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Posted by Patrick Walsh (Member # 637) on December 08, 2007, 04:22 PM:
Universal 8s DISCO BEAVER well I am at a lost for words!, What a load of crap! but very enjoyable and funnry crap!
we begin with the dancing beaver (man un suit) over layed with various shots of NY buildings, we see some guy dressed up as a vampire, I presume he is the villian, it almost looks like it was all shot on VHS!, we cut to a game show where every answer is "breast" or "boob" and the entire tv show's set is a giant set of breasts!
would be a good film to run at a party.
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on December 10, 2007, 10:13 AM:
I had a print of this when it was first released,truly dire needless to say it was returned back to Perrys for a full refund due to the poor quality of the print which was a video to film transfer.
I think it was shot especially for the cable channels which were up and coming then.
Posted by Marshall Crist (Member # 1312) on October 12, 2008, 01:03 PM:
Always wanted to see this due to the presence of Alice Playten. I'm still waiting for the chance, and suspect I may be waiting for a long time.
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on October 16, 2008, 10:17 AM:

"Disco Beaver" was made for cable (HBO) in 1978. The humor seems so dated to me.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on October 16, 2008, 12:42 PM:
Well, hey, it IS thirty years ago.
This reminds me of a film that I would have loved seeing as a one reel digest ...
All they would have to do is just take the ongoing battle between the groundskeeper (Bill Murray) and that "Gopher puppet'
Dancing to the them music! Though Chevy Chase and Bill were in it together, (it was the only film they did together, reportedly, they hate each others guts!), it was Bill Murray that really made that film the sophmoric classic I still think it is, not to mention it also having Rodney Dangerfield in just about his best ever role ...
"Hey, I bet you were something before electricity!"
... and Ted Knight as that highly strung owner of the golf course!
Lets not forget that theme song ... "I'm Alright!"
Boy, if I could find a optical super 8 pint of that, I'd snap it up QUICKLY!!
Sorry, I know I went slightly off course here, but it's in the same "potty humor" as "Disco Beaver".
Funny that "Police Academy 2" would make it onto Super 8, but not Caddyshack!
Posted by Graham Sinden (Member # 431) on May 24, 2009, 02:46 PM:
I recently purchased this film from Perrys at Ealing, mainly because I wanted some nice 400ft spools I could use for putting 2 200's on. I agree totally with the first comment that it's crap, but not bad crap. In fact some of it is quite funny and loony. Ive decided now im going to keep this and not chuck the box and film away.
And whats more I watched this on my Chinon DS-300 TV style projector and this is probably the best way to watch it. Quite repeatable. Correct me if im wrong, but he dosent seem to do much disco?
I notice the original is 51 mins.
Graham S
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on May 26, 2009, 08:49 AM:
I bought this new from Derann in 1988 for £4 , must have been an old job lot.
Didn`t keep it long as a bit dire, but anything with boobs popping out has got to fairly good old fun etc.
But I wouldn`t buy it just for that.
I don`t remeber the quality as just in to the wide world of super 8 sound cine then and everything looked great.
Best Mark.
Posted by Brad Kimball (Member # 5) on May 26, 2009, 10:28 PM:
I think I'll pass on this one. "Animal House", and others like it, were far superior to this nonsense.
Posted by Vanessa Roa (Member # 1437) on February 15, 2017, 07:28 PM:
I am hunting this one, If anyone has it. Please get in touch with me if you do. I love this special. It's a lot of fun.
Posted by Brian Fretwell (Member # 4302) on February 17, 2017, 03:50 PM:
At early BFCCs this was often seen on the Bring & Buy stall, so many people passed it on.
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