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Posted by Manuel Tapia (Member # 3249) on September 20, 2012, 09:17 PM:
With the premise that the lens is not working anymore, and pay to a specialist to clean would be more expensive that my whole projector, so I have 2 options clean it or buy it, I chose to clean by myself.
- Homemade lens wrench.
- Small screwdriver
- Lens Wipes
- 91% Isopropyl Alcohol, will be better 99% but I didn’t found it (Not use less that 91%)
- Cotton swabs
1.- First I removed the zoom screws
2.- Removed the back lens (the first one)
3.- I made I lens wrench using an old license plate cut with metal scissors
4 y 5 .- Removed the lens ring
6.- I removed the lens you can see how dirt was it
7.- I mark in the edge with a sharpe to know what was the internal side
8.- The zoom lens couldn’t remove is between the second lens base and the last one
9.- I try to remove the glue with the knife
10.- Then I try to release it, but I couldn’t, I read in the forum that could put a few drop of thinner or something like that to remove the glue, but should be careful to don’t touch the lens, so I thought that was too risky.
11.- So I decided to use an not elegant way , I introduce a cotton swab by the zoom slot and a drop of Isopropyl alcohol, and clean it carefully, of course was a perfect clean but I could remove all the dirt on it.
Here are a couple of before-after pics
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on September 21, 2012, 03:59 AM:
Excellent work there Manuel, a useful little tip when working
around lenses or any delicate surface, is to place a piece of tape
over the surface to protect it which is easily removed afterwards.
Posted by Salvatore Romeo (Member # 2872) on September 21, 2012, 05:02 AM:
well done , Manuel... a good work.
J want to make the same work in my ELMO 1.0 lens , because isn't very clean, but image that is very difficult.
Ask to all member, if you ever dissassemble a 1.0 Elmo for clean?
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on September 21, 2012, 06:08 AM:
Thanks for the pics!
Posted by Manuel Tapia (Member # 3249) on September 21, 2012, 09:31 AM:
Thanks guys,
Hugh, that is a excelent tip, i'll apply in my next projects
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