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Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on May 29, 2012, 06:12 PM:
I regret and have decided to get out of the Super 8mm film hobby! I only started collecting in November of 2011 and have accumulated over 40 shorts and 5 features most of them purchased from members of the forum. They are all Laurel & Hardy's, Little Rascals, Chaplin, W.C. Fields & Buster Keaton and a few misc. stuff! All the films are Blackhawk Super 8mm sound and a couple of them silent. They sure add up fast as I spent on the films alone around $1200. Since that time I have only had time to watch & preview about 8-10 films. With my growing business and traveling on the weekends I just have very little free time anymore to devote to this hobby. My main love and hobby has always been collecting vintage vinyl records which I have been doing so for the past 40 years. I will be putting a list together on what I have and the prices in the next day or two. I do want to thank all of the members for all your help & advise you have all given me in this hobby when I first started collecting films in such a short amount of time since november.

Wishing you all the very best!
Roger Shunk
Opps. I forgot to add U.S. Shipping only!
Posted by Zechariah Sporre (Member # 2358) on May 29, 2012, 06:43 PM:
I'm sorry to hear this. You were getting a collection to be envied. I'll be interested to see your list because you seemed to have a lot of the same taste in films as I.
Posted by Jim Schrader (Member # 9) on May 29, 2012, 07:32 PM:
That is to bad, make sure you have made up your mind some titles can be hard to obtain once there gone or your gonna pay if you decide to or wish you never sold them, we never seem to have time to the things we like, but when I have a day off guess what I'm doing pulling out titles and watching a few.
Looking forward to your list.
Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on May 30, 2012, 09:29 AM:
Yeah Jim and Zack you are right about that and maybe I should rethink this out? Besides it seems like most of the film collectors on the forum already have the same films I have! I guess I could wait 20 years when I'm old and retired and then I will have more free time on my hands to watch films. Thanks for your advise!
Posted by Christian Bjorgen (Member # 1780) on May 30, 2012, 09:31 AM:
Roger, I nearly made the same mistake a while ago, but I changed my mind. Keep your films, and your vinyls (like myself), and enjoy them whenever you can!
Posted by Jerome Sutter (Member # 2346) on May 30, 2012, 09:41 AM:
I suggest whole heartly, to rethink your decision. The main reason when the day comes for you to "rewind," you'll have your hobby to fall back on to relax. I did the same thing years ago and regretted ever since! I am now back into it, and enjoying it more than every. So please rethink your decision, you may regret it later on. [Frown]
Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on May 30, 2012, 10:36 AM:
Ok you guys are starting to scare me now by talking me out of this insane idea of mine because I really don't want to regret doing this down the road when it's too late! Thanks for all your imput and talking me out of getting out of this fun and rewarding hobby!

Roger [Smile]
Posted by Joe Balitzki (Member # 438) on May 30, 2012, 12:03 PM:
There have been quite a few times when I have sold certain films and later regretted it. With the passing years, its increasingly difficult to find certain titles. So if you wanted to replace them afterwards, you might not be able to. I find myself enjoying my collection more now than I did in the past. I also collect 78 rpm records. Perhaps its just nostalgia, but with today's garbage output I would rather watch one of my prints or wind up one of my Victrolas and listen to records from the past. In the future, you won't regret keeping your films I'm sure.
Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on May 30, 2012, 12:17 PM:
Yeah I hear you Joe I have been collecting vinyl records for 40 years now and have accumulated some 2500 LP's so I wonder just how many films I will have in 40 years if I live that long?

Posted by Joe Balitzki (Member # 438) on May 30, 2012, 12:32 PM:
So who is counting anyway?
More Films-Less Money=More Enjoyment
Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on May 30, 2012, 12:36 PM:
You hit it right on the nail Joe!
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on May 30, 2012, 01:00 PM:
Definitely keep them ...

I also made that dreaded decision way back in the late 80's and regretted it until I re-entered the hobby in 2002.

You belong to a magnificent "fraternity" of film enthusiasts. FILM enthusiasts, which is quite different than a "Gee, it's cheap, so I'm a DVD man" Film has that quality that already enticed you, and even if you were to sell off what you have, you WILL, no doubt, have regrets in the future.

Besides ... this is something tangible, that you can pass onto your children or other family members. There will come a time when those that own actual film copies of classic movies, will be those that are truly envied. Hell, that time has already come!
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on May 30, 2012, 01:32 PM: are a vinyl you know how you distinguish yourself with those CD man...

When you play your Vinyl (like myself) you feel different with other people.

That is the same atmosphere I have when I play my 8mm. It maybe not that as sharp as today's Bluray...but it is definitely different.

Every body can show off their DVDs/Bluray player but not anyone can do the same with real film, i.e celluloid.

Think about that again mate...!

Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on May 30, 2012, 01:35 PM:
Ok you guy's have finally convinced me to not give this hobby up! It sounds like you all went through the same thing yourselves and unfortunately you had no help from anyone to talk you out of it, so I don't want to make the same mistakes you all did and then regret it down the road because I'm sure I will!

So anyway I appreciate all you sharing your wisdom, advise & input on this matter.
Best regards,
Roger [Smile]
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on May 30, 2012, 01:55 PM:

DON"T sell out! I am 65 years old and sooooo glad I waited the 20 years. Now I have a lot of timke to enjoy my hobby. It's actually and investment in enjoyment. I would call it an 8mmk verses a 401k!

Posted by Akshay Nanjangud (Member # 2828) on May 30, 2012, 02:16 PM:
Let's all sell Roger some films. Roger, would you like a digest of Alien? Only $250. What? You don't think it's fair? Check out ebaY.
Posted by Jerome Sutter (Member # 2346) on May 30, 2012, 02:28 PM:
Roger, I have this saying: "Years ago I was the only person on the block who has a movie projector. Today, I am the only person on the block who has a movie projector." [Smile]
Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on May 30, 2012, 02:29 PM:
Ok you guy's are killing me here I don't think I need any more films when I have over 30 films I have not even seen yet!
And yes Winbert I agree with you that vinyl records do capture the purest quality of recorded music in the truest form. I never did like the artificial sound of a CD and like film collecting it is one of the most pleasurable and gratifying hobbies one could indulge in.

Yeah Jerome thats an interesting thought because I never looked at it that way before!
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on May 30, 2012, 03:03 PM:
Roger sell them!! Only joking i sold off my collection and regretted it and now have built up a collection again,i watch all the films i buy now as at one point i just bought them and put them on the shelf,as i'm not into ornaments i thought this a better option!! cheers Mark.
Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on May 30, 2012, 04:54 PM:
OK Mark Duly Noted!
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on May 31, 2012, 06:29 PM:
Roger...I too am a long time record collector...since I was a kid, about 35 years. I have about 2000 albums and there have been times when years have passed and I didn't pay much attention to them. But just in the last few years I have been pulling out a lot of stuff I haven't played for years and I'm so glad I hung on to unless you need the money you should hang on to them, that way you won't kick yourself will enjoy them when the time comes!

Bill [Smile]
Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on June 01, 2012, 05:07 PM:
Hi Bill,

Thanks for your advise! Yeah I have about 2400 LP's and our house is starting to looks like a record store now! I had to
make room for all the films I bought and I moved about 200 records to accommodate all the films. Did they ever make a storage type rack to hold 8mm films? I could use one!

Roger [Smile]

P.S. How does one earn the title of "Jedi Master Film Handler"
Posted by Joe Balitzki (Member # 438) on June 01, 2012, 05:31 PM:
The more posts that you make, the higher your rank goes. I don't know how many posts are required to reach "Jedi Master Film Handler" though. You have to improvise your own storage rack; everyone stores their prints differently. Now remember: you said that you won't sell your collection, so we will all be keeping an eye on you from now on! [Cool]
Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on June 01, 2012, 05:50 PM:
Ok Joe that makes sense and I'm going to live up to my promice and keep the films and I like the way Pat put it "Its an investment in enjoyment!"
Roger [Smile]
Posted by Joe Balitzki (Member # 438) on June 01, 2012, 06:05 PM:
Actually, its a $$$ Investment, but oh! the dividends!
P.S. Igor is very wise; our Dogtor did a good job of splicing him!
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on June 01, 2012, 06:56 PM:
I think I got "Jedi" at 500. I didn't even notice until you pointed it out! I don't feel like a Jedi....but I am humbled at the notion!

Bill [Smile]
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on June 01, 2012, 07:45 PM:
You keep hold of your films Roger,because once you've parted
company from them,it won't be as easy to replace all the titles
you had.There isn't a reason on earth why you can't carry on
with your music interest,I'd have thought it beneficial to combine
the two,seeing as you like vintage film.Jerome summed it up
beautifully in his summary on being the last man with a projector
and your interest in things cinematic allows you to diversify if
you wish,who knows what film might catch your eye.I have been a keeper of the flame for 43 years now and never thought
of giving up this great hobby,why would I? Film caters to every
mood and taste, coupled with these Forums it means you're
only minutes away from solving whatever problem you might
encounter in collecting film,there aren't too many hobbies that
can boast that.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on June 01, 2012, 09:28 PM:

I have once made a polling here for what the second collection members have after films, and the answer is VINYL.

So you are in the right club, man! [Smile]

Posted by Roger Shunk (Member # 2836) on June 02, 2012, 07:00 AM:
Ok Good to know!
Roger [Smile]

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