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Posted by Guy Taylor, Jr. (Member # 786) on October 22, 2010, 09:45 AM:
As Halloween draws closer, I am planning a special Halloween film show in my restaurant. Since Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, it works out perfect. I am normally closed on Sunday's so I can open the bar to sell drinks at not have to worry about the kitchen.
The feature will be "Vampire Circus" with selected short subjects.
If all goes well I will do it every year on the Sunday preceding Halloween night.
Was wondering how many other film collectors are planning a public screening for Halloween this year?
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on October 22, 2010, 10:41 AM:
Guy, what a great idea! I am sure your customers will love it and it will become an annual event.
No public showing for me, but I am having my annual Halloween Horror Night here in my home theater, along with a few guests.
The main feature will be The Others, supplemented by some S8mm shorts and my 200 foot stereo Night on Bald Mountain from Fantasia
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on October 22, 2010, 12:56 PM:
We'll have a double bill of
both S8.
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on October 22, 2010, 08:08 PM:
Every year, there are several references to film shows at Halloween, particularly by USA collectors, so it's clearly a well-established tradition. I wondered if this goes beyond collectors and extends to (eg) cinemas putting on special Halloween presentations?
Posted by Jean-Marc Toussaint (Member # 270) on October 23, 2010, 03:03 AM:
There will be some super 8 showing over the weekend but we haven't selected the titles yet. We're having some friends staying with us, one of them willing to start a collection, so this will be the perfect opportunity to show him what can be done with our beloved small format.
The main Halloween film show will be on 35 this year to celebrate our recently redecorated cinema. A selection of ads and trailers will be followed by "Runaway Brain". The feature will be "Swamp", a French "survival" that was released in theatres on the very same day as "Phantom Menace" 11 years ago but advertised as costing less than one minute of the Star Wars installment. Eric Bu, the director, will be introducing the movie in person.
Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on October 23, 2010, 03:19 AM:
I'll be showing Runaway Brain too
along with a couple silent Rascals in S8mm and maybe even a 16mm print of Frankenstein WITH the out takes from the DVD release
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on October 23, 2010, 05:15 AM:
Every year, there are several references to film shows at Halloween, particularly by USA collectors, so it's clearly a well-established tradition. I wondered if this goes beyond collectors and extends to (eg) cinemas putting on special Halloween presentations?
I don't know about the UK but when I was growing up in Ireland my local cinema used to put on Halloween doubles. I saw SON OF FRANKENSTEIN and HOUSE OF DRACULA on one occasion; EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN and HORROR OF DRACULA on another occasion. These shows were the highlight of my year - better than Christmas.
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on October 23, 2010, 05:46 AM:
It certainly does but the main problem is which movie do I go and see???
This Halloween at the Picturedrome Cinema,Bognor Regis
A Late Night Special Showing of Saw 3D and Burke and Hare.
On at 11pm, available through Advance Booking Only watch either Saw 3D or Burke and Hare into the early hours of Halloween morning
(No tickets will be available on the door, advance booking only before 9pm on the night)
Chris Allsopp
Picturedrome Cinema, 51 Canada Grove, Bognor Regis, PO21 1DW
Tel: 01243 841015
Fax: 01243 825702
This Cinema is Part of Picturedrome Electric Theatre Company Ltd
Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on October 23, 2010, 12:53 PM:
My ticket would go for Saw 3D
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on October 23, 2010, 05:36 PM:
Yes I am strangely drawn to SAW 3D too.
Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on October 23, 2010, 07:06 PM:
I have not yet stepped foot into a digital theater. Saw 3D may be the first and only time I do take the plunge. There are very few sequel or series films I like. SAW I one of them.
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on October 24, 2010, 06:26 AM:
SAW 3D should be a blast if it lives up to all of the hype surrounding it.
I have liked all of the SAW movies so far too.
Posted by Ricky Daniels (Member # 95) on October 25, 2010, 04:04 AM:
Mark, You're a sick man
but SAW 3D will get my vote too
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on October 25, 2010, 01:24 PM:
"I have not yet stepped foot into a digital theater. Saw 3D may be the first and only time I do take the plunge."
Wayne - according to the link below, you should be able to see 'Saw 3D' on 35mm, so why not check out via the Technicolor 3D site if you have a cinema equipped with their system nearby. Independent research resulted in their system getting as high an audience approval level as digital 3D, so I'd love to see a Forum member offer an opinion, having seen it.
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on October 25, 2010, 01:48 PM:
The Picturedrome Bognor Regis only shows 35 mm prints at present,so SAW 3D will be the real mccoy!!!
Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on October 25, 2010, 03:13 PM:
Adrian, I will have to see if I can find a theater within 50 miles of me that will show it in 35mm. In my little town, the ONE theater we have shows all 35mm except for one digital room they just converted. They have never shown any of the 3-D films on 35mm...only the digital room gets the nod. The next town up, shows everything, and they are 100% digital so I may have to travel. One way or another I will see SAW
The night before Halloween, our theater will be showing Rocky Horror at midnight so I may go catch that too.
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on October 25, 2010, 06:01 PM:
Wayne - A while back Technicolor announced that over 250 screens in North America have their system, so you might be lucky. It's also being installed in UK cinemas.
Posted by Brian Hendel (Member # 61) on October 30, 2010, 02:17 PM:
Having some friends over for Halloween in a couple hours and just spliced together the following films... some of them are wimps and don't want anything scary (no TX Chainsaw!) so this is what I came up with.
Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde (Trailer)
The Bride of Frankenstein (Trailer)
Hitchcock tours Psycho set (200')
Rocky Horror Picture Show (400')
Vincent (Tim Burton Cartoon)
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (400')
Legend of Sleepy Hollow (600' Disney)
Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on October 30, 2010, 02:59 PM:
Thanks for reminding me Brian, I need to splice in the out-take to Frankenstein for tomorrow.
Posted by Kurt Gardner (Member # 440) on October 31, 2010, 12:33 AM:
I think I'm going to run some Universal 8 400 footers: "Frankenstein," "Bride of Frankenstein," "Invisible Man" and "Psycho." I may throw in "The Exorcist" and the two Ken Films "Omen"s for good measure.
Tonight I saw "Halloween III" and "Trick 'R Treat" at our beloved L.A. revival theater, the New Beverly. In the row in front of me, Kate Mara (from "127 Hours" and "Entourage") was snuggling with Max Minghella (from "The Social Network"). It was nice to see that today's young actors still have some respect for the old style of film viewing. The New Beverly is strictly 35mm; no digital projection, and I think its sound system is analog Pro Logic at best.
"Halloween III" is still good cheesy fun. Reminiscent of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," but the acting bad! "Trick 'R Treat" is a more recent film (2007) written and directed by Michael Dougherty, who wrote "X-Men 2" and "Superman Returns." It had fun elements, but I liked it best when it was doing more freeform "Night Gallery"-style vignettes rather than sticking to a steady story. Nevertheless, I'm sure I still enjoyed it much more than I would have sitting through "Paranormal Activity 2."
Posted by John Skujins (Member # 1515) on October 31, 2010, 01:38 PM:
I showed "The Mummy's Ghost" 400-ft version with scenes added from the 200-footer.
Next was Tex Avery's "The Cuckoo Clock" with great color from Derann. Very Halloween-ish.
Then it was "Bold King Cole," a Felix the Cat color cartoon, which I just discovered is turning red. It has ghosts and therefore is appropriate for Halloween. Too bad about the color.
Last was an obscure B&W sound cartoon, "Lessons for the Birds." Not Halloween-ish but I just wanted to watch it. Includes some birds portraying the Marx Brothers.
Posted by Gary Crawford (Member # 67) on November 01, 2010, 07:38 AM:
Our church has "trunk or treat" every Halloween...many activties....and I always bring films to run's all outside, so I brought the Gemmy 12 foot inflatable screen...two super 8 machines...and 90 minutes of Halloween /ghost related shorts and cartoons....everything from Disney's Lonesome Ghosts, Trick or Treat , The Mad Doctor, Runaway Brain to Mighty Mouse's The Witches Cat, to Flip the Frog's Spooks and Cuckoo Murder Case.
We had about 2,000 kids and their parents come through during the evening. Some stayed for almost all the films..others just sat and watched for a while and off to the next activity. the GS1200 and the St800( souped up for a 200 watt bulb) performed beautifully.
Posted by Guy Taylor, Jr. (Member # 786) on November 01, 2010, 10:05 AM:
I only had about a dozen people show up; everyone seemed to be out on Saturday night instead. For those that were here; they all seemed to have a good time.
The program was as follows: Cinema ads # 24; Trailers for Herbie Fully Loaded and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; The Disney cartoon The Old Mill; and the Vampire Circus as the feature presentation.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on November 01, 2010, 10:28 AM:
Halloween III is excellent. Haven't seen it for years. Isn't it the "Silver Shamrock" company in that? Dan O'Herlihy? You're right, it's cheesy but a lot of fun....and with a catchy little tune in there as well
I'd love a 16mm print of this.
Posted by Kurt Gardner (Member # 440) on November 01, 2010, 06:29 PM:
That's the one. And the audience was roaring every time the jingle played.
The theater screened a really nice library print with decent color considering it was from the dreaded "pink Eastman" era.
Posted by John W. Black (Member # 1082) on November 01, 2010, 10:23 PM:
I did a show of;
Grave of the Vampire (Thanks Doug!)
Night Caller From Outer Space
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