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Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on November 05, 2017, 06:46 PM:
I wanted to put out there a public service announcement/warning in case anyone is looking into using Ritter Media for the repair of any Super 8 equipment you may have.
I came across them many years ago because I saw their stickers on a Beaulieu 6008 Super 8 camera. They modify them and I had heard they did good work.
So around April of this year I contacted them to see if they could put my Beaulieu 708 HTI back to original factory spec as they told me that they have the original Beaulieu parts as well as the original service personnel that worked on the items when Beaulieu was up and running.
My Beaulieu 708 HTI was working very well but i wanted them to go through it to see if they could spot any potential problems down the road as well. Just a factory "tune up".
So the Beaulieu 708 HTI is a very rare and expensive machine. I have had the item shipped from Wiberg Photo in Sweden to Bjorn in Beaulieu Sweden, and then here to me in NYC and it arrived in MINT condition as was stated before purchase. Additionally it was sent to the West Coast a while back and it came back to me in the same pristine condition.
When it has been sent it was always double boxed, lots of bubble wrap and then foam on all sides of the box so that the item was like an egg. A 50lb egg that withstood the abuses of international and domestic travel.
They received the item and said all was well they would let me know when it was ready. It took them a bit as a few times I called I was told the service person (they must only have one?) is on Holiday. After about 4 months they told me it was ready and to do payment via Bank transfer. They do not take credit card. I was charged around 400
Euros including return shipping.
When the item arrived it was in a large oversized box, wrapped with bubble wrap 2 times around, no foam (why didn't they use my original box?), and filled with flo pak.

As I dug around I found the projector near the bottom of the box and now I was a little concerned. It arrived at my work so I couldn't really take a look in depth but I pulled it out of the box and took it home.
When I unwrapped the bubble wrap I found this:

I immediately contacted Ritter Media and told them I didn't want to turn on the machine until I heard back from their service person to see if he possibly worked on the Ballast and Ignitor and accidentally "left" the old transformer and bracket out.
They informed me that he was on "holiday" and would get back to me. About a week later Ritter Media said that he didn't work on the Ballast or Ignitor and that it looked like the damage was caused by mishandling.
So I turned it on. The fan doesn't come on. The lamp doesn't come on. But at least it threads properly. If the bulb was damaged due to their negligence I am looking at a minimum of at least $250 dollars before any repairs and not including the $250 to send it to them initially and then the 400 Euros to get it back. Very expensive lesson for me.
I asked them how could they not double box the item and not pack properly.
Their reply was:
We are extremely sorry that there were such difficulties in the delivery. We usually pack with "Flo-Pak Green" which are recyclable, dust-free and antistatic. These build up biologically. Styrofoam is no longer used. The disadvantage of the "Flo-Pak Green" is that these can be easily pressed under pressure. There are no problems with shipping within the EU.
We have almost no experience with transport to the EU abroad. Since this is a transport damage, this is of course to be complained. We are sure that we have packed the unit properly."
I then asked them to file a claim and they said the receiver has to do it. Then I asked them if they insured the item and they said they did not because I did not ask them to!
At this point in time the giant box filled with Flo Pak green and nothing else had been sitting at my work place but it had now been at least 2 weeks as I had been waiting for Udo Hoffman at Ritter Media to contact me in regards to the transformer. In that time someone threw out the big box. But I was hopeful that Ritter Media would take some responsibility for the inadequate pack job and the failure to insure or offer insurance.
I sent them an email and asked if I sent it back and paid for the shipping would the repair the unit and pay for return shipping back to me.
The reply was:
“What the image shows is inside the winding or unwinding arm inside. It is me squat like this part can break off. It is the attachment for snapping the coil arm. Can only happen by gross force, fall, or shock damage. I do not think it is a transport damage. There will be no coil arm, so we can’t give you a coil arm anymore.”
6 months warranty on the work carried out. If there are other problems which are not covered by the warranty, a new repair request is required with the complete procedure. As I see it, it is not a guarantee.
If the equipment has actually been damaged, the transport company is liable if the equipment has been properly packed. From our point of view it was that. We have never had a self-inflicted transport damage in the past."
So now they are saying the broken arm is not transport damage? Are they saying I broke the arm and dropped it when I got it? Really?
And after that all emails have gone unanswered. I think this company is a disgrace and since payment was done via bank transfer i have no recourse except to warn people NOT to use Ritter Media.
Please pass this on. I have received a replacement arm from a wonderful member here and am in the process of refurbishing the unit back to its original glory. Fingers crossed.
Posted by Phil Murat (Member # 5148) on November 06, 2017, 01:36 AM:
Hi Alan,
This Repair Station is lying concerning packaging.
There are UN-professional and they have NO IDEA of Packkaging Rules from ISO NORMS * (In that case a fall test high is 60cm on each side of package without any damage for the machine).
What I can see is machine suffers from more than one fall .
However as the package has not been done through ISO rules requirements, Postmail Compagny can not be declared guilty. Sender "Ritter" is faulty in that case.
ISO Packaging Rules last updating is year 2015 . So If you send a Beaulieu machine in its Original Foam made in years 80, it is not warranty it comply with new rules (To be confirm).
* Normes ISO 2248 & ISO 2206
Fall Test is on Page 10 & 11
It's a shame a repair station charged you a lot for such a result :
From my side this Repair Station is defenitly BLACK LISTED !!
Posted by Maurice Leakey (Member # 916) on November 06, 2017, 06:03 AM:
Many thanks for sharing your disastrous experience with this company. I do hope that you will be able to get your rare gem back to good health as soon as possible.
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on November 06, 2017, 07:34 AM:
What a nightmare Alan, I really feel your pain. And what a disgraceful response from that company. There are well defined rules and procedures for packaging items to withstand drops during shipping. This item should have been double boxed with about 8 inches of appropriate packing material between the inner and outer box, and it should have been insured by them. I trust no one on this forum will ever deal with this company again.
Posted by Mathew James (Member # 4581) on November 06, 2017, 08:26 AM:
Sorry to hear this Alan. So sad. People are all about money these days and couldn't care less about the customer.
Service is complete when the customer is happy, not before.
I hope this company is happy to know MANY on this forum will NEVER EVER use them now.
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on November 06, 2017, 08:46 AM:
Alan, so sorry to hear the outcome of this. I won't use them and they are losing a lot of potential customers.
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on November 06, 2017, 09:06 AM:
Thanks for the replies. The box I sent them the Beaulieu in was a custom made box. It was about the size of a small washing machine but it was very, very safe. Why they didn't use it to send back my machine one only knows. In hindsight I should have known their might be a problem in terms of packing for them. In one of the first emails I received from them they told me to make sure I use some "crumpled newspaper" in the box for padding! I just didn't think they literally meant that but maybe they did.
The box I received from them was like a small washing machine box too but when it arrived it was the soft cardboard so it wasn't sharp on all sides anymore. It looked like it could have held a soft bean bag. Not that bad but it was NOT strong enough for the weight of the item. And my heart sank when I had to reach all the way down to the bottom of the box to find the projector. Because there was no other padding except for the Flo Pak green.
Hopefully the next time this company ships a heavy package they will have learned a thing or two but judging by their response they will continue to pack the way they do and not insure packages unless "asked" to. Even if the machine is worth 4000 euros.
Posted by Steven J Kirk (Member # 1135) on November 06, 2017, 11:39 AM:
If this had happened to me and I had received that garbled reply/excuse I would have gotten myself on a flight with machine in hand and presented myself on the company's doorstep. The damage is clearly a result of poor packing...
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on November 06, 2017, 04:00 PM:
Haha! I would but why throw good money after bad? I'll just move on and maybe Bjorn with Beaulieu Sweden can work his magic again. I'll report back once all is done. 👍
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on November 08, 2017, 06:00 AM:
Such a company is to run away from...
Posted by Bill Brandenstein (Member # 892) on November 10, 2017, 07:12 PM:
Do they have Yelp over there? What a horrible story,and so sorry to hear of this. It should be visible to local customers also.
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on May 16, 2018, 12:42 AM:
Hello everyone who has followed this thread. Here is the update:
The Beaulieu made its way to Sweden into the hands of Bjorn of Beaulieu Sweden. It is fitting as he is the one who checked it out the very first time before I received it many years ago.
First thing he did was repair the power supply and also did what I didn't think was possible. He straightened out the bent bottom chassis so that it is even on all sides. It looks like the machine had never been dropped!

Then he went and replaced the arm with original Beaulieu parts and it is straight and true!

And finally he replaced the bent fan on the lamphouse door. Also the machine was checked for all the problems it had went to Ritter for and now the machine runs quietly and steady like a Swiss (French) watch.

Bjorn went out of his way to bring the machine back to its previous glory and to say I am happy with his work is an understatement. He is truly a superb craftsman and excellent at what he does. I would say the "BEST". The machine is in superb condition once again
So I contacted Ritter one last time and explained to them all the expenses I have incurred in getting the machine to them and then back to me then to Bjorn and back to me. I asked them to at least, at the bare minimum, to refund me my original fee I paid them which was 400 Euros. That was last week and they have not replied. And I do not think they will.
Sad that they run the business like they do.
And it goes without saying that Bjorn shipped my machine back double boxed--with both boxes having more than enough packing material. The way a true professional packs.
Thank you Bjorn and shame on you Ritter Media. I hope they go out of business.
And a final thank you to the member who sent me a Beaulieu take up arm to be used in case I could not find a replacement arm. Your kindness and generosity are very much appreciated
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on May 16, 2018, 01:46 AM:
Woow....good work Bjorn!
BTW, Alan out of my curiosity, what is the regulation in the States to avoid the Custom thought we were buying a projector (hence putting an import tax for something belong to us)? How do you declare it?
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on May 16, 2018, 01:53 AM:
It was sent back as an item being returned due to repair.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on May 16, 2018, 02:00 AM:
OK... when I was in Canada, I sold an item via Ebay but was returned to me due to a paypal's claim....Custom charged me with an import tax
Do you mind to tell me what is your favorite projector now, Elmo GS1200 or Beaulieu 708 (with equal lens and lamp brightness, surely)?
Posted by Maurice Leakey (Member # 916) on May 16, 2018, 02:35 AM:
I'm glad to hear your news of your returned Beaulieu. Working, at last.
Posted by Matthieu van der Sluis (Member # 6040) on May 16, 2018, 04:55 AM:
A great ending of a horrible story, thankfully to our super hero Bjorn.
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on May 16, 2018, 05:12 AM:
Great to hear that this 'horror story' had a happy ending, other than the exasperating level of expenditure!
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on May 16, 2018, 07:59 AM:
Glad it's all sorted Alan but I wouldn't have posted such a machine in the first place,I've had so many damaged over the years I just wouldn't put myself through it,it really is a lottery these days,Mark
Posted by Alan Gouger (Member # 31) on May 16, 2018, 09:59 AM:
Glad it's all sorted Alan but I wouldn't have posted such a machine in the first place,I've had so many damaged over the years I just wouldn't put myself through it,it really is a lottery these days,Mark
Hi Mark, here in the states there is a lack of qualified service techs to repair these machines. Sadly we have no other option but to roll the dice and ship overseas. Good job Alan.
Glad to hear Alan has his machine back in new operating condition and can now enjoy watching film again. Also nice to see there is still a qualified tech to work on our beloved machines.
Posted by Phil Murat (Member # 5148) on May 16, 2018, 01:04 PM:
Hello Alan,
I am very happy you got back your machine in very beautiful condition !!
Now you can enjoy your favorites movies again.
Congratulations !!!
WITTER is a name to forget , black listed for ever.
Posted by Oliver F. R. Feld (Member # 1911) on May 16, 2018, 03:36 PM:
What will be (or was meanwhile) the first feature You are going to enjoy?
Beaulieu 708 forever...!
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on May 16, 2018, 04:34 PM:
I guess I'll start with the Muppet Movie 600ft by Walton!
Posted by Matthieu van der Sluis (Member # 6040) on May 17, 2018, 03:08 AM:
Ohh man, the beautifull films you guy's all have.
Muppet Movie, Roger Rabbit, ET, Indiana Jones; last Crusade.
What was I am doing all the time.
I'm going to watch; Match of the Century again, hahahahaha.
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