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Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on April 12, 2005, 12:17 PM:
Here is a classic on 8mm,Stereo, Scope and most important all,(as far as the fan club is) the original 1799 release, no Xtras, no add ons, no updated CGI graphics.
I see on the dvd front it seems that collectors want this film so badly in its un-touched format and George Lucas has said he will never release on disc in this 1977 format, (bet he does one day when he see's how many more $ he'll get out of it). Thats one thing the 8mm collector seems to have the upper hand on.
This in mind, What is the most anyone has seen this film go for on any list or e-bay.
I'm glad to say this is a film we gor many years ago from Derann and suffice to say do not intend to sell it ever. [Big Grin]
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on April 12, 2005, 02:29 PM:
The most I have seen it go for is $500. And that is in the UK with the British Sterling being 2 to 1 with the dollar. Originally when it came out it was advertised at $400 and that is pretty much what it still goes for. They do seem to come up very often actually! I have seen it numerous times on Derann's list and one just sold on Paul Fosters list the other day. Its not as rare as say...ET. That one is rare and I have seen that one priced at $750 US.
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on April 12, 2005, 05:16 PM:
In case you are looking for a print - I've got one on ebay right now:

FYI - in 16mm, prints of the original Star Wars trilogy have been increasing in value. I paid $400-$600 each for mine, and recently I've seen them sell on ebay for $2000-$3000. So perhaps the Super 8 will appreciate in value too...
Posted by Jan Bister (Member # 332) on April 12, 2005, 07:17 PM:
I've seen all of the 3 original Star Wars movies so many times, I can't even say how many... My wife and I did attend the 1997 re-releases in the theatre as well (and naturally had a blast, me especially). [Big Grin] So when I saw this updated version for the first time I was actually looking for the changes/enhancements... and really can't say I noticed a whole lot of them. In fact, all that I can even remember right now, off the top of my head, is 1. the enhanced explosion of the Death Star near the end of the movie, and 2. the brief encounter between Han Solo and Jabba The Hutt on the way to boarding his Millennium Falcon.

There must've been a lot I missed, otherwise I can't really see why collectors want this film in its original 1977 version so badly...! Or is that just a collector's sense of purity at work here? [Cool]
Posted by John Clancy (Member # 49) on April 13, 2005, 02:58 AM:
Oh dear Jan. The rehashed version of Star Wars destroys it. Too much obvious cartooning added in afterwards making the film look like a bad joke. The bit with Jabba the Hutt was so embarassingly poor I can't understand why the film editor didn't just take the scissors out. Not only that, Han Solo had just had exactly the same conversation with the bounty hunter in the cantina.

However, there is an exception: the death star battle at the end of the bastardized version was very well done indeed.

Classic currently have a Super 8 Star Wars on their list for £200 I believe.
Posted by Jan Bister (Member # 332) on April 13, 2005, 08:04 AM:
Whoah, John... settle down [Wink] Well I guess I really did miss a good deal of stuff here, time to go watch my new Star Wars DVD set (a Christmas present from Mrs. Wife) and look for those differences again! The one bit I really can't agree with, though, is that the new version has too much "cartooning" in it - now if you were talking about The Phantom Menace and our favorite character, Jar Jar Binks, then maybe.... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on April 13, 2005, 01:19 PM:
And what about the version where at the canteena scene on the later version Harrison ford gets fired at first,before killing the Alien. How sad is that for Political sadness?? [Mad]
Posted by Jan Bister (Member # 332) on April 13, 2005, 10:37 PM:
Ugh. Very sad, indeed - but if all the changes are as subtle as this one (I'd certainly never have known!) then it's no wonder I've had such a hard time making them out. [Eek!]

Did they actually ever release The Empire Strikes Back and/or Return Of The Jedi on super-8 as well? (Full-length, naturally) [Confused]
Posted by John Clancy (Member # 49) on April 14, 2005, 07:34 AM:
Jan have a look at the original version again before watching the rotten rehash. Particularly the sequences on Tatooine where the stormtroopers are searching for the heroes. What the bloody hell are all those things suddenly flying around with them? They're obviously drawn in afterwards and have no place in a live action film. Now if it was "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" they'd have a case.

CGI is cartooning. Just because it's not called cartooning doesn't mean it isn't. There are some CGI effects where they're done so well they're invisible; the Star Wars rehash is not one of them (except the reworked Death Star battle at the climax). Jurassic Park may not be the best film in the world but for the most part where CGI (cartooning) was used it was outstanding. All too rare nowadays where everything tends to be rushed and on the cheap.

Yes, Empire and Jedi were released on Super 8 full length. Both are still available new I believe from Classic.
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on April 14, 2005, 12:26 PM:
Hi Jan ---

I've got a Derann print of Jedi on my list (see the For Sale Forum).

I also think that you can still get it new from Derann...
Posted by Tim Drage (Member # 285) on April 15, 2005, 09:00 AM:
my new Star Wars DVD set (a Christmas present from Mrs. Wife) and look for those differences again!
When you do, you're going to be spotting a whole load of NEW changes! They've done quite a few more orwellian alterations for the DVD releases apparently! [Frown]

I don't care much any more, but I can't forgive Lucas for what he's done to THX-1138! [Mad]
Posted by Jan Bister (Member # 332) on April 15, 2005, 06:25 PM:
Shouldn't have mentioned that DVD set, huh?

*slowly steps back*


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