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Posted by Moshe Yitzhak (Member # 2718) on June 13, 2013, 04:01 PM:
i have a derann zorro title in which half of the film the picture is shaking real bad. i use elmo st180. if i want to stablize it i need to press down the upper thread push button. the green one. otherwise the picture is shaking.
happened only with 2 movies. all other films i put are good and very stable picture.
anyone knows why is it made so? i guess my projector is ok otherwise all films were shaking.
also check the sprockets on the zorro film all ok. very weird. any thoughts on it?
Posted by Janice Glesser (Member # 2758) on June 13, 2013, 05:23 PM:
The film could have shrunk causing the sprocket holes to be out of alignment with the claw.
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on June 13, 2013, 05:35 PM:
Hi Moshe, that is a good point Janice made, how old is the film?
Otherwise, it might just need a lubricant, could be a "green print"
I hope that the film isn't shrunk.The suggestion I would give if
Janice is correct, would be to immerse it in a gentle film restorer/
cleaner like Filmrenew, there is a chap on this forum who can
give instruction on film restoration and how to make your own
film lube quite cheaply. Anyway.treat the film and report back,
we're waiting.Re-reading your post,I don't think it might be old
stock, Derann did have the odd print that was badly split, it
might be that.Anyway,give it a wipe with lubricant,it just might
cure it.If not, it might need the attention of the "Equaliser",
a piece of gear made by a UK company to cure badly split prints.
Posted by Moshe Yitzhak (Member # 2718) on June 14, 2013, 08:22 AM:
where can i buy this lube?
how can i use it? shoud i ran the film on my prohector reel to reel (not through lens) and in between the reels to lube the film with what cloth/metirial to sprey on the lube and to do a "sandwich" to the film with the cloth with the lube in it? im newbie on cleaning films. never needed to do anything like this..
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on June 14, 2013, 12:33 PM:
I agree with all points stated above.
However, I can think of another possible problem. Kind of drawing upon points made by Hugh.
I own another Derann print (Sleeping Beauty), and when the previous owner received it, it turned out that the film had been slit incorrectly (or roughly), and shifted around a lot when playing. It was equilised, and now the problem is barely noticable.
However, I wouldn't rush into this without being first sure that that is the problem.
I've had prints that were a bit dry and jumped about before, but they were fixed with a bit of lubricant, which I found on ebay.
Posted by Moshe Yitzhak (Member # 2718) on June 14, 2013, 12:54 PM:
im going to buy mine from paul foster.
i like his service.
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on June 14, 2013, 01:04 PM:
If Don Knotts was playing Zorro that would account for the shaking. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about it.
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