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Posted by Michael Scheck (Member # 114) on April 06, 2012, 10:13 AM:
Motor Maniacs
USA 1946
With Edgar Kennedy, Florence Lake, Jack Rice
Directed by Wallace Grissell
This is a cutdown by Mountain Films from an 18 minute long Kennedy Short.
The cuts are quite crude - one doesn't get the story line which involves an oil-magnate who wants to marry Edgars mother-in-law and a outboard motor that is supposed to run all day long with only a cupful of gas.
However, the cutdown assembles the climaxes of this funny short: Edgar testing the motor in his bathtub while he has guests who try to make conversation in the living room downstairs and a sequence where Edgar falls into the lake with the motor, which drags him through the whole lake, where he must avoid to crash into several objects in the water.
Picture qualitiy is quite good, but unfortunately the sound is muffled.
The film gave me an appetite for more Edgar Kennedy shorts. I do not know if Motor Maniacs was ever released in its entirety. If so, I'd try to get it. I love slapstick comedy but didn't know those Edgar Kennedy shorts had such a charming touch on them.
This was my first review. I wish to apologize for my poor english. I hope I could make my point...
Thanks for reading,
Posted by Joe Caruso (Member # 11) on April 06, 2012, 02:01 PM:
Motor Maniacs WAS released in its entirety (Std 8mm Sound, believe it or not, but not Super 8mm Sound), same goes with I'll Build It Myself, only in Std 8mm Sound complete and Super 8 Sound truncated - DCR, Perry and Derann released several of the shorts, as did Mountain in 200' editions (Would like very much to see and have a Mountain catalog with the listings, etc, never had one) Others available are WILL POWER, DUMMY ACHE, AN APPLE IN HIS EYE, FEATHER YOUR NEST, HILLBILLY GOAT, HIGH BEER PRESSURE, MIND OVER MOUSE, HOME CANNING, INFERIOR DECORATORS, and HOW TO CLEAN HOUSE - Shorty
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