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Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on January 03, 2014, 10:33 AM:
Went to Classic open day this morning and had the Pleasure of meeting Lee and his wife there as well as my first time meeting Phil from Classic. Would first like to thanks Lee for hunting me out some must have's to a collection and for the short bit of education you were able to give me on titles and companies. I was able to pick up the following titles : Star wars on 800ft, Empire strikes back on 800ft, King Kong on 2 x 600ft, Laurel and Hardy's the music box on 400ft, Scope trailer of The Spy who Shagged me and Mask of Zorro (sadly sound didnt work), 3 x Tom and Jerry's ( Designs on Jerry,Purr Chance to dream and Skaters),200 ft jason and the Argonauts, 400 ft mix Optical with Power boat racing,Shark fishing,Popye cartoon andBallet of the Dolphins and a 200ft of Spoilers. Also managed to pick up a scope bracket for my lense and some spare reels.So very happy with my first trip to Classic and will definatley be returning again for more [Smile]
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on January 03, 2014, 11:03 AM:
Excellent finds William. If I was on that side of the pond I would have gone. That's what makes this hobby so interesting and enjoyable. [Wink]


Posted by Vidar Olavesen (Member # 3354) on January 03, 2014, 11:23 AM:
Can I ask how much you had to pay for the Star Wars and Empires? And if you've seen them, how was the quality? I assume they are the 2 400' spliced together.

I want a trip there soon too, but it do cost a bit with hotels and plane
Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on January 03, 2014, 01:12 PM:
Hi yes just finished watching them both 2 x 400 spliced together i paid £15 for Star Wars as was slightly faded but not as bad as i thought it would be. Paid £30 for Empire strikes Back much much better quality and had full trailer for Return of the Jedi at the end as well which was a bonus i didnt even know it was on it [Smile]
Posted by Vidar Olavesen (Member # 3354) on January 03, 2014, 01:15 PM:
Okay, so his prices are better in store than online, it seems. I really want to go there now :-)

Thank you
Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on January 03, 2014, 01:34 PM:
They were copies he had not yet put up for sale yet i think. They were in the to do pile [Smile] also it was the open day sale as well which probably helped.
Posted by Austin Holcomb (Member # 2507) on January 04, 2014, 06:05 AM:
Which Jason one did you get? Having all 200' spliced onto a 600' reel is a must have. [Smile]
Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on January 04, 2014, 08:30 AM:
Austin not had a chance to watch it yet but will do this evening when im back from work and let you know.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on January 04, 2014, 08:48 AM:
3 x Tom and Jerry's ( Designs on Jerry,Purr Chance to dream and Skaters)
I am now compiling all TJ titles available on super 8mm here:;f=1;t=008830

I am interested to know, which TJ "Skaters". I never knew there is such TJ title. Could you clarify pls?
Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on January 04, 2014, 12:43 PM:
Hi Winbert i would imagine it will have a different name i am only going on what it says on reel case.It is an episode where Jerry and his little Nephew use the freezer to freeze water they have spilled the kitchen to do some ice skating which annoys Tom so he gets some skates on and gives chase.Nice scene when they use the different colour jellies to make various spot light colours to dance to [Smile]

Austin the 200ft is The golden fleece and a very very pink copy has a commentary of what is happening in various parts And finishes with jason killing the multi headed serpent hope this helps [Smile]
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on January 04, 2014, 01:53 PM:
Hi Will and really nice to be of help in ‘the hunt’ for you. You picked up some great films there and the Jedi trailer was a real plus well done. Phil does like to encourage new collectors and has also supported me over the years with some very nice finds plus his very good lady wife is a wonderful person so you will gather both my wife and I love our visits to Classic and do our best to support his endeavours.

It was nice to see a healthy stock of brand new prints as well and as you know Will we had the privilege of sifting through boxes of yet unlisted lucky dip films which I am guessing you are wondering what I found? After a unfruitful Christmas hunt for ‘Big Business’ Phil had a brand new print, I also got a number of other rarities but perhaps best of all was a brand new Disney 16mm colour print which bowled me over. It’s one of those things film hunting in that you never know what you will find and a joy when you truly find something amazing. Once again Phil saved the day with projector spares helping me with an important part for one of my machines so I have a little repair job next week to tackle. All in all another wonderful visit at the shop of Classic Home Cinema and we express our thanks to Phil and Denise for the warm welcome once again.

A bit of hot news for you. The magazine has just gone to print so if you don’t already subscribe be quick and contact classic as you may just be in time to order your copy but do be very quick or you may miss out.

Phil is also going ahead with his two day August event again and the date will I am sure appear in the magazine a little later.
Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on January 05, 2014, 02:52 AM:
Hi Lee glad you had the same success for yourself as you did for me haha. I will definatley be returning in August and hope to find some other exciting titles. Did you leave the copy of Scrooge behind? i was very tempted by it one of the great movies in my opinion.
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on January 05, 2014, 03:29 AM:
Yes it is still there Will and in the wrapping. We were very fortunate to have the pick of the un-listed films first thing in the day and we had a good film evening here last night watching them all. I’m saving myself to show the brand new 16mm Disney film I found and will really enjoy that when I run it.Off to bash the drums at Church now Yay!
Posted by Larry Arpin (Member # 744) on January 05, 2014, 02:34 PM:
That Tom & Jerry 'Skaters' sounds like Mice Follies.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on January 05, 2014, 07:24 PM:
Yes Lary, upon searching on the net, "Mice Follies" is found to be aka "Ice Skaters".

So I am now curios to know, does the credit title also show "Ice Skaters"?
Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on January 06, 2014, 02:18 AM:
Winbert i will find out for you i know it was made in 1953.
Posted by Austin Holcomb (Member # 2507) on January 07, 2014, 05:05 AM:
I believe that the Golden Fleece is the last one. Tracking down the other 3 is a must. It will probably be easier to find all for and sell the other one. Finding ones with identical color is almost impossible.

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