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Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on October 01, 2019, 02:18 PM:
Recently i came across an old magazine which contained two very good pages regarding the Beatles on film. While not an avid fan of the Beatles i do like quite a few of there records. We ourselves have a couple of excellent super 8 films with The group. Due to the small resizing that has to be done on here i thought i would just share the items listed as available at that time on super 8.
The Beatles in Manchester, (Pathe) 200ft b/w
The Beatles in Concert 200ft b/w
Let it be 150ft colour
(all the above from Derann)
The Beatles Japan Concert 400ft colour
The Beatles Hollywood Bowl Concert,(64) 150ft colour
The Beatles De-lux Trailer reel 400ft colour
Around the Beatles 400ft TV Special b/w
Beatles trailer reel 200ft colour
Beatles in Concert, Washington (pt 1) (64) 400ft
Beatles in Concert, Washington (pt 2) (64) 400ft
Beatles interview and songs 200ft b/w
Magical Mystery Tour (complete 50 mins) col or b/w
Hard Days Night Trailer 200ft b/w
Help Trailer
Back in the USSR/Revolution (?) b/w and colour
(all the above were Nile's film prints available from Regent films.
The Beatles before becoming famous 3 minutes
Beatles concert trailer 30 minutes b/w
Beatles in Concert (pt 2 of Washington concert) super 8 20 minutes
Beatles interview 1964 3 minutes
Beatles rehearsal for Hey Jude b/w
Concert for Bangladesh trailer 4 minutes colour
John & Yoko experimental film 6 minutes colour
Portrait of Paul, (baby i'm amazed) 5 minutes b/w
Revolution, super 8 (?) colour
(all above from Reel images)
The Beatles at Shea Stadium, (65) super 8 5 minutes colour also b/w
this one was available from Glenn photo supplies.
New releases that were available via Regent films were
Holland Concert 400ft b/w
M.B.E Interview 200ft b/w
A note for the Beatles interviews and songs reel, this reel actually didn't contain any interviews, in fact all it had was TV clips of Penny Lane and also a rehearsal session of Hey Jude, different to the recording.
The Beatles Japan or Tokyo concert, This one was prints were from videotape original. Regent did offer this at less than full price because they looked washed out.
The items we have in our super 8 collections are,
The 2 x 400ft version of Around the Beatles, ours is mounted onto 1 x 800ft spool.
The 200ft Beatles in concert which is simply the Beatles only performances from Around the Beatles,
The 200ft release The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan shows.
We did have the Beatles pathe reel in scope but sold it due to fade. This one we would like to get as the later Derann re release with great colours but flat.
Another one i sold on but wished i hadn't was the trailer to Yellow Submarine.
Around the Beatles was released as a 42 minute version which included all the guests. Regent films also released a 20 minute imported version containing only the Beatles and there songs which included "shout", (also in the fuller 42 minute version we have), This was a song which was never released as a song by the Beatles.
Anything anyone can add or correct me on this subject would be appreciated.
Personally, i never realised that so much Beatles material was released on the 8mm gauge
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on October 01, 2019, 03:12 PM:
is the Derann "The Beatles in Manchester, (Pathe) 200ft b/w" actually "The Beatles Come to Town"?
-"to town" is actually color.
It was among the last new Deranns I ever bought.
-and now I feel like watching it!
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on October 01, 2019, 03:18 PM:
Yep that is the one.
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on October 01, 2019, 03:43 PM:
It's a shame that there are flat ones with nice color, and 'scope ones that are red, but no 'scope ones with nice color!
(Some days you just can't win!)
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on October 01, 2019, 04:08 PM:
Definatly, the scope one certainly looked pretty good and of course, to my knowledge wwas the only scope footage of the Beatles on the 8mm gauge.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on October 01, 2019, 05:29 PM:
I have not seen any F/L listed above. AFAIK there are several companies released them, like CHC or Red Fox (?)
Posted by Melvin England (Member # 5270) on October 01, 2019, 05:59 PM:
Whilst still getting over the shock of the magnificent job Giles Martin has made of the newly released remix of the Abbey Road album, I am now gobsmacked to find what is actually out there in super 8 from the Fab Four, so thank you Tom, for the list. So much stuff that never seems to surface anywhere.
However, I can add to this list.....
A Hard Day's Night - Full length release from CHC
The Making of " A Hard Day's Night" - Great behind the scenes footage 1x 200' ( Is this the one you class as a 200' AHDN trailer ? )
A Hard Day's Night trailer 1x 50' - Released by Derann
Mod Odyssey - A sort of making of Yellow Submarine.
Rupert and The Frog Song - Not strictly Beatles but Macca
Seaside Woman - Linda McCartney cartoon supported by Macca 1x 200'
Hey Jude 1x200' Colour
Just a couple of other remarks...
You mention the Japanese concert is 1x 400' I have a 2x 400' version of the Budokan concert. I think this did come from a telecine print. The colour is heavy and a bit smudged but very watchable.
You wish you had kept your Yellow Submarine trailer? I bought the 35mm copy the prints were taken from, from Phil Sheard several Blackpool's ago. All I can say is it now totally stinks of vinegar so is kept isolated and wrapped in strong,sealed wrapping.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on October 01, 2019, 08:39 PM:
I have the first Ed Sullivan appearance, but my reel is 400ft (actually, about 15 or so minutes), but it doesn't have a splice midway thru so it must have been released that way ...
but for the life of me, I don't know who released it.
Posted by Joe Taffis (Member # 4) on October 02, 2019, 06:52 AM:

Above two pages from a HALCO catalog...

Beatles films from from Red Fox
Posted by Brian Fretwell (Member # 4302) on October 02, 2019, 07:17 AM:
I remember, at the time, the surprise from the distributor that though good "flat" prints of The Beatles Come to Town they couldn't get the negative to produce good 'Scope ones.
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on October 02, 2019, 08:15 AM:
I have the 200ft Red Fox print of The Beatles on Ed Sullivan . It is a really good shew!
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on October 02, 2019, 09:04 AM:
considering that they were using a telecine for a transfer, the quality is better than expected ...
and the songs!
... and the memories!
I believe that on my copy, they simply took both "halfs" of the Beatles appearances on that show and just combined them for a knockout reel of they're best songs period! Good live performances as well! Just hearing that audience (well, how could you NOT hear them!) with that live moment!
By the way, there are the restored full shows from Ed Sullivan archives available and they really did a pretty good job at making that live audio sound as good as possible. this is one of my dreams to re-record the audio on this reel.
I should mention that we have a 200ft reel, color of the Beatles trailers for they're movies and one of the most awesome ones (though terribly low quality, but good color) is the trailer for "Magical Mystery Tour"!
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on October 02, 2019, 10:16 AM:
Too bad that CBS did not use the Dumont Electronicam system, which used a beam-splitter on the television camera and a 35mm film camera alongside it, so that the TV was simultaneously filmed, and then later edited to exactly match the broadcast video. This is why Jackie Gleason's The Honeymooner's and I Love Lucy looks so incredibly sharp on today's syndicated re-runs and DVD's.
Posted by Melvin England (Member # 5270) on October 02, 2019, 11:52 AM:
Joe - Thank you for posting those lists. They are like gold dust to me !
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on October 02, 2019, 12:19 PM:
This is an incredibly POOR copy from someones videotape on youtube, (and this makes the super 8 color sound print look GOOD by comparison), but this is that re-issue trailer from 1978!
Posted by Joe Taffis (Member # 4) on October 03, 2019, 08:41 PM:
Melvin, you're welcome
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on October 05, 2019, 10:06 AM:
I should add that there was a "pirated" (sheesh! I'm betting most if not all Beatles releases were not sanctioned by the Beatles!), copy of the full feature of "Yellow Submarine"!
I do not know who printed this on super 8 and if anyone knows who did, please, by all means, let us know. The one print that I saw up on ebay did have eastman color fade and the print quality was marginal, (not too good of a focus to the print), but hey, it was the full feature!
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