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Posted by Barry Attwood (Member # 100) on November 01, 2014, 05:21 AM:
I'm afraid it was another poor response, I had a total of 23 Enties, thus generating a prize of £46, I've topped it up by £4 to generate a prize fund of £50 in CREDIT. I've decided to split the CREDIT into 2 prizes, first prize is a £30 CREDIT NOTE, second prize is a £20 CREDIT NOTE.
1st Prize of the £30 CREDIT NOTE went to: Mr. Cyril F. Gittings (a rare postal entry as well).
2nd Prize of the £20 CREDIT NOTE went to: Mr. Mark Mander.
I've awarded 2 special prizes of Music 2xCD sets, they are brand new. The first winner is Mr. J. Constable who will receive a 2CD set of Frank Sinatra music. The 2nd winner of a Music 2CD is Mr. R. Young who will receive a 2 CD set of Willie Nelson music.
I've added these extra prizes as a thank you to all those who bothered to enter my competitions, and as this is most probably my last ever, I thought I'd add a little extra to it this time. I'm afraid I'm not inclined to set anymore competitions, as the response is so poor, and I feel that I'm wasting my own time and Money, which is a shame as I enjoy setting them.
Anyway congratulations to the four winners.
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on November 01, 2014, 05:45 AM:
Nice one Barry
Sorry to hear about the poor response very disheartening
Posted by Andrew Woodcock (Member # 3260) on November 01, 2014, 06:52 AM:
Such a shame to hear Barry after all of the effort you put in
Posted by Nigel Higgins (Member # 4312) on November 01, 2014, 11:25 AM:
Such a shame barry enjoyed entering it ,getting all those facts from film history .
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on November 01, 2014, 01:34 PM:
It is rather sad, to be sure, with the potential thousands who belong to the forums ...
(granted, many of those are "one time" members who just became members to attempt to sell they're collections and never posted again)
... you'd think that there would be more involvement to support the hobby. It's one thing to complain about the hobby not being supported by new releases, contests, ect.
It's another whole thing to actually DO SOMETHING about it.
For instance, supporting a great contest like these ones that Barry has done, all out of a love for hobby, or putting forth new releases, or at least bringing forth the raw film stock or negatives in order to see new releases generated, (as myself and a few others on this forum have done in the past and in the present as well).
Just something to think about folks.
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on November 01, 2014, 02:40 PM:
Hi Barry, I'm very sorry to hear your not doing any more competitions but am really pleased to receive my second prize credit note, many thanks, Mark
Posted by Barry Attwood (Member # 100) on November 02, 2014, 10:49 AM:
Thanks for the responses, on my competitions, I'll quote Sean Connery when asked if he'd ever play bond again after "Diamonds Are Forever"...'Never Say Never Again'.
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on November 02, 2014, 11:03 AM:
James Bond will return in......................
Posted by Kevin Hassall (Member # 2352) on November 02, 2014, 11:05 AM:
I know i was one thinkin i'll do it another day then another but 5mins of our time thats all it takes as for our barry he has a buisness to run and what a superb one at that he thinks a lot of us all well done our barry
Posted by Andrew Woodcock (Member # 3260) on November 02, 2014, 11:09 AM:
Hopefully Barry, it will indeed be .. Never Say Never Again!
The problem I find is though there may be over 4000 members on here, only around 75 regularly post!! What's all that about????
Posted by Vidar Olavesen (Member # 3354) on November 02, 2014, 11:56 AM:
I think the competition is fun, even with no prizes (I never win anything anyway ... Just with my wife, she's number 1 prize)
Also like the cover competition someone on here does from time to time, but they're harder than the questions :-)
Posted by Rob Young. (Member # 131) on November 03, 2014, 03:52 AM:
Thanks for my prize Barry!
Why don't more people enter???
It really is strange.
Posted by Barry Attwood (Member # 100) on November 03, 2014, 04:37 AM:
I wish I knew, it leaves me scratching my head everytime, as all the answers can be found on the internet (in one form or another), it just takes a little time to find them.
Oh well I tried, some people just can't be bothered, after all it's still something for doing (relatively) nothing, just using your brain and knowledge of films (which is why we are all on the Forum in the first place, you would think!) to, in this instance find 9 answers to 9 questions.
As they say, if anyone can shed some more light on why people don't enter...'Answers on a Post Card'.
Posted by Kevin Hassall (Member # 2352) on November 03, 2014, 04:52 AM:
Mine is on the way barry ha ha
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