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Posted by Trevor Adams (Member # 42) on February 03, 2010, 04:49 AM:
-and breaking my heart [Frown] Anyone after bits?Trev
Posted by Maurizio Di Cintio (Member # 144) on February 03, 2010, 03:07 PM:
What happened, exactly?
Posted by David Kilderry (Member # 549) on February 03, 2010, 11:36 PM:
What lens is in it Trevor?

Posted by Trevor Adams (Member # 42) on February 10, 2010, 07:58 PM:
Maurizio,I don't know-it the digital counter stopped and the machine made loud zapping noises!
It was the 1.2 zoom David but it is winging it's way to Belgium [Smile] Trev
Posted by Maurizio Di Cintio (Member # 144) on February 11, 2010, 06:25 AM:
Hi, Trevor.
I'm very sorry for this mishap: this machine is heavily microchip-reliant: there is a big IC on the sound main board which controls all the functions related to both sound playback and recording. It also uses frame count to switch the machine from playback to record mode and viceversa; so perhaps this IC has died. In this case it might be very hard to find another one without escavanging an identical unit. But before mourning it might be worthwhile checking all the pins of that IC for possible interruptions: I'm not sure but it might be kept in position by a shoe rather than being soldered to the board so perhaps there is a contact failure causing the logics of the machine to get pretty much unreliable. Have a technician open the base of the projector and inspect all the connections.

Sorry I can't be more useful. Best of luck!

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