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Posted by John A Reid (Member # 6577) on October 05, 2018, 05:25 PM:
Can anyone identify a possible source for this Manual???
(I just purchased the Super 8 Projector on eBay and don't want to screw up!)
Posted by Janice Glesser (Member # 2758) on October 05, 2018, 06:27 PM:
Hi John...Most of this style B&H projectors operated very similarly. If you can't locate a manual for this exact model... Check out the manuals for similar projectors in the 8mm projector manual section of this site.
Posted by John A Reid (Member # 6577) on October 06, 2018, 01:08 PM:
Janice: Thanks for response. My lightly used 483Z (eBay) arrived today. Runs film fine but seems very noisy possibly from fans/belt drive or whatever - may be bearings or lube dried out.
I extracted Service Manual for B&H 459 (from your Link) and am trying to access internals without breaking film guides etc.
Most items seem to be mounted on single front plate. I removed the six screws from that plate, but there still seems to be something stopping full removal of plate to access fan and motor area? I reckon I need to persist so I can clean up gears and check fan drive etc
Any clues?
Posted by Janice Glesser (Member # 2758) on October 06, 2018, 02:06 PM:
John...On some models there a couple screws on the bottom of the projector that also have to be removed to remove the back cover. Take a look at this video that shows how to remove the back cover and see if it helps with your model.
If you get access to the fan and motor...just a few drops of oil and letting it run for awhile might quiet it down. Also clean up any hardened grease on the gears helps and replace grease with some SuperLube.
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