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Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on November 04, 2007, 12:24 AM:
In light of the previous post "Derann asking -"what do we want?", I think we should also mention the other Super 8 distributor - Phil Sheard's CLASSIC HOME CINEMA.
Those of you who have received Phils' latest newsletter (Nov ' 07), will have no doubt seen his comments. Below is an extract from the newsletter, for those who haven't.

"cine sales are dropping now. We need custom if we are to continue.I have already given much thought to continuing with new film releases. After all ther are plenty of films out there to go round and collectors don't seem to want expensive new titles anymore................ I would therefore ask if you have any ideas then do tell us. We have in mind reducing our costs by issuing list less frequently. So will you buy, will you gives us your thoughts, or will you not bother at all?" Our other retail business is selling models and trains - Hornby etc. That is doing very well. The decision to make more room for an express product is looming!"

Classic, like Derann, have put out some very good titles over the years and obviously, like the "lads in Dudley" the hobby, in general, needs support.

No doubt all of us have a favorite release or extract we wish to own and this is the place to "voice it", along with response to distributor requirements.
I will start the "ball rolling", by adding my favorite "want" - "ZULU" in Scope (Britains' "Alamo", but with a happier ending), assuming that master material could be found and sufficient interest allowed.
I would even settle for an extract - the last 20/30 minutes, starting from the "Men of Harlech" sequence, would be great. [Big Grin]
Any further ideas?

In order to get a feel for the titles mentioned so far and help the distributors, if they are monitoring this, here is a list, so far (Extracts Only, prefereably in Scope, if possible).

ZULU - Last 20/30 mins
REVENGE OF THE SITH - First and last 25 mins
TITANIC - The Sinking
MATRIX (1st Movie) - First 20 mins
BOND MOVIES - Openings and Extracts
"THE CRIMSON PERMANENT ASSURANCE". It's the 15 minutes "short feature", directed by Terry Gilliam, used as an opener for "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life".
SPIDERMAN 2 - train sequence

I'll try and add to the list as we go along.

[ November 09, 2007, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Keith Ashfield ]
Posted by Dan Lail (Member # 18) on November 04, 2007, 12:47 AM:

You have a great and tempting list of titles. I would to love make purchases, but I don't use credits cards. I have them, but I don't use them. If you accepted Paypal, I would probably make regular purchases. I have suggested this before concerning Derann, but they had no interest in doing so. I believe this would increase your sales greatly! It is so easy for collectors internationally to use Paypal. It's quick and it also has a credit card option. If you are worried about the Paypal fees you could always add a small percentage for Paypal purchases. This forum has 883 members, so advertising here would be of great advantage to your company. There are plenty of titles on your list already that I would purchase, if you accepted Paypal. Companies all over the web are using it. Let's keep Super 8 alive and well! [Smile]
Posted by Gary Crawford (Member # 67) on November 04, 2007, 12:55 AM:
Phil makes the best point of SOME THING...All of us will be sorry when new films stop being available...and we will all say, oh, I should have bought something. I've discovered Steve Osbourne and Reel Image here in the states ..and have also discovered the stunning quality of the newer up some money and BUY something. Go into debt and BUY something.... It was very interesting to see the Derann "what do you want " thread. Half the respondents were begging for features THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED... many of which are in the Derann catalog and Classic catalog right now and COULD be bought, RIGHT NOW. The sad part is that once many of these people were told that the prints they were asking for were already available, they will likely not buy. They will complain about the price...or the format...or this or that....and will watch sad faced as Derann and Classic go down the tubes. You've got to buy to keep these businesses alive. Don't think somebody else will do it...there are not enough collectors to have that attitude. Buy now...or face the consequences.
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on November 04, 2007, 01:12 AM:
"Saving Private Ryan" first 20 minutes extract. If the Pearl Harbor sold well..then this one should sell even better!
Posted by Jean-Marc Toussaint (Member # 270) on November 04, 2007, 04:19 AM:
Revenge of the Sith - First 25 minutes stand-alone extract in scope. That would be a formidable 600 footer.
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on November 04, 2007, 06:15 AM:
Surely there are enough of us on here to get down to seeing what could be done and deciding on a release at say 400 feet and we all make a commitement to buy a copy giving a firm number of the people on here who will definately buy and maybe even send £10 or £20 in advance.
If we can`t do this then there is no hope is there, lets face it we can`t all shell out £50-£60 which is almost getting towards just a highish shopping hand basket these days.
One thing I do think is CHC could do with opeing out contact to collectors a bit more not just on the main subscribed lists somehow as what they do is great for the hobby but can we expect other people to keep shelling out putting out new product out knowing they will be lucky to even break even with all of the effort etc.
Best Mark.
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on November 04, 2007, 07:09 AM:
I agree with your statement Mark, about "commitment" to buy. The difficulty is arriving at a list of "choices", which is where this forum can help.
I have been told by Derann, on a couple of occasions, that when they have suggested titles in the past - the general concensus from collectors is "Yes, we'll buy that". However, as they have discovered on a some of titles they have produced, getting people to actually part with the cash for those NEW titles when they are made available, is another matter!
I think the distributors, who I hope follow this Forum, should be given a list of title requirements and formats, by US, the collectors. Then THEY decide what can be made available from those titles, make the title/s known and then ask for a deposit - "subject to product availability", from the collectors, as a "commitment to buy".
This then would give the distributors "something concrete to work with".
Obviously, if the "deposit commitment" was insufficient to warrant the distribution of the product, then a refund could be made to those people. If however, the person "committed to buy" when the product becomes available, defaults, then they lose their deposit!
I think it is unfair to say to someone, "Yes I would buy that, if it were available". Then, after the money and time has been put into the product and it is made available, opt out, by NOT buying the title.
These companies are in business after all, and no company can invest in a product that people will buy "on hearsay" and then be left with a profitless product. I don't think that there can be that much profit in our chosen product (Super 8/16mm) anyway.
We are the ones who would benefit most, at the end of the day, by getting what WE want. IT DOES TAKE A SOLID COMMITMENT FROM THE COLLECTORS.
Basically, WE are in charge of OUR hobbies destiny!!
I think it would be good to hear from the ditributors what THEY think will, or will not work.Could they give us a list of possible titles that can be made available, for us to choose from?
Over to Gary, Ged and Phil.

P.S. I do agree with Dans' comment above regarding "advertising" on this forum. Afterall we are a "readymade" consumer base. Also I agree with Garys' comment about buying "something". We are all, no doubt, "guilty" of buying off E-Bay, but how many members have actually bought items, new or otherwise, from the "distributors"?
Posted by Christopher Quinn (Member # 831) on November 04, 2007, 11:30 AM:
Surely the most obvious way to increase sales would be to simply put a list of the titles available onto their website?

I'm not sure it's a good idea to charge people a subscription just to be able to see a list of titles that are available. I was always wondering how people heard about titles such as On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Posted by Mark Norton (Member # 165) on November 04, 2007, 11:34 AM:
I was very happy with the 2 Bond Extracts that CHC did and would have thought these to be an ideal release that should have sold well. How many have bought these on the forum?
Personally I would prefer more extracts from features similar to these. Sinking from Titanic, Opening of the first Matrix, More Bond etc.
Posted by Jean-Christophe Deblock (Member # 792) on November 04, 2007, 12:08 PM:

Well, I stay with these 3 titles:
FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX ( the first version! )
All in great CINEMASCOPE.
The first company that release these 3 full feature in super 8 take the first order from me!!!

Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on November 04, 2007, 12:41 PM:
I agree with what has been said here, one of the reasons I bought one of Derann's latest "One Froggy Evening" is to help in a small way, to keep Super8 going, if not I have the feeling in time its going to disappear, and I dont want that, for me the days of buying new features are long gone as I cant justify the cost, video projection has taken over on that part, however, shorts yes, and as Mark has mentioned "Sinking Of Titanic" etc is the only way to go, if only the 800 or so members here were to buy just one new film a year like "One Froggy Evening" then I am sure companys like Derann would release more. I am not sure of the true state of Super8 at the moment but suspect its not that good, its all very well trading old stuff but you need new product to keep it alive in the long run.

Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on November 04, 2007, 01:26 PM:
Now that we are on this topic...why did "End of Days" get released? That is definitely not one of Arnolds better films. Why not a cut down of "Conan the Barbarian"? or some other Arnold vehicle? I saw the "End of Days' on Video. I just cant see it getting any better just because its on Super 8. After all is said and done.. a Dog is still a ....Dog.
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on November 04, 2007, 01:28 PM:
See first post above. I moved this post as I thought it may be easier to view. [Smile]
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on November 04, 2007, 02:18 PM:
Alan, you made a really good point. I have mentioned before about the End of Days", which I wouldn't even buy on DVD, on sale, from a pawn shop. Honestly. Someone suggested the release of "Revenge of the Sith", first 30 minutes. I would also suggest the last 30 minutes as well! Now there is a film that would look truly excellent in scope!

I have been a little rankled by this "members only " mentality as well. I think that it hurts CHC's sales. But I had a problem with CHC, as I kept on holding back the full price for a print of "Revenge of the Sith", and month after month, i kept hearing that it was piushed back a further month.

Meanwhile, I kept on having to put off buying a lot of other films because I really wanted Sith. There are a lot of collectors out there you just aren't made of money. I scratch by, just barely, buying an occasional feature, and these days, I'm down to $100.00 per month to work with, and now that has even dried up, as I am in my sixth month of unemployment, and while my families reserve cash flow is okay. The extra dollars just aren't there.

For american collectors, it's even worse! Don'tbe suprised if, within a year or so, the pound will be worth almost three dollars american! (Don't laugh, it's coming). Us american collectors would like to shell out the big bucks, but it really isn't that easy.

A perfect case in point. I was going to buy a print of "Close Encounters" from a british collector, and I was going to use the 800.00 dollars, (that's right, 800.00!) that I put aside for Sith, to buy "Close Encounters", as the seller wanted 400 pounds. Since it was a print that i have wanted for the longest time, I was willing to shell it out, though it hurt like hell to do so.

Problems on the sellers side, (which were really circumstances beyond his control, and I understand), were draggin out the getting the film ready to ship.

Meanwhile, a seller (in america) that I had dealt with for a long time, upon finding out that I was seeking Close Encounters, said, "Why didn't you tell me? I have a print of that!" I asked if he would take 400.00 dollars american, (which was HALF of what I would spend to get it from the U.K., and lest not even start about the shipping from the UK), and he said yes.

This really helped MAJORLY, as that extra 200.00 could really go towards bills. I am in the miserable state of even begging for 400ft reels here on the forum because, quite frankly, I'm out of cash fellas, honestly.

Now, this whole thing hasn't been a diatribe against Britain and UK sellers, God bless em, (except the bastard that never sent me that copy of STAR WARS scope that he still owes me!),
as I have made quite a few good friends across the pond, but I have really been taken out of the market for buying overseas, which really is tragic, as there are always a few titles that I'd love to get from the UK. At most times, the features that I'm buying stateside, are as much as I would spend on shipping, just to GET a feature from the UK.

Lastly, I am proud and so incredibly thankful for ebay, as I honestly wouldn't have a collection today, if it wasn't for ebay. I have been able to buy so many titles, (even those cherished Derann's) at half or even less than that, than Derann's retail, and in pristine condition, off of ebay. I don't hang my head in shame for a moment. I've bought very few "dogs" and many "beautiful", almost mint condition prints, thanks to ebay!

But all of this has been my own fault. I am in a very expensive hobby and it really isn't for the poor middle class, and I am amazed at just how big of a collection I have been able to build!


I have enjoyed every minute of it!
Posted by Larry Arpin (Member # 744) on November 05, 2007, 12:53 AM:
It would be interesting to see when sales dropped. Here is a monthly graph that goes back to 1995:

Don't forget Derann accepts monthly payments so you don't have to pay for a feature all at once. I don't know if CHC does or not.
Posted by Yanis Tzortzis (Member # 434) on November 05, 2007, 05:51 AM:
I agree with the 'Saving Private Ryan' extracts-would make a good buy; however,in another thread (was it the 'DERANN is asking...' one perhaps?) I saw a suggestion for re-releasing some old Blackhawk classics. Being the b/w fan that I am, I couldn't agree more on that; could there be some more interest for those oldies?
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on November 05, 2007, 07:41 AM:
I agree with much of what has been said, My own opinion i think the first 600ft of private Ryan would be a fantastic extract and ending at the point on the beech with the long shot of the ships in the sea and all the troops marching on the beech would be a good self contained extract.
i am very guilty of buying 90% of our collection, (around 250-300 films from trailers to features) second hand.
For myself i have always had a low paid job so finance is always my reason, however, i read with interest how many actual forum members there, over 800,and also note that these days if a title sells 50 its done well, so even if only 50% of us really put our minds to it and just orderd for arguments sake the next 200footer at £27-£29.00 that was released that would be sales of 400, just imagine how good that would be for the hobby, unfortunatly so many people are swiyching over to digital projection. As yeti havent because although i buy films on DVD im happy to keep them to the TV as super 8mm is my hobby and i still enjoy collecting and will for as long as i can get films. Im sure if any of use won the lotto we'd be onto the dealers in a flash and bye everything we ever wanted that was availible, i know i would. I shall certainly give you all this vow, if P Ryan first part was released (only as a 600 and not a 400) i will make that a purchase. That sequence was made only for the big screen, i have the disc but TV does it no justice.
Zulu was also mentioned and i do agree, the final attack in scope would be an amazing release, Derann have done a superb job of releaseing End of Days on a 600 and shall be scanning the second hands lists soon [Big Grin] [Wink]
Why is it so hard to choose the right 60 numbers, (even 5 + the bonus, im not greedy)
Posted by James N. Savage 3 (Member # 83) on November 06, 2007, 04:16 PM:
This was an EXCELLENT thread to start (thanks Keith [Smile] ).

I would first like to thank Phil Sheard for the sacrifice he makes by putting out new super 8 films for the collector. And, excellent quality films, at that. It can not be said enough. We MUST support CHC and Derann if we want to see new releases.

And how great it is to have two companies, releasing different types of films! While Derann releases alot of great main-stream films (Madagascar Penguins, One Froggy Evening, etc.), Phil/CHC is releasing alot of nostalgic items and old B/W stock cartoons of early animation. Its all good stuff, and its nice to have both styles of films on super 8.

I can truley understand the money issue on purchasing new releases (especially from the USA / UK exchange rate) and there are times when new films are not in my budget. But please, when possible, lets try to support CHC and Derann by making new purchases occasionally. There is enough being offered, that there should be something for everyone. While I am not too interested in purchasing new feature-length films on super 8 now, I have bought most of the shorts and cartoons released by CHC, and all are of great quality. And, of course, I try to support Derann's new releases as well. The name DERANN speaks for itself! [Wink]

I must add to what Alan mentioned....END OF DAYS? This, and the last extract before this (Storm of the Sentinals). These were very odd choices, not only because of the lack of popularity of the titles, but also, the fact that the scenes were so dark and colorless (NOTE: Derann's lab did an EXTREMELY good job of printing, its just that they are low-light parts of the movies). But, Derann has certainly released enough great titles, so this is not to be held against them. I mention it ONLY because I would like to see their items sell well, and I just don't think that these type of extracts will have the best results.

And, lastly, I would like to mention the fact that Steve Osborne/THE REEL IMAGE, does a fantastic job of promoting CHC and Derann materials here in Americal. It's always encouraging to see the full page adds of new releases from the U.K.

I just ordered a copy of "Men In White" (CHC).

So C'MON everybody...order a new film TODAY! [Wink] .

Posted by Jean-Marc Toussaint (Member # 270) on November 07, 2007, 10:40 AM:
Something I'd love to see on super 8 would be "The Crimson Permanent Assurance". It's the 15 minutes "short feature", directed by Terry Gilliam, used as an opener for "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life". It's a lot of fun, action and singing.

(I'll post that message on the Derann topic as well).
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on November 07, 2007, 10:46 AM:
I agree with much of what you said James.

It will take releases that are more popular. Derann did a great job with "One Froggy Evening." I would snap up, "What's Opera Doc" in a heartbeat. Phil has offered some great ones as well, "The Dover Boy's", for instance.

It takes the RIGHT releases. It doesn't mean a thing if they keep releasing things that will not sell well.

... which makes this forum a definite check in! The strange thing is that, it doesn't cost a bloody thing, except a little time and signing in and becoming a member! It doesn't cost a single pence! It would do good for Phil and Gary to constantly keep up on the buzz. As has been stated before, we have over 800 members. THAT ALONE should catch thier eye!
Posted by Mark Norton (Member # 165) on November 08, 2007, 05:40 AM:
I think that if us collectors are serious about a 400 to 600ft extract we should confine our choices to films that have Known master material available. Full lenght features that have been printed and are of a known quality. CHC have Titanic, Derann Gladiator, Master and Commander [was talk about reel one on it's own] and the list goes on and on.
Personally with the Blackpool event comming up, how about one reel (or a new extract from the feature), the Death Star distruction from Star Wars. Sighned boxes by Darth Vader? Too short notice I know, but I bet the order book would be full.
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on November 08, 2007, 10:07 AM:
Hi Mark.
The autograph of Dave Prowse (Darth Vader) is no problem as he will be at Blackpool signing as will the other special guests.

Those coming are in for a treat as Dave is going to give a lecture at some point. It just gets better and better!

Derann have been busy printing new 8mm films for Blackpool so if you are after the very latest please be sure to come along.

Best wishes
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on November 09, 2007, 10:30 AM:
Classsic offered to release the train sequence from Spiderman 2 and did not have one single response or taker!!!!
They are trying and with their own money. I`m amazed they do.
Its no good us saying I want this and I want that, we on here at least should be able to come up with something we can all go for broadly to support the hobby.
Best Mark.
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on November 09, 2007, 10:41 AM:
The problem is Mark, that Classic don't make their intentions known widely enough, in my opinion. As other members have said - Why don't they post or reply on the forum? Do they even read the Forum? It would be nice to get a comment from either distributor, regarding the two "what do you want" posts on the forum. At least we would then know that they are "monitoring" the situation. I don't think "swamping them en-masse" with e-mails for "requests" will go down very well.
I did send an e-mail to Classic when I started this post, informing them of the content herein and also asking other questions regarding current stock of a certain title. Haven't had a reply yet though. [Confused]
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on November 09, 2007, 10:52 AM:
Hi Keith well that may be to do with the fact Phil is rather ill and is in hospital I believe at the mo but still putting effort in to super 8.
The idea for that release was floated to a fair number of people though, but I do aggree we need it all opened up more hence my thread about us doing more here.
And one about 2 releases I am going to do now.
Bst Mark.
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on November 09, 2007, 11:52 AM:
[Big Grin] I still think the opening 600ft of saving P Ryan would be a fantastic all action reel which would stan alone really well as "The D Day landing". Go for it
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on November 09, 2007, 01:03 PM:
Hi Mark. Yes I know Phil is ill at present and I'm sure that we all wish him well, with his treatments.
The point made, was not intimated that he should respond "personally", "at this moment in time", but that a response "in general, to the forum, from the distributors, would be welcome.
This forum is a ready made customer base and as such should, in my opinion, be monitored and responded to. It is the equivilant to ahving a canvaser on the street corner, who is offering "help" to further the hobby, if we can.
How are we to know, as a group, what the distributors think about our suggestions if they don't respond?
If one person rings up and asks for the "Private Ryan" release, then, to them, it's one person and therefore doesn't carry much weight. However, the forum, as I've already said, is a bunch of "hard core" enthusiasts and a ready made customer base.
I don't know what the true answer is to getting releases sorted. Without a response from the distributor/dealer. how can we move forward?
Perhaps all the forum members, who are going to the Blackpool Convention, can each put our "requests" personally, to Adrian, Ged, Gary and Phil?
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on November 09, 2007, 01:35 PM:
Hi Keith I aggree with you entirely and thats why we need to go to them, put the word out to print contacts etc and ask what they may have the option for then go ready with a firm number of buyers and an upfront deposit sort of thing would help.
Releasing anything is a really big gamble for either of the UK two now.
Best Mark.
Posted by James N. Savage 3 (Member # 83) on November 09, 2007, 03:02 PM:
Sorry to hear Phil is sick. I wish him a quick recovery.

Spiderman 2 - train sequence-

Now THAT would have been an excellent release. It would probably have fit onto a 400 foot reel, and so would be affordable as well. A title like that would certainly sell better than "End of Days" [Roll Eyes] .

Come to think of it, was "End of Days" requested by anyone on the "Derann is asking..." thread? I don't even remember seeing that title requested one time.

Yet, a scene from Spiderman 2 would seem like a much lower-risk title, since the movie was very popular, well-liked, and that particular scene is well-lit with lots of colors. I think it would be a very good selling extract.


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