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Posted by Andreas Borutta (Member # 2311) on November 29, 2010, 03:13 PM:
As I told already in my introduction, I have founded here in Wuppertal a Club of movie enthusiasts. So we meet us every month to have a good time and to enjoy the beauty of old super 8mm and 35 mm material. Here I like to inform you about the meetings. Last Friday was the day. Cause the weather was bad,up to 5 people could not come,so it was enough space for the others. After a warm welcome we started with my Super 8 version of North by Northwest. This Hitchcock film is in a beautiful condition,the colors and the focus are great. But my copie is not complet. 2 reels are missing.Some of the szene came from the MGM digest. My print runs about 90 minutes.
After that almost feature we had a 600 feet reel of old hollywood trailers from the fifties. We saw Niagara,the rainmaker,the robe ,Ivanhoe,Dial M for murder and more. then we changed to 35mm. we do it without any break,one moment you see super 8mm and think,the quality is not so bad,and then comes from one second to the next a unbeliviable Xenon light and a Image quality,that only 35 mm can offer. We saw 60 minutes trailer from german cinemascope trailers of the sixties and fifties. The best of them was the maybe in the whole world well known "Flying Clipper" from 1962. Next came two news reels with Fats Domino and the Beatles.Then came the Trash classic Dracula vs Frankenstein from 1971.Very funny Film,very bad acting,a cameo from Forest Ackermann,some szenes with Russ Tamblyn and of course the final film from Lon Chaney and J Carrol Nash. I am sure ,the Dracula is the worst Dracula of the filmhistory.Thanks god,the colors are still okay,no fading at all.After the Show I told my friends ,the next film we will watch on 35mm is a long Stan and Olli film from 1939.
Yes,this film evenings in wuppertal are the most importent event for me .I am looking for the next date.
Best wishes from germany
Posted by Claus Harding (Member # 702) on November 29, 2010, 04:03 PM:
This sounds like great fun!
I like how you have both Super-8 and 35mm; quite the contrast when presented.
Which Laurel and Hardy are you running in 35mm next?
If you can, post some pictures of your evenings.
Posted by Dino Everette (Member # 1378) on November 30, 2010, 02:02 AM:
very interested in what sort of 35mm set up you are using.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on November 30, 2010, 03:33 AM:
Indeed yes. I'm interested too.
Rare to hear of L&H 35mm prints these days.
Posted by Andreas Borutta (Member # 2311) on December 03, 2010, 04:00 PM:
Hello Claus
thank you for interest for my filmclub. The next feature,we will run on 35 mm is the L & H film the flying deuces from 1939.
Nice to see,that we are not alone.
Greetings from Germany
Posted by Andreas Chmielewski (Member # 2208) on December 07, 2010, 06:02 AM:
Hi Andreas,
if you next time film evening make. let know sometimes... would take part with pleasure in it.
I live only 45 minuten from Wuppertal away.
Greeting Andreas
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