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Posted by Rob Young. (Member # 131) on February 14, 2008, 04:45 AM:
If anyone attends the "Farnworth Film Fun Day" here in the North-West of England, could you confirm that it is to be held this Saturday (16th) as I have lost flyer which gets sent out.

[ February 15, 2008, 03:31 AM: Message edited by: Rob Young. ]
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on February 14, 2008, 10:12 AM:
Rob - It's definately Saturday 16th Feb. 2008. Doors open at 10.30am. It wouldn't be on a Sunday as the venue is a Church Hall. Regards, Keith

[ February 15, 2008, 04:27 AM: Message edited by: Keith Ashfield ]
Posted by Rob Young. (Member # 131) on February 15, 2008, 03:30 AM:
Thanks Keith.

I'll re-edit my above post to avoid any confusion.

Hope to make it there...

Keith, any chance you could post the address of the venue for me (my sat nav likes postcodes if you have one). Thanks [Smile]
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on February 15, 2008, 04:26 AM:
Rob - The address is TRINITY CHURCH HALL, MARKET STREET, FARNWORTH, BOLTON BL4 8EX. I will be there on Saturday looking for that elusive bargain as usual. Hope to see you there. Regards.
Posted by Rob Young. (Member # 131) on February 16, 2008, 04:15 AM:
Keith, thanks for the details; rather annoyingly work has prevented me from getting there at the last minute. Grrrr!

Hope everyone who makes it has a great day out! [Smile]
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on February 19, 2008, 03:27 AM:
Well, another Farnworth has been a gone as indeed have all the visitors, but what of film? It was a bit of a funny old day actually. We arrived a little later than usual, one hour after opening and the dealer hall was almost empty as people had been round to view the films and then decided to sit in the Church café area and chat. Anyhow the general consensus was from the people who still buy cine films that anything worth having just wasn’t there and it was pretty much had become a dumping ground for crap.

I know a few folk picked up some reasonable titles during the day and I came away with a brand new feature for only £40.00 still in the shrink wrap. I faired better the night before having purchased a collection of features prior to the event from another collector packing in cine which included a Disney feature amongst other things.

As very little of interest was evident for me at Farnworth I spent the rest of the day chatting to folk until the death around 3PM and the auction. 16mm features were going from £15 upwards and there were no bidders for 8mm whatsoever. After speaking to so many my thoughts had been confirmed. The majority of people attending had already made the switch to a video projector and were only coming along to meet old friends at the event they had attended for many years which rather threw me just a little. One guy even offered me his Elmo ST1200 HD for £40 which was in his car. He said he did not bring it in as he thought it would not sell.

Having been off the forum for a few weeks due to work it has been a little surprising to witness the numbers selling up and going Video. What is clear having now removed my rose coloured glasses is the death knell has rung and I sincerely believe it’s on its last legs. Speaking to another collector last night who proposed I even sell up I explained that this would not happen as every reel of film within my own collection has a memory attached to it. Gone with the wind, shown every week for 12 months in the 90’s, White Zombie when after the show the handle broke off the GS1200 as I was carrying it upstairs at 2AM and I watched it bounced down the stairs. As I say, each cine reel has a memory attached to it, some good and some bad.

Let’s hope not everyone pulls the plug or all you will have to do on this forum is reminisce and drink tea at what may turn out to be very few if any events.

Farnworth has always been a very friendly event and it’s a good place to make new friends, but it has evolved into social coffee stop where you can freely talk about DLP and BluRay, certainly a sad day out for the cine fan I found. It may well be my last visit.
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on February 19, 2008, 08:36 AM:
Goodness Lee - sounds a bit like the "bring out your dead" scene from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". [Frown]
I agree with you that Farnworth was disappointing, especially from a Super 8 point of view. However, personally, I don't think it's quite as bad as it may seem. Cast your mind back to the enthusiasm and turn out at Ealing and Blackpool last year. I don't think that entusiasm could have wained that quickly.(I know, "it never wains, but it pours!") [Big Grin]
I think it is the "ecconomic status" that many people face, at the moment,having,no doubt received their "bills" from Christmas and also faced with the possiblity of a recession looming on the horizon,the £ aginst the $ etc, money is being held on to.(I don't want to turn into the "Manager of the Bank of England",mind you, I wouldn't mind his salary!!).
I don't think the Death Knell for the hobby is that close. Not everyone who sells up and "moves" to video. Some do it out of necessity.
If collectors can't be optomistic then who can? [Smile]
I have enough problems trying to explain my love of "reel" film collecting verses the DVD,to my non-cine friends and work colleagues, with regards to cost, time, effort etc. But, as I tell them, "They are "Couch Potatoes, not the purists that is the true film collector. [Cool]
Any silly beggar can put a little silver disc into a slot or tray!!" [Eek!] .
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking DVD users(I have just purchased a DVD projector myself, only to get the benefit of my DVD collection in a "Cinema" mode - best of both worlds now) [Razz] They do not appreciate the buzz we get when handling, presenting, watching "reel" film. I may be wrong with my feelings, I certainly hope not. [Roll Eyes]
Since getting back into "Reel Film" 15 months ago, after an absence of 10 years, I have to say, this hobby has given me a new lease of life. Your absolutely right about film and memories. Most people can relate a memory with film or music. Even more so for us collectors because we live with it (and our respective loved ones, of course - just in case the wife reads this!)
It's up to us collectors to "nurse and care for" this hobby for as long as possible. [Big Grin] (Soap box back in the cupboard now!)
Posted by Simon McConway (Member # 219) on February 19, 2008, 01:18 PM:
It has to be remembered that the previous report offering a negative view of Farnworth is only one person's point of view. I went and found it great. I bought lots of features very fairly priced, and also the odd projector lamp. Yes, there was rubbish there; this is the case at any cine fair. But I found it a great day. The comment about the hall emptying...well, I was there and I didn't notice this! Yes, people are buying video projectors, but who cares about "everybody" I went there to buy film, not to collect views. My report would be; great attendance, fairly priced stuff, excited chatter and plenty of that was about film! Long may it continue.
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on February 19, 2008, 05:20 PM:
That's a fair comment on the event Simon. I also enjoyed the time I spent there, picked up a couple of bargains as well (Full feature of The Quiet Man, with good colour - £35.00). These events are infrequent enough as it is, in my opinion. They need as much support as the hobby itself. I went to the September Farnworth Fair, didn't buy anything but still enjoyed it nevertheless. I'm looking forward to the next one, which is on Sunday 9th March at the Cliffs Hotel, Blackpool.
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on February 20, 2008, 01:47 AM:
The event was so successful the organiser is reducing the next event to only three and a half hours opening time due to people going early.

I have been going to Farnworth for many years and looking back through my photo albums its clear the way its going. A very sad day I felt, but just my view obviously.

Long live Standard 8.
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on February 20, 2008, 02:16 AM:
At least the organiser is still planning another Fair.I think that 3 to 4 hours for the Farnworth Film Fair is about right, personally. With only a small Church Hall venue and with no auxilliary attractions, like Film Shows etc to be watched, there are only so many times you can do the "circuit of dealer tables". Perhaps a tighter time schedule will be the answer to the event being more viable and enjoyable, bearing in mind that most of the visitors tend to be local to the area anyway.
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on February 20, 2008, 06:29 AM:
Auxilliary attractions ?
Who needs them with those pies ! [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on February 20, 2008, 08:32 AM:
Well, they could show that new Bond feature "The Pie Who Loved Me", whilst singing the song "What do you wanna makes those pies at me for? Followed by that well known Beatles number "Peas, Peas me" [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Rob Young. (Member # 131) on February 21, 2008, 06:18 AM:
Interesting range of views; I really wish I could have made it there.

Last time I was there was several years ago now. Derann had a table with 16mm films and Phil Sheard of Classic Home Cinema was there with his recent releases.

Do these dealers still get there?

Sounds like there were still some bargains to be had [Smile]

[ February 21, 2008, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Rob Young. ]
Posted by James N. Savage 3 (Member # 83) on February 21, 2008, 07:00 AM:
Thanks to all, for your honest views of the event.

Although I have never experienced any "film show events" here in the U.S., I have observed patterns of cine-buffs. Film itself (s-8/16) has been on a rollercoaster since the early 80's. When video tapes came out in the 80's, many film collectors realized that it wasn't practical to collect film anymore, and left the hobby. Then there was the DVD period. And now, there's blue ray & affordable video projection units. As more cine-buffs departed the world of film, many have looked back, and some have returned to the world of unpredictable projectors and clumsy film reels.

In my own observation, I believe events like Farnworth & Derann Open Day, will see better days, as well as bad days in the future. And I know the film business may never see those huge events of the 80's, but I believe it will go on, probably into the next generation. So we can continue to enjoy it while its here.

And remember, lets support Derann and CHC as much as possible and buy new film from time to time [Wink] .

Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on February 22, 2008, 03:31 AM:
Kept an eye open for you Rob and Keith is always easy to spot as he is so good looking.

The Mini Blackpool event is soon to come about on 9th March. Very small but fun coz its at Blackpool so plenty to do once the event is over.

Take care all and hope to see some of you at Blackpool. I will be taking a 9-5 sound projector along which someone asked to have a nose at, so I will be easy to spot.
Posted by Stephen Svitek (Member # 1013) on February 22, 2008, 11:10 AM:
Hi all:
As a newbie (still) my only goal was to recollect the 8mm silent monster movies that I had as a kid. Great memories associated with the neighborhood gang getting together in someone's basement and watching these films. I have been trying to acquire these Castle/Ken silent complete editions through Ebay but find that I get overbid almost at every attempt. Therefore, I cannot agree that the hobby is dying or dead. Guess I'll have to dig deeper in the pockets but I have to admit that I am having fun reading this forum and catching up on this great hobby.

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