This is topic BAMBI 300FT PICCOLO AND U.S. VERSION in forum 8mm Print Reviews at 8mm Forum.
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Posted by Robert Aragon (Member # 181) on May 07, 2005, 08:30 PM:
Who doesn't Love animation....and Disney. Well, I picked up another film from...Andreas. In fact ALL my German prints are from This gent, always the best quality and service. Top notch. The print is also on AFGA stock. The picture quality...AGAIN, MUCH BETTER than the AMERICAN VERSION....A little Sharper and greater contrast and texture to the scenes in the film. In fact expect me to say that about all the piccolo prints compared to the U.S. prints, at the least, all that i have purchased. As for content...BOTH U.S. BAMBi extracts can be edited right into the PICCOLO version. IN FACT, I was amazed on how well the three extracts work together, seems as if the editors from Germany and burbank conferred before finalizing their edits. What scenes are on the FULL reel 65 meter Piccolo print? The original opening disney title, the birth of the new prince, the mother's death, fire, ending.....when edited with the U.S., makes a full 600 ft digest. EASY editing, since not 1 frame of footage is repeated from the GErman and U.S. versions. Another great addition, and in STEREO mind you. Well, after i re-record them. LAstly, I do want to mention the QUality of the storage CASe. AGAIn superior to the U.S. cardboard boxes. I have heard that Piccolo created the "clamshell" Storage film case, which Ken used for thier releases. BUT, the American cases are FLIMSY compared to the thick sturdy material used by Piccolo Films. They really DID care about their product. 

[ May 15, 2005, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: Robert Aragon ]
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on May 10, 2005, 02:51 AM:
Both in your reviews on Bambi and Sinbad are comparing between German and USA realeses. Could you post the pictures (screen shot) of both releases. Will be much better if that from the same scene. I still don't know the different of German (AGFA) and USA prints (Eastman).
Posted by Robert Aragon (Member # 181) on May 10, 2005, 12:26 PM:
hi Winbert, Sorry I do not own a digital camera, hence, I can't post pictures. But, the picture quality difference is very noticable. Like I said, they are sharper to begin with, and deeper blacks. The best way to see the difference is in person... But, i will try to borrow a dig cam and do my best in taking and posting pics.
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on December 31, 2007, 09:10 AM:
We have been giving Bambi a good airing in December having recently recorded it into Stereo. A lovely film which always brings a tear and ends up with the feel good factor which we can always rely on Disney for. Such a nice film is Bambi and a superb print from Derann Derann.
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