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Posted by Luis Caramelo (Member # 2430) on June 12, 2011, 02:31 PM:
my friends there,s nothing to say about this masterpice,i guess
all collectors know this film,from the book of boris paternak
this,s my favorite david lean,s film,i got a superb print from
kympsky,great scope.
luis caramelo
Posted by Oscar Iniesta (Member # 1731) on June 12, 2011, 03:19 PM:
Luis, it is incredible to see that big street, and other sets, which were built here in Spain, close to Madrid. Unfortunately, nothing from Samuel Bronston films survive the past of time. I saw in a documentary, that some trees from a big set, are growing in one lonely location, next to the clothes store ruins. Even some russian landscapes were locations near Madrid.
Posted by Luis Caramelo (Member # 2430) on June 13, 2011, 06:25 AM:
hi! oscar,you are absolty right,we can step on the streets set
and it seems we make part of the movie(imagination)the time goes by but timelss movies like this one it will be forever
by the way have you got a print of this too?
luis caramelo
Posted by Oscar Iniesta (Member # 1731) on June 14, 2011, 01:23 PM:
Hello. I donīt have any print of these films shot in Spain. I have been interested in them during the last years, and I have seen the movies and some TV documentaries about that adventure. It is sad to see that there were big cinema studios here.
Posted by Chris Batt (Member # 1880) on July 28, 2011, 02:20 PM:
Would love to see Dr Zhivago through a Projector, I have the condensed version (17mins) and I love it. It has pinked through the years so the actors look more healthy than they should
Will be hunting a fuller version, maybe I will be lucky.........
Posted by Luis Caramelo (Member # 2430) on July 28, 2011, 03:33 PM:
hi! chris,i,m glad youlike dr.zhivago to,i hope you can find the
full lenght,i have to sell the 3x400ft in o.b colors not fade at all...
luis caramelo
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on August 04, 2011, 12:35 PM:
I remember reading many yeasr ago, (back in the late 1980's when I first collected Super 8) that there was a full length version of this in super8 optical sound. However, the print was flat and not scope.
Since the airline flights only allowed for 110 minutes for a feature running time. This was either split into two cartridges for long flights, (overseas?), or, it was one of those smaller technicolor cartridge films, which means it would run as many cartridges as necessary.
For Instance, "Pocket Full O Miracles' (a super 8 optical feature I have from the early 1960's) ran for 6 cartridges, as each cartridge was approximately 20 to 25 minutes in length.
Posted by peter booth (Member # 242) on August 09, 2011, 11:58 AM:
Derann had it in their catalogue 7x600ft Colour Scope,
Posted by Luis Caramelo (Member # 2430) on August 26, 2011, 12:31 PM:
hi! fellas my print it,s on 8x600ft from kimpsky
luis caramelo
Posted by Lars-Goran Ahlm (Member # 1908) on August 26, 2011, 02:18 PM:
The Kempski prints was originally supplied on 12x400.
At least my copy was, bought in 1987, and still the most expensive copy in my collection.
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