This is topic PERRY'S MOVIES JUNE FEATURE FILM LIST in forum 8mm films for sale/trade/wanted at 8mm Forum.
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Posted by Ian O'Reilly (Member # 76) on June 02, 2011, 10:25 AM:
I have been asked by a customer to sell his films for him. He has asked me to list
them on the forum and requested that if any one is interested in any titles they
should make an offer, highest offer gets the film (obviously).
He will be open to offers for seven days from date of posting
Not my idea of selling films but as they say "The customer is always right" !
"SNOW WHITE" (completer with theatrical
trailer) 3X600ft
"GREASE" 4X600ft
" ROBOCOP 2" 4X600ft
"QUATERMASS 11 4X400ft
Please make your best offer as these films are no longer available.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 02, 2011, 12:50 PM:
It's now mandatory to list prices so perhaps your customer could let you have the prices he wants for these.
Nice titles on there.
Posted by Jean-Christophe Deblock (Member # 792) on June 02, 2011, 12:57 PM:
I agree with you, Michael.
Is this the new ebay?
I start my bid at 1 euros.
What are the conditions of the films? Colors, original box, line, scratch,...
Otherwhile, very nice titels.
Posted by Ian O'Reilly (Member # 76) on June 02, 2011, 01:51 PM:
As I said before not choice way of selling films,
maybe if they do not sell they will end up on e-bay?
condition wise they are very good.
The reason he has chosen me is that I can take pay-pal /credit cards payments.
If you are not happy don't make an offer !
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 02, 2011, 02:00 PM:
If you are not happy don't make an offer !
That's not the point.
Should we have one rule for one person and different rules for others?
Posted by Ian O'Reilly (Member # 76) on June 02, 2011, 02:13 PM:
Michael, I'm not the first person to offer this facility on this forum,
so I don't know what you mean (one rule for one)if you are not happy don't bid.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 02, 2011, 02:16 PM:
I'm not for a second trying to be clever. There is a new rule which is posted in a sticky on the 8mm for sale forum. I'm simply saying that maybe you were not aware of this.
It has nothing to do with whether or not I'm happy or whether or not it is your ideal way of doing things.
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on June 02, 2011, 02:31 PM:
Hi Ian,
E-mail sent,Mark.
Posted by Alessandro Pavoni (Member # 1739) on June 02, 2011, 03:41 PM:
hi, Ian, I send you a email.
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on June 02, 2011, 04:25 PM:
Author Topic: ******Attention Sellers: Please List Prices With Your Items******
Douglas Meltzer
Posts: 2392
From: New York, NY, USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted April 26, 2011 12:40 PM
Our members have shown an overwhelming preference to have prices included in your listing.
Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on June 02, 2011, 05:21 PM:
If the highest offer will get the film, can I offer $20.00 for each film including postage to the U.S. That way we can guarantee all the films will be sold via this post and none will end up on eaby.
[ June 02, 2011, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: Wayne Tuell ]
Posted by Graham Sinden (Member # 431) on June 02, 2011, 06:07 PM:
I dont like auctions like this on the forum. If the seller requests it then he should stick them strait on Ebay. On this forum you should name a price and stick to it.
That aside the biggest problem I have with these is the condition. Just saying the condition is good on all films is not good enough for me. If I were to bid say £200 for Aliens for example I want to know what stock the film is on, any lines, early print with perfect colour or later print with heavy blue tint, sound quality, original box and condition, other defects like strained sprockets, stripe quality etc.
But looking at the titles, Wow what a list!!
Graham S
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on June 02, 2011, 06:44 PM:
I am of course happy to comply with Doug's judgement on this matter, but I'm inclined to say that I wouldn't be troubled if the decision was to bend the rules on this occasion, considering that Ian isn't the actual seller and has acted upon the sellers request without having previously known the rule in question. However, considering how impressive and sought-after many of the titles are, it would be good to know if the films are (e.g.) mint or near mint. I'd be surprised if they had significant wear, though, as few people spending the sort of sums needed to add such titles to their collection are willing to tolerate scratches, etc.
Posted by Raymond Glaser (Member # 1766) on June 02, 2011, 08:10 PM:
I'll offer $100.00(US) for SNOW WHITE and $100.00(US) for SILENCE OF THE LAMBS -- Ray
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on June 02, 2011, 10:24 PM:
One important point to remember.....there is no rule about listing prices. Attention Sellers: Please List Prices With Your Items is a suggestion. As I said before, I will not delete a post because of prices. There are a number of members who are happy to make an offer.
Ian O' Reilly is a longtime Forum member and a nice guy who is helping out a customer. I believe the owner of these films is making a mistake and would do much better if prices were included. I'm interested in a few of the titles, however I will not "bid". Let me know the price and I might meet it.
Posted by Jean-Christophe Deblock (Member # 792) on June 03, 2011, 04:56 AM:
" considering how impressive and sought-after many of the titles are, it would be good to know if the films are (e.g.) mint or near mint"
I agree with Adrian.
I've once discover a huge collection of films with a lot of derann feature. But all copy ( YES, ALL copys ) had green scratchs here and there and even central green scratchs during 400 or 600ft!
So, I can bid for a couple of features but I prefer to know how are the conditions.
I also know that Ian is a great sellers and I can trust him.
Posted by Ian O'Reilly (Member # 76) on June 03, 2011, 05:57 AM:
I'm beginning to wish I had not got involved in this !
Let me just say any offers I receive for films I will check condition and e-mail the bidder to report condition.
As most you know I have been around a long time and like to think my reputation is good.
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on June 03, 2011, 07:52 AM:
I can't see a problem with what Ian is doing,Put an offer in and go from there,You've got the chance to purchase a title you may want so make the most of it.I've put films up for sale "open to offers" before and sold a few,You roughly know what they are worth but sometimes you just want them gone and most of the time the buyer gets a bargain,I personally get fed up with the comments about prices,Mark.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on June 03, 2011, 10:43 AM:
This is just advice mind you ...
But I think we should lay off the Ian a little. This is not saying that I think no one should put prices up, for that is appreciated ...
... ut it is Ian usual policy to list prices and so to doggedly pursue him on this one venture could potentially turn him off from listing a special list like this and then some folks would truly (potentially) miss out on a film they may have long sought after.
Would we like Ian being motivated to discontinue listing on here?
It's just advice and nothing more.
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on June 03, 2011, 12:27 PM:
"I'm beginning to wish I had not got involved in this !
Let me just say any offers I receive for films I will check condition and e-mail the bidder to report condition.
As most you know I have been around a long time and like to think my reputation is good"
I think Ian's response says it all,So if anyones after a title then simply put in an offer!! Mark.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 03, 2011, 01:05 PM:
One important point to remember.....there is no rule about listing prices. Attention Sellers: Please List Prices With Your Items is a suggestion.
Well then, with respect Doug, you may as well just remove the "suggestion". Either prices are to be posted or they are not. It makes no sense whatsoever to say "well, we want you to post prices, but if you don't want to, then that's ok". That's just ridiculous.
In fact, if the rule was quite plainly enforced as a rule this whole thread would've been unnecessary.
Regarding Ian,
I don't see anybody above suggesting that he is not trustworthy.
I can't see a problem with what Ian is doing,
Nor can I now. I assumed we had a new rule here. I was obviously mistaken.
Bloody ridiculous.
![[Roll Eyes]](rolleyes.gif)
[ June 03, 2011, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: Michael O'Regan ]
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on June 03, 2011, 01:34 PM:
Well, at least the post would have been necessary, otherwise we couldn't have had this merry romp of posts!
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on June 03, 2011, 06:55 PM:
Interesting to see Mark's observation that in an 'offers' situation "most of the time the buyer gets a bargain", which is encouraging from a buying point of view. It doesn't surprise me because with a list like this, I'd like several titles but I wouldn't put in large offers because I couldn't afford to buy all at around their market value at the same time. And if I wanted a title like 'Star Wars' which no doubt might go very high on eBay, I'd probably be reluctant to offer a high amount here, as I'd hate the thought that my offer might be £50 or more than any other offer.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on June 03, 2011, 08:47 PM:
highest offer gets the film (obviously).
How can I know I will be the highest bidder if this is not an auction site.
I think there is no need to remove the listing price rule just because a reputable seller is doing the opposite.
could potentially turn him off from listing a special list like this and then some folks would truly (potentially) miss out on a film they may have long sought after.
Osi, that is not the point. If Ian will not post here, he will post somewhere else, and we are not only reading this forum. It is because we have the new rule that is why some members are complaining.
Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on June 03, 2011, 09:16 PM:
Hell, I hope no one makes an offer.
If he stands by his words quote:
highest offer gets the film (obviously)
Then I'll get each film for $20.00 each, which is my standing offer several posts back.
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on June 03, 2011, 09:56 PM:
Winbert - according to Doug, it was a suggestion and not a rule. Clearly, it's impossible to please everyone here, but I think it's a reasonable compromise to urge sellers to list prices, without forcing them to do so. I think some of the negativity to offers might understandably stem from a sense that a seller is trying to squeeze out the maximum amount from buyers, but as Mark has implied, it can also be a situation where someone wants everything to go, and is willing to sell prints at below their market value in order to maximise the chance of this happening. With a list like the one here, Forum members could potentially end up with highly desirable titles for bargain prices, so I'd say we would be cutting off our noses to spite our faces if the sale was not allowed. A firm rule on this would not result in any prices appearing, it would simply mean that the films are offered elsewhere.
Wayne - I wouldn't remind people of your offer, someone could easily decide to offer $21 for each film!
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on June 03, 2011, 10:07 PM:
If the hidden price is meant for anyone here to bid openly via replying the post, then I would say OK.
Therefore I will make my bid for $22.87 for each title above. Anyone will bid more?
going once, going twice....??
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on June 03, 2011, 11:30 PM:
Winbert makes a good point in jest. This is not an auction site. Please email your offers to Ian and do not post them here (not a suggestion).
Posted by Jeroen van Ooijen (Member # 1104) on June 04, 2011, 03:33 AM:
130,00 for the sound of music????is this with original artwork and from DerAnn?
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on June 04, 2011, 04:35 AM:
Thank you for taking the time to post the list on here and it was very kind of you to consider the members. Many thanks.
Can I just pop in my two bobs worth on the subject of listing prices. Having helped dispose of deceased collectors collections it is impossible to spend a week or so running each feature to gauge condition prior to pricing. Disposing of large film collections it has been easier on my projector and time to list the films and see if anyone is interested, then take the time to make sure the film is OK rather than running hours of films some of which no one will want. If someone then expresses an interest in a title we can schedule in the time to check them out and advise one the condition we believe they are in. Having disposed of long films in this way for others, along with some of my own films not run for years this system has worked extremely well and certainly more thorough perhaps. It’s certainly not a case prices are just not listed but one of practicality, time and wear & tear on cine projection equipment when helping families dispose of loved ones often large collections.
This last 12 months we have seen many UK collectors of old pass over to the projection box elsewhere and I could name quite a few from just around my area for instance. But it is good to be able to report that items have found new loving owners and the list them, check them and price seems to have worked well for everyone I have dealt with. As has already been said, this is not an auction room but it is a good direct way to pass items to those who will love them through the sell section.
Posted by peter booth (Member # 242) on June 04, 2011, 07:14 AM:
Sent you an email through my own email,the Forum email would'nt go through.
Posted by Ralf Hoff (Member # 36) on June 04, 2011, 02:05 PM:
I have a question about this titels.
In the derann list the following films are listed as follow:
ALIENS 5 x 600ft
In your list from the customer they have different reels/ft:
So are this films complete or are some reels missing, are they respooled????? Is it a clerical error???
Hope you or your customer can answer this question, I think it will be important for any collector because it has influence to the offers.
Posted by Laksmi Breathwaite (Member # 2320) on June 06, 2011, 01:29 AM:
Winbert I have an Idea that everyone will like just post the total bid and see who will bid more then close out the film sale after the finale person offers. Then everyone will know what they need to offer for their favorite title. It seams very unfair that if I wanted "FORBIDDEN PLANET" 5X400ft. But I can not offer over the finale offer that is the highest or something. On eBay you can see what your offering and others so you can match it. You should do eBay but that is my advise after buying for years films there. Then you have people who snipe at the last minutes that get it at their prices. If you like I can sell them on eBay for you but I need pictures and discriptions. My eBay ID is godesslaksmi I have a store called godessmodel builder film memorabil . I'm a power seller and top rated. I sell super 8 films sometimes, models,paintings,comics,action figures, and press kits plus movie memorabilia. I would help you if you like and all the forum members would be happy and not mad at you . I accept Paypal.
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on June 06, 2011, 08:52 AM:
Sorry, no bids are to be posted on the Forum. It's up to the sellers if they want to send emails for prospective counter offers.
Posted by Ian O'Reilly (Member # 76) on June 06, 2011, 09:29 AM:
Please be aware that the owner of these films reserves the right to decide what he thinks is a fair price for each title.
What he means is that he will not give them away at silly prices.
His words not mine!
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on June 06, 2011, 09:43 AM:
Ian, this means your first post saying:
should make an offer, highest offer gets the film (obviously).
is no longer applicable:
Basically, now the situation is more like "what is the value of my films to you..... and let me think"
... like Mike also has pointed out many time, this just totally waste my time.
I buy a car because the price is mentioned
I buy a house because the price is stated
I buy a pencil because there is price tag
...even in flea markets they also have price tags.....
I hate when in a flea market, a seller is trying to be fool by saying "what do you think is the value of this Zapruder's film" and when I say calmly "$2?" he madly replied "Are you crazy?"
No ...on contrary the seller is crazy because he does not know the value of Zapruder's film and instead asking the buyer to value his item.
Ian, I am not saying you are crazy but the owner of your film is crazy because he is a collector but does not know their prices.
Why not stating his basic (minimum) price here and anyone willing to pay more than that price will obviously get it.
Lakshmi....Ian is also a reputable Ebay seller in UK website. So ther is no point to offer your Ebay ID to him.
Lastly, haven't replied to what Ralf found that some titles have number of reels that look odd.
Posted by Ian O'Reilly (Member # 76) on June 06, 2011, 12:28 PM:
Winbert, "Highest offer gets the film" that was said in good faith, what I did not reckon on is that I would get offers for 20$ each title including postage to the USA.
Come on now the owner wants to sell these films for a fair price not give away his collection for a ridiculous amount.
Posted by Mark L Barton (Member # 1512) on June 07, 2011, 06:23 AM:
Film collecting is a hobby, prices are based on what someone wants and what someone will pay, I see no problem in a seller asking for highest bids, it no different than how many large companies dispose of assets, via sealed bids etc.
I left the Lambretta scooter scene because the hobby became too anal, with everyone fretting about prices, condition, originality of things down to , 'is it a genuine Innocenti nut and bolt?' for gawds sake!
As I said film collecting is a hobby with no dictates, so if anyone wants offers on their films, offers it is, ifthey want to sell on Ebay, so be it. If you don't like the idea of 'offers' then don't offer and buy the way you like, but don't stop others.
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on June 07, 2011, 06:41 AM:
Ian. Sent you my offer but not heard owt. Might there be a time to wait? Confused dot com as per usual..
Hi Mark. Interested to hear you left the Lammy scene. Still got my Vespa and loving it, plus working on a screen for it,projector on rear seat and stereo speakers on mirrors for outdoor night camping rallys which should raise a smile.
Happy days!
MOD ![[Cool]](cool.gif)
[ June 08, 2011, 04:20 AM: Message edited by: Lee Mannering ]
Posted by Ralf Hoff (Member # 36) on June 07, 2011, 09:11 AM:
I have placed my offer also to Ian and have no feedback.
Ian wrote:
Let me just say any offers I receive for films I will check condition and e-mail the bidder to report condition.
I' m still waiting for an answer. And also waiting for a statement about my question about the different reels.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on June 07, 2011, 09:14 AM:
If you don't like the idea of 'offers' then don't offer and buy the way you like, but don't stop others. .
WHAT?? cannot we have a code of conduct in a society (that includes a society in forum)??
Why people don't offer their super 8mm Swedish An*l sex films here?...because the code of conduct says not to do so...
Do you want to say "If you don't like the idea of selling the Swedish item then don't offer and buy films you like, but don't stop others. "
C'mon Mark..we are trying to set up a new code of conduct here...
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 07, 2011, 09:21 AM:
You'e wasting your time.
There are some, including management here disappointingly, who obviously refuse to see the point.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on June 07, 2011, 10:31 AM:
Folks ...
I'm not the conscience of the world, but I only add ...
tread lightly folks ...
some of the comments on this series of posts have been close to personal and slightly abusive.
Tread lightly. It's only a film list and nobodys integrity or motives should be questioned like this, including the "management", as recently stated.
Hey, I'm all into freedom of speech, but this forum has always done it's best to avoid getting personal or getting into what could become so.
lets not start now. I understand the "issues" involved, and get it ...
but it's only a film list ...
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 07, 2011, 10:41 AM:
some of the comments on this series of posts have been close to personal and slightly abusive
Where's that, Osi??
I've made it known to Doug privately that I don't agree with the way the pricing thing is being done. However, he's the boss 'round here.
I've also personally apologised to Ian.
I have not once gotten personal or anything even resembling "abusive".
So, what exactly are you talking about?
Whose integrity or motives have been questioned?
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on June 07, 2011, 01:23 PM:
I also apologized for the situation as well (to Ian) ...
For instance, Ian had stated that "high bid gets the film" and his first statement was called into question, nearly intimating "what you said was untrue Ian", when the argument against what Ian first stated was merely coming down to "semantics" ... as I highly doubt anybody would truly think that a film print would go for 10 or 20 dollars.
As you would also vouch for Micheal, I'm sure that Ian would never state that, no matter how low the highest bid is, the film would have to sell for that lowest bid. For a person to say, (without saying in so many words) that "You broke your word" in that first post, is very close to saying ...
"Liar Liar, pants on fire."
(Well, I have to interject a little humor)
... I know that if I was the person who put up that first post, and would have witnessed what should have been a great oppor-tunity to get ahold of great prints, and seen what it has become, I would feel embarrassed and would certianly think twice about potentially being badgered in the future if I was to post additional films.
Bear in mind, only my own opinion ...
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 07, 2011, 01:49 PM:
OK, Osi. I have no wish to row with ya.
The whole thing doesn't need to be an issue if prices are posted with sales.
Not one person, moderator included, has given a valid reason for why prices should not be posted, other than that some people don't want to.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on June 07, 2011, 01:53 PM:
Osi, Mike you two also waste your time...
Now, can we just see the "listing with price" as a code of conduct. Meaning you are advised/encouraged to price your films, but whoever does the opposite is full of shame.
Same thing with super 8mm Swedish An*l Sex films, there is no a strict/written rule not to list them here...but I believe no one is going to test the water now...
my 2 cents
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 07, 2011, 02:06 PM:
Yep, a CODE OF CONDUCT is actually a good way of putting it.
There are a lot of rip-off merchants in the hobby, and having such a code here would show us to be above all of that.
Posted by Colin Robert Hunt (Member # 433) on June 07, 2011, 03:03 PM:
I'm with Mike. I would not be interested in buying from here or any stall or dealer at a convention etc. without the blinking prices. You can argue the case but all this hot air does not give the prices of whats on offer. Simples just to put the prices on end of story. then we can go foreward. At least on this forum we can adopt some standard of sale. Ian I'm sorry that you have got involved with this but try your lists nextt time without the price and see who's interested in buying.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 07, 2011, 04:24 PM:
Actually, Colin has an excellent point.
How would everybody feel if the main dealers such as Ian, Derann, Independent 8, Paul Foster, CHC, etc. removed prices from their lists and websites?
Wouldn't everybody be pissed off??
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on June 07, 2011, 05:52 PM:
Ian, when you get a chance could you please answer Ralf's important question about the number of reels of certain titles? My print of 7th Voyage is 5x400 as opposed to the 4x400 listed. The same with Aliens (mine is 5x600 as opposed to 5x400). Thanks.
[ June 08, 2011, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Douglas Meltzer ]
Posted by Mark L Barton (Member # 1512) on June 08, 2011, 04:30 AM:
Hi Lee, the Lambretta scene in Bristol became, for me, too exclusive. I always thought the scene was about riding scoots and lkoving the music. Hence I stuck with Vespa PX200's. Love the idea of a small projector and screen built in, how about subtle surround sound speakers in the side cowls (breasts or blisters, so many descriptions of the side panels, opps there I go again)
Glad to see that there is a strong symbiosis with super 8 and scooters, guess its because its all from the 1960's...yeah baby!
Cheers and safe riding to you, watch those slippery roads after the light rain showers we have been getting.
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on June 08, 2011, 06:34 AM:
Know of one or two cine film makers who are classic scooter riders Mark and was pleased to meet young John Almond filming away a few months back. 
I helped a 9.5mm film maker with a flick last year with some shots taken on my scoot but a little tricky holding a lumpy Prince camera in the left hand, then putting it in the glove box when changing gear. He got the shots he wanted by my nerves were a bit frayed after that little lot. Hoping to make Brighton again this year so I can run off some of this B&W Standard 8 and if I choose the shots well enough it should look rather nice.
Now then this Perrys list.
It will be interesting to hear who the lucky film collectors will be with these nice titles from Perrys.
Posted by Lee Purkis (Member # 2523) on June 08, 2011, 03:14 PM:
My 10p's worth.
The powers that be need to make the rules and stick by the rules they make. If they don't wan't people running dutch auctions then just say no and enforce it.
But if there is no actual rule then Ian can do what he likes with regards too getting the best prices possible. With a list like that i think most people would have probably done the same thing.
I'm totally happy about it all said and done because i got 4 films that i needed off of that list
Posted by Greg Marshall (Member # 1268) on June 09, 2011, 12:23 AM:
Have the decisions been made on the sale of the prints on this list?
Posted by Laksmi Breathwaite (Member # 2320) on June 09, 2011, 12:52 AM:
THANK YOU IAN, I'm happy you are very fair and the guy you sale for. And I got the film I was years waiting for. Everybody should just make an offer of what you think the film is worth to you and its collectable nature. And just ask questions about your film. Good Luck everyone! See you at the movies!
Posted by David Kilderry (Member # 549) on June 09, 2011, 01:36 AM:
If films are put up with no prices, then anyone is entitled to make any bid they see fit. Making a very low bid eg $20.00 for a title is fine in my opinion. Who knows the seller may just wish to get rid of them for any price.
On the other hand if a title is posted with a price of say $200, then you know what they are expecting for the print and can either pay the price of haggle a little it down a little.
I always buy my films with a view to resell them if I don't like the title; some I profit from others I don't. Regardless, it enables me to put money into another film I'd like to buy. I have never seen anything wrong with this.
I must admit I have never tried to bargain down a listed dealer price on a film; I pay the price. If it's on ebay then it's all about the bidding as that is how auctions work.
I would buy more films from dealers (other than Derann) if they stated whether they had fade or not.
Posted by Ralf Hoff (Member # 36) on June 09, 2011, 02:31 AM:
congratulations for your film. I think it was "Forbidden Planet".
I' ve also placed an offer to this film, but I have no feedback from Ian, so I think your offer was higher.
The same is for a second title, but also no feedback, so I' m lost.
But I think I will have another chance.
Posted by Mark L Barton (Member # 1512) on June 09, 2011, 03:37 AM:
Hi Winbert. Code of conduct, yes I agree but...the 8mm hobby is based on sales between predominently collectors, so unlike a shop that relies on fixed prices, our film prices are based on desirability, rareness, condition et al. So as far as I'm concerned tehre are several ways to sell a film, sell at what the hobby recommends based on previous prices reached for certain title films etc, or at auction with no reserve and see where it goes or simply ask for offers, which possibly is a gamble for the buyer and seller our community we all mostly have an idea of what a film is worth, ie at present on Ebay someone is trying to sell a 200' b/w sil print of the Deadly Mantis for £82!!! We know its not worth more than maybe £3.00. But if a copy of Star Wars full length on super 8 in scope came up for sale on Ebay with a buy it now of £25 we'd all scrambble to buy it. So if some one wants to ask for offers within a ciommunity of knowledgeable collectors it goes with out saying that 1. Stupid offers will be rejected by the seller and 2. Reflective offers may see the buyer get the films.
Code of Conduct should not dismiss the various ways of trading can include the rejection of unsavoury subject matters such as the Swedish film you mention. To maintain this hobby we need continual trade between collectors/film companies, to start restricting methods of selling will result in this hobby losing its dynamic engagement, which alone has been reflected in this very debate. Cheers to all
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on June 09, 2011, 03:48 AM:
Regarding feedback from Ian, don't forget that his first post stated that we had a week to submit offers, which means today is the last day to do so. So no one will find out that they have been successful before tomorrow.
Posted by Jean-Christophe Deblock (Member # 792) on June 09, 2011, 12:11 PM:
Me too. I've lost everything.
Can anybody tell who win?
Posted by Ralf Hoff (Member # 36) on June 09, 2011, 12:50 PM:
for what films do you bid???
I've got feedback from Ian and one title is available. So I have a little luck.
Posted by Jean-Christophe Deblock (Member # 792) on June 09, 2011, 02:14 PM:
Hi Ralph,
I've bid on:
The Boutny.
Scars of dracula.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on June 09, 2011, 05:57 PM:
Mark L Barton, what you are saying does work for longtime collectors.
But we know that not all people who love super 8mm are long time collectors and indeed we are happy to see new collectors joining this forum.
I still think that we need the said code of conduct to put the price on every film list, so no matter new or old collectors they can measure what they are going to do with the list, either to buy, make a lower offer or pass the offer.
This will make the transaction is gone quicker, and there is no any dissapointment from people (like what we have now) who do not receive any reply whether those films are sold or Ian does not like with the offer.
Sellers who do not respon to the emails asking about his/her film is so confusing for me. Sometimes this creates a feeling that this seller is very picky in asnwering someone's emails.
Posted by Greg Marshall (Member # 1268) on June 09, 2011, 07:53 PM:
Hopefully Ian will update the list as to which ones are sold, or all are. That way, we won't have to keep wondering.
Posted by Ralf Hoff (Member # 36) on June 10, 2011, 02:43 AM:
sorry for you, that you dont get one of your films.
I have placed a bid for Robocop 2 and Forbidden Planet.
The bidding for Forbidden Planet I loose, I think our friend Laksmi Breathwaite win and get the print.
@Greg and Ian
Yes it will be nice to know which films are not sold, so perhaps other people can make an offer if they are interested in the titels.
Posted by Mark L Barton (Member # 1512) on June 10, 2011, 03:33 AM:
Hi Winbert, yes I do see your the end of the day slaes occur via many methods including swaps, which I feel might be a good idea here on the forum, ie one collector wants to swap his/her super 8 feature and is looking for a certain 16mm film for example, as long as itsfilm related that might be interesting.
Yes I agree that newer members need to have some form of price overview and in all honesty I think with the imminent release of JJ Abrams SUPER 8 movie interest in the hobby (and possibly prices of equipment) will soar. All the best to you, of interest I have family in Missisauga, Ont. Cheers
Posted by Den Brown (Member # 819) on June 11, 2011, 02:32 PM:
Not quite a Vespa....
Posted by Ian O'Reilly (Member # 76) on June 13, 2011, 09:36 AM:
Thank you all for your offers, I have been overwhelmed with e-mails / offers.
For those who have received offer accepted your films will be dispatched upon payment.
For those who did not receive an e-mail saying accepted thanks for making an offer.
Lets hope now I can put this to bed once and for all, never to be repeated by me again.
Posted by Greg Marshall (Member # 1268) on June 13, 2011, 11:45 PM:
Ian, thank you for letting us know. I'm sorry that others on here have nothing better to do.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on June 14, 2011, 03:40 AM:
I'm sorry that others on here have nothing better to do.
That's a little unnecessary, isn't it?
Posted by Mark L Barton (Member # 1512) on June 14, 2011, 06:00 AM:
I think a big thank you to Ian, a guy who not only sells quality films but also ready to assist other collectors.
Posted by Brad Kimball (Member # 5) on June 14, 2011, 08:46 AM:
Ian is simply an innocent 3rd party doing a friend a favor. I like to have prices up front, but I'd rather chance auctions with friends in the forum than on Ebay where I don't know who's selling the item(s) in question. Submit Ian an e-mail inquiring about the condition of the title(s) you're interested in and then submit an offer. It's not my preferred method of buying here on the forum, but I wouldn't want to think Ian is slapping his hand to his forehead after reading all these posts and exclaiming to himself "...Never again - it's not worth all this aggravation." I see everyone's point of view on this and neither agree nor disagree. I just don't like to see nice people like yourselves disagree over something that truly is a no harm/no foul scenario.
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on June 14, 2011, 09:12 AM:
Congratulations to the new owners of some spectacular films.
As Ian said, time to put this one to bed.
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