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Posted by Brannon Carty (Member # 2582) on June 04, 2012, 09:44 AM:
Hi there,

I have an Super 8mm sound/color digest of Jaws on Super 8mm. I've been meaning to preserve forever due to some rare scenes that were altered in the final release. I'd prefer doing my own home telecine since my camera can shoot 24p video in 1080p. But is it worth it to spend money on a projector? I could probably use that money to get that one print transfered digitally.

Jaws is the only Super 8mm film I own, the only other ones I would try to get are other digests, but nothing else. Are there any cheap Sound Super 8mm projectors out there (within 50-120 range)?

Posted by Joe Balitzki (Member # 438) on June 05, 2012, 02:14 AM:
You won't be able to pay to have it professionally transferred because it is protected by Copyright. So if you want it done for your own private use, you will have to buy the necessary projector. But if you want it done well, it will cost you for the right setup. If you aren't planning on doing a lot of transfers, then I would simply keep the print. You have the print, so why bother? Remember, we prefer to watch film prints here. Otherwise we wouldn't be members of the Forum [Big Grin]

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