how did the swing bracket fix on? am i correct in saying the two common lens sizes are 42 and 54mm?
Posted by Tony Milman (Member # 7) on May 29, 2004, 12:25 AM:

I have a swing bracket (not sure who made it) and I think it came from Trevor Adams a while back. I can send you a picture of it if that might help. It is quite a simple piece of kit and to be honest is not beyond the DIY'er if the materials could be obtained easily although much better to get a real job done. If you let me have your postal address I will burn some images to a CD and send them to you.

Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on May 30, 2004, 09:38 AM:
When is the date for the October BFCC?

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