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Posted by Marc Marti (Member # 404) on June 02, 2006, 03:31 PM:
I'm trying to find a repair service for my Braun Visacustic 2000. Witther doesn't offer this service by the moment, so I don't know where to go...
Thanks in advance!
Posted by Jan Bister (Member # 332) on June 02, 2006, 06:15 PM:
Afraid I can't help you - but what's wrong with it?
Posted by Dan Lail (Member # 18) on June 02, 2006, 07:50 PM:
Marc, Jan's right. There are several people on this forum that might be able to guide you through a repair. They did for me more than once.
Posted by Marc Marti (Member # 404) on June 03, 2006, 07:47 AM:
Thanks, but I believe that my projector needs some serious servicing: there's a lot of flickering, uneven sharpness, uneven velocity... I would like to go to a professional, as I have no technical skills for these kind of jobs...
Posted by Jan Bister (Member # 332) on June 03, 2006, 12:54 PM:
That DOES sound serious.
Did you get the projector in this condition, or is it something that developed over time? (Was it fine before?)
I wonder if that could be the infamous plastic gear that tends to disintegrate inside the projector. Wittner Kinotechnik sells a metal replacement part which you can either put in yourself or have them do it.
But then I can only guess...
Posted by Joerg Polzfusz (Member # 602) on June 06, 2006, 06:33 AM:
a) GK-Film can repair most stuff:
(GK is known to do a good job - and is cheaper than other shops)
b) Marland can still repair some projectors - as long as their spare parts lasts:
(Marland is the only repair-shop that I've used myself so far - and only for cameras. Their prices are okay, too.)
c) Geissler (recommended by Wittner while Wittner's repair-shop is closed) might be able to help you, too:
d) FFR-Film can repair some projectors - as long as their spare parts lasts (7,50 EUR for 15min) :
e) The super8wiki has got a repair-listing, too:
f) These shops have been able to repair Braun-projectors in 2004 (list taken from - if you do a google-search, you'll probably find their webpages, too. Unless stated otherwise, these shops are located in Germany, hence you'll have to replace the "single-0" in the telephon/fax-numbers with a 0049 from Spain):
Fotowerkstatt Schirmann
84478 Waldkraiburg
Tel. 08638 882240; Fax 08638 882239
Fotowerkstatt Schirmann
84478 Waldkraiburg
Tel. 08638 882240; Fax 08638 882239
Kamera-Filmtechnik E. Piehler
Nachtweide 13
64569 Nauheim
Tel. 06152 807938; Fax 06152 807939
Mayrhofer Helmut
Petersbrunnstr. 8
A 5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0043 662 842250
Nass GmbH & Co KG
Feldstraße 4
30171 Hannover
Tel. 0511 804007; Fax 889950
Nickel Fototechnik
Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 45
90411 Nürnberg Tel. 0911 522337
Schacherl, Kurt
Buchhoferstr. 22, 82140 Olching bei München
Tel. 08142 12262; Fax 40317
Z. R. S. Geddert
Benno-Strauß-Str. 39, 90763 Fürth
Tel. 0911 6585184; Fax 0911 6585144
Fotowerkstatt Schirmann
84478 Waldkraiburg
Tel. 08638 882240; Fax 08638 882239
Grah Optik
Goldsteinstr. 4-6
47051 Duisburg
Tel. 0203 21327; Fax 0203 27512
Günther Wesarg GmbH
Stresemannstr. 46
22769 Hamburg
Tel. 040 4394217; Fax 4392115
JRC Camera Repairs
2 Force Cottage
Ewelme, Oxon, U.K., OX106HQ
Tel. 0044 1752 214654
Mayrhofer Helmut
Petersbrunnstr. 8
A 5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0043 662 842250
Möbius Ralf
MRS Rumfordstr. 11 A
80469 München
Tel. 089 294281; Fax 089 220362
Nass GmbH & Co KG
Feldstraße 4
30171 Hannover
Tel. 0511 804007; Fax 889950
Projection Services
King R., Stoke on Trent,, U.K
Tel. 0044 1782 712812
Restaurierung Volker Cachara
Maximilianstr 71
75172 Pforzheim
Tel. 07231 440104; Fax 440204
Spondon Films
5 Charles Avenue
Spondon, Derby, U.K., DE21 7AJ
Tel/Fax 0044 1332 679053
Steinkellner Walter
Bennogasse 24
A-1080 Wien
Tel. 0043 1 4052310; Fax 0043 1 405231015
Valentine Ken
29 Highfield Road
Bushey, Herts, U.K., WD22HD
Tel. 0044 1923 242156
Wurster Gerhard
Rothenbühlstraße 33
71364 Winnenden
Tel. 07195 174042; Fax 68911
Würz Wolfgang
Elsterweg 7
51149 Köln
Tel. 02203 12136 (Tel + Fax)
Posted by Marc Marti (Member # 404) on June 06, 2006, 07:40 AM:
Many many thanks!!!!! That's a HUGE lot of information...
I'm going to try GK Film. They've made great things for the super-8 format (pressure plate,cinevia...)
Thanks again,
Posted by Heinz-Juergen Schachner (Member # 32) on June 19, 2006, 09:32 AM:
in my opinion the best repair shop for BRAUN/NIZO and BAUER super8mm projectors and cameras is KURT SCHACHERL in Olching near Munich / Germany (
Mr. Schacherl has been trained by BAUER / BRAUN themselves and he knows all BAUER and BRAUN machines best. Mr. Schacherl does great work and the prices he takes are really fair. By the way: Mr. Schacherl repairs BAUER and BRAUN machines for over 30 years now.
Best Wishes
Heinz-Juergen Schachner
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