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Posted by Robert Neia (Member # 890) on August 20, 2008, 04:56 AM:
Hello, I have been wanting to buy an optical super 8 sound projector for a while now, but i have not found any on the internet, I was wondering if anyone on here is interested in selling theirs? If not, could someone please point me in the direction of where I could find one? I tried ebay and I found nothing! Thanks.

Posted by Gary Crawford (Member # 67) on August 20, 2008, 08:42 AM:
Yes..the optical machines are rarer. Of course, if money is no object, then right now there is on Ebay an Elmo GS1200...the Lexus of super 8 machines...stereo mag optical everything else inthe world..the guy is asking a price higher than fair market, however....and even fair market is pretty expensive. Sometimes there are elmo st1200's that show up that have optical. Most don't. The Eumig mark s m&O is a pretty good little machine to watch for...only has 600 ft capacity, though. Keep looking....eventually something will turn up.
Posted by Robert Neia (Member # 890) on August 20, 2008, 02:21 PM:
Hi Gary,

I cant seem to find that GS1200 on ebay, would you mind sending me a link? I just wanted to take a look at it, money is an object for me in this case. I have seen a few optical projectors that run around $800 is that what they usually run around? If so, that is way out of my budget. Thanks.
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on August 20, 2008, 03:24 PM:
Hi Robert,the item number is 200247976053 for the GS1200 machine,sorry i can't do a link for you.It does look in very nice condition but it is strong money.If you can find an ST1200 with optical sound they are lovely units and give less trouble than the GS models (i've had two of them)as they are very nice but complicated machines and can cost quite a bit if you buy the wrong machine and it needs repairs.The ST has better optical sound than the GS also,gives a good light output(150w also the GS is 200w)and it's usually well under half the price ..Mark.
Posted by Graham Sinden (Member # 431) on August 20, 2008, 03:30 PM:
Try this link
Posted by Kevin Faulkner (Member # 6) on August 20, 2008, 06:22 PM:
Thats way over the top on price [Eek!]
Bet it doesnt sell till the seller reduces his price!

Posted by Robert Neia (Member # 890) on August 20, 2008, 08:14 PM:
wow that is way too much! i was actually thinking of retrofitting a regular super 8 sound projector with an optical photocell fro. an old 16mm projector. but this seems to be a bit of a challenge... anyone have any ideas of how i can go about doing that? my main concern is that the photocell from the 16mm will no fit inside the super 8 projector... any comments?
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on August 20, 2008, 08:14 PM:
Robert, do you know much about projectors in general? If you can repair a projector, then I may have an offer for you on a EUMIG MARK S O & M. It does have issues. It need a new claw, that's the one issue.

If you can replace a claw, then this may be for you. I'm not looking to rip off anybody. Please note that it even comes with a replacement mag/optical sound assembly. This model, (as many other Eumig's) had this nice thing where you could take out worn out head assemblies and replace the entire part.

This was my main optical projector, but honestly, I don't have the extra money or the ability to do the fixing. One thing I can tell you is that the optical sound, on this specific brand of projectors, has amazingly good optical sound, good low end and high end, which is somewhat rare for optical sound.

I forgot, you might want to also replace the main switch as well, as I was having problems with it. Like I said, it'll go for a song, (and the shipping to your country of course.)

If your interested, please e-mail me at


(will that work Kev? [Big Grin]
Posted by Gary Crawford (Member # 67) on August 21, 2008, 11:31 AM:
Osi...I got my little Eumig s m&O...from a New York camera company...on a clearance deal back in the mid 1980's...or so for 100 dollars brand new. I didn't get an optical print until a cheap print of Island of Dr. Moreau came up years later. I had always heard and read that 8mm optical was the pits and was really surprised when I ran that print. The sound was very very good..and without that mag sound flutter that some mag prints exhibit. I used the M and O mainly as a backup super 8 machine and it's now as the backup to the backup, but it's still in perfect shape. Just yesterday, by coincidence, I took delivery of an Elmo St800 , which was unusual from two aspects. It has mag AND optical sound ( and it's not the GS model) and someone wired in an outboard transformer which has enabled it to use the 200watt ESC bulb that the big GS1200's use. It also came with two features, one mag sound of African Queen and one optical of the Earthling. Ran a bit of the Queen to test picture and mag sound. Haven't run an optical test yet. But I got this little beauty off ebay from someone in Canada for $172.00 plus , of course, about 50 dollars shipping. Still a great bargain, I think.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on August 21, 2008, 03:36 PM:
... and just think Gary, that's exactly what I'd want for the Eumig Mark S O&M ... what you piad for shipping, 50.00. As I said, it does need a little work, but that added plus is that it has the whole extra mag/optical sound head assembly.

Hey, just curious, how has your copy of Earthling held up? I've ran into a lot of Kodak SP prints which are largely faded, but I also finally ran into an earlier stock print, and this has nearly spot on color, just a little scratched, but I'll put up with a few scratches over badly faded color anyday!
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on August 22, 2008, 04:50 AM:
Hi Robert a very good + cheap but OK Machine is the bauer 190 with a 150 watt lamp and optical sound on board, they are very quiet too and have good picture quiality, they do not have a front sprocket and rely on a relieved flipping plastic part instead with the claw pulling the film through at the front.
They have the usual rear sprocket.
Even so as 99% of optical seems to be on poly/estar stock they are a great option for just those and usually reliable.
They have a lovely and sharp 1.2 schnieder lens as well and the 1.1 xenovaron can be had quite cheaply for them too as plenty about for seriously nice picture quality.

Best Mark.

One in germany at the moment just for a look.

[URL= c0.m1] .c0.m1[/URL] 4

I`ll try to link the other odd pic, not a bad option.

Loads come up in germany but I think I have seen the odd one in the US and Canada.

Best Mark.

Sorry when I do a second link it seems to naff up the first one for some reason, I will do another link to the Germany Buaer when I can do another post after the time elapse thing, as the second link is an interesting site and has the bauer on.
Posted by Gary Crawford (Member # 67) on August 22, 2008, 07:38 AM:
Osi, I have not screened any of the Earthling, but I did unspool a bit and look at it....seems pretty brown to me...mostly brown. In fact , the only thing I have not checked out on that 800 is the optical side. Have to do that today. Only have two optical films, anyway. Would love to find that print of Broadway Danny Rose. You said that was astounding.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on August 22, 2008, 09:26 AM:
Robert, I received your e-mail and have sent you one back!

All the best!
Posted by John W. Black (Member # 1082) on August 23, 2008, 11:07 PM:
Osi,interested in a swap?
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on August 24, 2008, 01:42 PM:
Sorry John, I just sold the projector, but thanks for asking.

Posted by Ken Elhardt (Member # 1297) on October 05, 2008, 04:46 PM:
I just posted my Chinon 9500MV Super8 Optical Sound projector for sale for $500 up in another thread in this section, in case you're still looking for one and that's in your budget.


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