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Posted by Christian Bjorgen (Member # 1780) on October 17, 2009, 02:19 PM:

Here's a list of my films that I'm willing to trade or sell with those interested.

Charlie Chaplin - Tailoring to Measure - Super8 Silent 1x200ft -
Original EuroFilm Box, near-mint condition, no splices. This is part 1 of a "The Count" digest.

Charlie Chaplin - Tailoring to Measure - Super8 Silent 1x200ft -
Original EuroFilm Box, very good condition, but missing the leader, intro and first 2-3 feet of the film due to transport damage. This is part 1 of a "The Count" digest.

Charlie Chaplin - The Wretch Surrounding - Super 8 Silent 1x200ft -
Original EuroFilm Box, very good condition, no splices. This is part 1 of a "Easy Street" digest.

Charlie Chaplin - The Hard Head - Super 8 Silent 1x200ft -
Original EuroFilm Box, very good condition, no splices. This is part 2 of a "Easy Street" digest. Joined together with part 1, I think it's the complete film (without titles).

Laurel and Hardy - Banished to Bogeyland - Super 8 Silent 1x200ft -
Original box, good condition, but poor contrast makes it hard to watch at times.

I also have four 50ft Popeye Silents from the 30s that I'm only willing to trade for special cases, as these are reels that I like [Smile]

I am willing to trade/partially trade for anything that might be of my interest. If you have anything you want to trade, please reply in this thread or send me a mail at ch.bjorgen(at) with the reels you have that you are willing to trade with.

I have no idea how much my reels are worth, but I hope that forum users here have the decency to not rip me off completely.

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