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Posted by Ron Douglas (Member # 2990) on August 31, 2012, 08:05 PM:
Hi, I wonder if anyone has this for sale or is considerig selling their copy?
Swap or pay outright, just let me know.
Posted by Akshay Nanjangud (Member # 2828) on August 31, 2012, 08:13 PM:
I think Metin Ergul is selling an optical sound print via the forum.
Posted by Ron Douglas (Member # 2990) on September 01, 2012, 03:51 AM:
Thanks for that, but he only has "The People that (time) Forgot".
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on September 01, 2012, 12:57 PM:
I have been looking for this first film "Land That Time Forgot" for years as well and have heard that there are a few prints of this full length feature on optical sound super 8, but have not seen one yet, but good luck to you, just the same!

Posted by Ron Douglas (Member # 2990) on September 01, 2012, 06:34 PM:
Hi Osi, I've just heard that a copy is available from the Netherlands, and as I'm heading that way soon I'm going to try and buy it....perhaps I will get the chance to watch
"c-beams glitter" after all!
If I do get it, I'm sure to let you know and borrow for the cost of postage and a beer at least...promise to keep you posted [Big Grin]
Posted by Joe Balitzki (Member # 438) on September 01, 2012, 06:42 PM:
Lets hope if you find it that its not too badly faded so that it has a good soundtrack.
Posted by Ron Douglas (Member # 2990) on September 01, 2012, 06:59 PM:
Hi Joe, good point!!
I can get the 200' digest version and there is a single 400' version too, but neither would suffice. As to Osi's review of it's sequel, it was posted almost 7 years ago!! [Eek!]
Posted by Brian Hendel (Member # 61) on September 01, 2012, 07:03 PM:
I've been looking for that optical feature too with no luck - but a great substitute is the German Marketing 800' version called "Caprona" - it's got gorgeous color and with a little redubbing and editing in of the Ken version it adds up to about 1000' feet which is almost as good as the whole movie. It pops up on German Ebay quite often...
Posted by Joe Balitzki (Member # 438) on September 01, 2012, 07:07 PM:
I would imagine the 200' and 400' Digests have color that is off with the passing of time.
Posted by Ron Douglas (Member # 2990) on September 01, 2012, 07:27 PM:
Brian, that sounds just the job! Do you happen to know about the soundtrack? ("...with a little re-dubbing...")
As to the 200 and 400' versions, colour is pretty stable, low fade, no red's, other than natural slight decline.
Posted by Brian Hendel (Member # 61) on September 01, 2012, 07:34 PM:
Well, the German release is in German obviously with no subtitles... so I had to redub it from the DVD and it sounds amazing. The color on the Ken clips is inferior sadly... but it's worth splicing it in... there are longer scenes taking over the submarine... and then when the bring the caveman back to the sub... and a few other scenes that the German edition left out.

Just checked and the reels are on German Ebay right now! Here's a link...
Posted by Ron Douglas (Member # 2990) on September 01, 2012, 07:40 PM:
Thanks Brian, I've just been checking out the available options on the site, cheers!
Almost 40 euros plus shipping for a 400' reel that I'd then have to re-dub from a dvd...hmmm...not so sure that a Ģ20 English language version of the same length wouldn't be better at,though your addition of the Ken film does sound great! When's your next film night! [Big Grin]
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on September 01, 2012, 08:13 PM:

I have the 400' digest version with good color. If your interested in it I would swap for another sci-fi film. [Wink]

Posted by Joe Balitzki (Member # 438) on September 01, 2012, 11:15 PM:
I thought that the Digests were not printed on Low-Fade stock. Its good to hear that some were!
Posted by Ron Douglas (Member # 2990) on September 02, 2012, 05:52 AM:
Hi Pat,
That sounds great, however I've very little sci-fi.
I do have Day of the Triffids on 4 x 400' and Flash Gordon the original Mars Attacks the World also on 4 x 400', both black and white on super8.
Do you want to sell, or only trade?
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on September 02, 2012, 08:16 AM:

Sent you a pm.

Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on September 02, 2012, 09:11 AM:
I'll wait to hear from you about that optical sound super 8 feature! It would be cool to actually see one! (Especially if you could shoot a few screenshots from a viewing!

Yep! I did that review a long time ago! The print that I did the review of I still have. I'd swear that it must be on some form of low fade stock, bt it's extremely hard to figure out what kind of stock an optical sound super 8 is printed on with some optical prints, as they have that dark purple "band" in the sprocket area, which is where, of course, you would find the film stock. my thinking is that it's FUJI, but I really don't know.
Posted by Oemer Yalinkilic (Member # 86) on September 02, 2012, 10:03 AM:
Please note, the german version exist on polyester and also acetat film stock.
Some prints are with good color but the older acetat prints are red.
I think they exist also full lenght italian prints or maybe they are reversal prints. There was one on german ebay few years ago.
You can find also 16mm prints with good color.
This was one of my favorites movies in the 70īs, I canīt remember how often I watch it at the local cinema.
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on September 02, 2012, 03:58 PM:
The film does exist on S/8 Optical,as I told Osi some months back,
on Perry's list,I passed up on it because I've a nice copy on 16mm.
The digests that Marketing released are a very good buy and are
quite common,the 400' digest done by Ken Films does edit in,
but the difference in quality is evident.I used this example at the
time in a letter to Movie Maker mag. as I was tired of this mantra
that the best prints were the USA Disney's,and the Foreign stuff
didn't exist.Well I think I've since been proved right,some of the
German films are still excellent,the only fault I could find with them would be the sometimes eratic editing and abrupt endings.Back on topic with "Land that Time Forgot",is the killer
scene when what looks like a Tylosaurus,that becomes a plesiosaur sneaking up on the sub to be shot to death and land
in a heap with it's teeth flying out over the deck! It would have
been much better if Harryhausen or Danforth had done the
animals, but Roger Dickens monsters are very good,far better than that atrocity "At the Earths Core" where it looked like the monsters were on castors.Where LTTF does score, is it has a
good story,and a downbeat end, plus a very likeable cast.
Oemer has a point with anyone seeking out a copy,is there
could be one from Italy.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on September 03, 2012, 12:37 PM:
That, and the first thrity minutes, before we even get to the Island is a pretty decent "Submarine" story!

Your right about "ATEC", as those monsters were truly atrocious! The only good moment is Peter Cushing yelling ...

"You can't mesmerize me! I'm British"

Bing! he's mesmerized!

The other decent McClure monster flick is Warlords of Atlantis, in which those monsters that climb the walls of the atlantian fortress are quite good and like nothing seen in the earlier films. That, and the two Giant Octopus attacks are quite well done. From what I understand, the octopus was borrowed from another production. Can't remember what it was, though.

DAMN! I wish I saw that "LTTF" on Perry's list!
Posted by Ron Douglas (Member # 2990) on September 03, 2012, 01:54 PM:
Thanks for the confirmation that a Super8 optical edition was made, Hugh, and I bow to your expertise, though rather like Osi, how I wish I'd had a chance at this title from Perry's.

As to Warlords of Atlantis, Osi, I'd echo your comments...what a cracker of a film for it's time, holding up incredibly well even to this day. The on-deck tentacle fights were well constructed, edited nicely with a cut to a full view of the octopus. Water scenes haven't caught my imagination so vividly since I tried to hold my breath with Shelly Winters in the The Poseidon Adventure! [Smile]
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on September 08, 2012, 02:58 PM:
Fear not Dsi, there's an ad in the latest Film collector mag for
the two titles you're looking for, I've since had a phone about,
sooner or later they will appear.

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