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Posted by Mark L Barton (Member # 1512) on March 29, 2018, 09:02 AM:
Hello, even though I have 2 Elmo GS1200's I have no idea (or the extra equipment needed) how to re record some of my super 8 features. I have a lot of Italian language super 7 features of titles hard to get hold of on 8mm, but I dont speak Italian. Years a go I sent Keith Wilton a mute print of You Only Live Twice plus the vhs (said it was years ago) and he recorded (perfectly) the sound for me. So I ask, does anyone offer this sound re-recording service in England? Im happy to pay a service charge and cover postage to and from etc. OR can someone advise how I do it myself? Many thanks
Posted by Bill Brandenstein (Member # 892) on April 02, 2018, 09:10 PM:
Mark, I hope someone comes along who is local to you and can help you. Otherwise, you're looking for a way to dub from DVD or VHS to your film prints. I like to use a computer to capture the existing audio and bring in the new track to make sure they match. Some sort of ESS Pulse control makes this foolproof. Have you searched this forum for other discussions on how others have done this?
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on April 03, 2018, 07:42 AM:
Hi Mark
You can rerecord a film yourself without any fancy equipment,if you have the DVD and your GS can record sound then your there,all you have to do is set the speed on the GS to the DVD,You will be able to do quite a few feet of film before it drifts out of sync but with a keen eye and the odd adjustment you can rerecord in this way,what is it you need recording? Mark.
Posted by Mark L Barton (Member # 1512) on April 03, 2018, 08:41 AM:
Hi, I have quite a few Italian audio prints, James Bond etc and would like the mag audio in English. OK I'll use the speed adjust pot and try that. cheers
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on April 03, 2018, 09:04 AM:
Hi Mark
You won't need to adjust a speed pot as the GS has a variable speed adjuster,for the PAL UK discs the machine needs to be set at 25fps,once you've got that right you will be able to record in sync,failing that get a sync unit and the machine will Crystal sync itself depending which model you have,Mark
Posted by Oliver F. R. Feld (Member # 1911) on April 03, 2018, 09:13 AM:
Hi Mark,
I re-record features with my great Elmo GS 800;
and the results are breathtaking.
So I think You will have the best results with Your GS 1200.
Some advices:
take a good Look at the DVD or BluRay before starting to re-record:
some of them are out of sync themselves.
I re-recorded the FANTASIA-segments for example and THE NIGHT ON BALD MOUNTAIN has approx.1 second difference between picture and sound.
Believe Your ears, not Your eyes.
I re-recorded some italian prints; they often have big differences at reel changes.
It’s always better to use the speed button than to re-start and re-start.
And if You have to re-start look for a good scene without music and a minimum of 2 seconds before a sentence begins: otherwise You will hear a funny sound later at the screening.
And italian prints mostly have only one soundstripe. Don’t forget to bring the complete Stereo signals onto stripe 1; the italian soundstripe is very good in my opinion and the results are very good.

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