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Posted by Kirk Hawthorne (Member # 4673) on February 03, 2015, 08:34 AM:
So I read some pretty scary opinions on bell & howell super 8 projectors. I have a few that I'm trying to bring back to life. The one I have the most hope for, a 357 b, seems to run well...until the film is loaded, the film jitters, and the advance by the gate does not sync with the sprocket holes, very troublesome. I would like advice on lubing the projector as well as the film. Might it be a belt issue? I did run a Charlie Chaplin film once, with no catches, but haven't been able to repeat it.
Posted by Mathew James (Member # 4581) on February 03, 2015, 10:05 AM:
Hi Kirk,
I have a different model B&H, but I am somewhat familiar with the frustration on these machines. When they work, they are pretty neat, however they seem to be hit and miss. This i why i eventually tried an elmo(180ST/600ST) and was not disappointed.
I always keep isopropyl alcohol and compressed air in a can handy. I clean out every part of the path i can get too, and then blow it all out bigtime.
Try to watch an old piece of film go through(don't use a good film obviously) and see where you feel it may be starting to do this.
Does it make it to the gate without a hiccup? If not, try to isolate what edge(s) it may be getting caught on. Make sure film has a fresh trimmed edge with the BH cutter shape(not half mooned like the elmo edge for example).
If it jumps at the gate only, it could be that the springs of the gate are weak now and need replacing to better hold film tighter against. I am not ure how to exactly test the tension here, but if new springs can be found, it will help i am sure...
Clean the claw area real good and carefully not to bend the claws entering into and out of the sprocket holes(qtip with isopropyl 97%+)....
Someone else will have some better help/info i am sure....
Posted by Andrew Woodcock (Member # 3260) on February 03, 2015, 10:08 AM:
I always find it funny when a projector produces jitter, people tend always to start placing a can of oil here there and everywhere or start wanting to change drive belts etc.
Seldom in my experience of super 8 machines, is it anything remotely to do with either of these intended remedies.
Posted by Jon Addams (Member # 816) on February 03, 2015, 12:45 PM:
I always find it funny when a projector produces jitters, people tend always to start placing a can of oil here there and everywhere or start wanting to change drive belts etc.
Seldom in my experience of super 8 machines, is it anything remotely to do with either of these intended remedies.
Agree 100%
When you are getting jitters and/or jumpy pictures on a Bell & Howell projector either the 3xx or 4xx series normally can be traced to:
1.- Loss of film loop due to damaged film
2.- Green film (rare these days)
3.- Suttle tooth Worn
4.- Misaligned shuttle tooth
5.- Grooves worn in aperture plate film guide rail
6.- Upper and/or lower loop former binding.
Good luck
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