This is topic Ballet Mecanique-Fernand Leger-1924 in forum 8mm Print Reviews at 8mm Forum.
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Posted by Richard Bock (Member # 1926) on February 10, 2013, 10:53 AM:
The Standard 8mm print I received in a trade is a Thunderbird print and it's not so hot. In the stills you'll see all the white lines that go throughout. But that doesn't mean much to me as it adds texture, especially with this incredible kinetic work of art. Directed by Fernand Leger a great French abstract painter. What we have is a moving abstract cubist painting that predates modern advertising. Beautiful rapid fire images in movement, pistons, twirling reflective steel balls, geometric shapes, beautiful women, machines, marching soldiers feet and the finale (spoiler alert
a cubist Charlie Chaplin (the film is dedicated to him). With animation the cartoon Chaplin,deconstructs and flies into wonderful abstract pieces. To add to this I played Ballet pour Mécaniques et Percussion (1924) for 3 xylophones, 4 bass drums, tamtam, two pianos, siren, 7 bells, 3 airplane propellers, and 16 player pianos (first recording) by George Antheil (designed for the film), and with this wonderful music that is kinetic and modern the film is breath taking. Running time is 16 minutes.

[ February 10, 2013, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Richard Bock ]
Posted by Jean-Marc Toussaint (Member # 270) on February 10, 2013, 11:19 AM:
Cool, this is something you don't see often. By the way, it's "Fernand", not "Fernard".
Posted by Gerald Santana (Member # 2362) on February 10, 2013, 01:01 PM:
Hi Richard, this looks like a coll print to have. If you can't find the print, you can take a look at it through the UNSEEN CINEMA collection on DVD, which has many excellent shorts and usually available at public libraries.
This would be a nice one to run with a few others I have later this summer. Contact me if your're interested in sharing it with our film club. Thanks for this review...
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on February 10, 2013, 03:09 PM:
Interesting to see a review of such an unusual release. I can't recall ever coming across any Thunderbird Std 8 print! Anyone know if it was also released on S8, possibly with sound?
Posted by Richard Bock (Member # 1926) on February 10, 2013, 05:27 PM:

Gerald-I would like to have this shown, anytime you'd like to have it, I'd get it to you with the score. I also have Rene Clair's "Entr'acte" in 16mm if you don't have that with Satie score. I could make that available to the film club if you'd want that shown at some point.
Adrian-I think it may have been released by Blackhawk or Niles?
Thank you Jean Marc for the correction.
[ February 10, 2013, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: Richard Bock ]
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