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Posted by Chuck Carson (Member # 6436) on August 31, 2019, 10:07 PM:
I have made a Timeline of Audio and Video. Now I want to trim the front and end before I export. When I use the SPLIT AT PLAYHEAD to set up each end of a piece only one of the tracks is Split. Is there a way to SPLIT OFF a piece at the beginning from both tracks at the same time?
Posted by Mike Spice (Member # 5957) on September 01, 2019, 03:21 AM:
Not something I know off the top of my head but my best guess would be look for a tutorial at you tube
Perhaps this might help
Posted by Chuck Carson (Member # 6436) on September 02, 2019, 12:18 PM:
Found the following from Sauron in the Shotcut Forum
look for REMOVE and Chunk...
Get the latest version of Shotcut. Make a backup of your MLT. Enable Ripple All Tracks and Ripple Trim and Drop. Drag the clip to close the gap. Or remove the blank area to close the gap.

I am working with it -- it kinda works...
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