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Posted by Jon Anders Klausen (Member # 818) on March 09, 2008, 08:31 AM:
I´m having trouble with my Bolex SM 80 Electronic. When I try to play 400" reels (with sound. Don´t know if that has anything todo with it), it will after a minute or so start to go slower and slower, and eventually it simply stops. I have no clue about these machines, and was hoping somebody could help me out.

There´s no trouble playing 200" films. Maybe it is the machine that is getting old? Or the drive belt?

I got it from a super 8 dealer about a year ago, and was cleaned/fixed before I got it.

Any help here would be much appreciated [Smile]
Posted by Barry Johnson (Member # 84) on March 09, 2008, 12:37 PM:
As the motor drives two-hundred footers OK but not the added load of four hundred footers,I would think that the motor just is not getting its full build up of power-it just wastes away.This points to a similar problem I had with an 8mm projector and that was a faulty motor capacitor.This too slowed down to almost (but not quite) a standstill whilst running at 24fps.The capacitor was replaced and it works perfectly and has done ever since.
Its unlikely to be slipping belts as the motor actually stops.They are unlikely to stop even with a very tight belt as these motors are very robust.
Check also the motor brushes-they could be very low and worn right down.When they get too low when warmed up-the motor will stop.
Further than that its possible that the electronic speed setting is faulty.If that proves to be the case,it will have to be replaced.Unfortunateley I have no idea where this may be located.
Hope this gives you a starting point.
Posted by Jon Anders Klausen (Member # 818) on March 12, 2008, 01:29 PM:
Thanks for your answer! However, I have no clue where to look:

Check also the motor brushes-they could be very low and worn right down.When they get too low when warmed up-the motor will stop.
what do they look like? where would it be placed?

electronic speed setting
how does this look?

if I took some pictures, do you think you could help me a little more?
Posted by Barry Johnson (Member # 84) on March 13, 2008, 01:50 PM:
Jon: If you can do that,it will be a good place to start and I may be able to guide a bit further.
Posted by Jon Anders Klausen (Member # 818) on March 25, 2008, 02:07 PM:

I´ve posted some pictures in the link above. I can get bigger pictures if you want, but at the moment I don´t have a good camera.

I tried to start it up today, and it just stopped after a minute or so.. :/

edit: It seems to work a little now. I´ve run to films through i. The first stopped the first time (melted a frame), but after the projector had rested a little I tried again, then it worked. However when I stopped it, it wouldn´t start again. I had to cut the power, wait a little bit, then it started up again. It won´t rewind the films.

I´ve also downloaded the user manual for Eumig S810. It seems that my model and this model have several similarities when it comes to interiors (parts, and how it´s built).

last thought: could it be that the volt is not set to right amount? it is now set to 220. it can go up to 250...

Any thought are appreciated!

[ March 25, 2008, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Jon Anders Klausen ]
Posted by Barry Johnson (Member # 84) on March 26, 2008, 02:52 PM:
Having looked at the pictures,this machine is very compact and fully electronic,that leaves me to suspect my original theory.The motor just isnt getting the full power required to run it,hence it stops.Further investigation is rquired by a qualified electrician.Sorry cant help you further.
Posted by Jon Anders Klausen (Member # 818) on March 26, 2008, 03:05 PM:
Okey, thanks for your time anyway!

I asked the guy I bought it from, and he told me that there is only a little bit dust on the sheets for the speedfunction.And that I shoud screw off the backover and clean the sheets with alcohol. I did it, but it didn´t work that well. Maybe I just have to give it a little time. I tried to play films at 18fps, and that worked without problems. Then I tried 24fps, and that also worked (even rewinding). I´m letting the machine rest a little, then going to start it up again and see what happens..
Posted by Barry Johnson (Member # 84) on March 27, 2008, 07:56 AM:
Now that has made more sense.The fact that you have actually got it to rewind and run proves this machine is really gummed through lack of use before you owned it.
Try keeping the machine warm and keep on running it.A good lubrication and clean-up of visible electronic contacts maybe all that is needed.Do all this and see what improvements are being made.
Would be interested to hear how you have progressed.
A projector that I own was slow and not coming to speed (a 16mm one at that!) but doing the simple things as I have suggested got it goiong again.Dont know why I didnt think of this in my previous mails-must be my age!!
Posted by Jon Anders Klausen (Member # 818) on March 27, 2008, 01:26 PM:
I´m going to clean the parts one more time, then start it up again.

How long time do you recommend it run before i start the motor? I´m suspecting now that maybe I´m a wee bit impatient, starting to play the film before it has properly warmed up. Maybe when the parts are really cleand and it´s warmed up there will be no problem... Time will tell [Wink]

I´ll keep you updated!
Posted by Barry Johnson (Member # 84) on March 27, 2008, 01:55 PM:
When it is up and running and all lubricated,run it for at least an hour-with the lamp on-to really warm it through.
Good Luck!
Posted by Jon Anders Klausen (Member # 818) on March 27, 2008, 03:48 PM:
One hour, that's way more than I usually do it. I'll do that tomorrow.

I don't need to run it for an hour everytime I start, right? Need to ask just to be sure [Wink]

I think the lubrication is okey, all the wheels and such is all greased up with something. If I need to "refill", what should I use?
Posted by Barry Johnson (Member # 84) on March 28, 2008, 07:22 AM:
Of course not-its just to get it well run in!
As for grease,I use a very small amount of 'Lubriplate' grease,this is very similar to HMP (High Melting Point),usually coloured white.If does not melt under hot conditions and retains its viscosity.Also,it does not gum up with age.A particular advantage with 8mm kit.But please,use it sparingly as too much can be worse than too little!
You will have to check what is available in your part of the world,but thats the type of grease you will need.
Posted by Jon Anders Klausen (Member # 818) on March 28, 2008, 02:59 PM:
Thanks for the tip!

Well, I let the projector go for an hour after I cleaned the parts once more. Then I played 4x200ft and 2x400ft without any problems whatsoever!!! It no seems to be working as it should be [Big Grin]

Thanks for all your help Barry! I really appreciate it! [Smile]
Posted by Clive Carmock (Member # 347) on March 30, 2008, 03:18 PM:
My Eumig S936 used to do just that - run for a while and then start to slow down. I found that it was the lubrication on the nylon gears had started to dry out and as the machien warmed up the friction was too much for the motor and it woudl start to slow down.

After re-greasing the gears inside it now runs as perfectly as the day I bought it.

Posted by Knut Nordahl (Member # 518) on March 31, 2008, 02:44 AM:
Hi, Jon Anders
Send me an e-mail at knunor (att) hotmail - com if you are interrested in some films. I have some super8 reels/ cutdowns and odd reels i'm looking to sell cheap.


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