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Posted by Andrew Woodcock (Member # 3260) on August 19, 2014, 05:03 PM:
Wow! Had the 200ft WDHM edition in low fade and loved it.
Now via e bay, I have the holy grail of 600ft Disney as far as I am concerned!

Had the rest, Christmas Carol, Prince & the Pauper, Once upon a Mouse etc etc but never had this!

Fantastic print, storyline which forms so many analogies to my modern day existance it is untrue!( I am that Donkey ha ha )
What a superb release from Derek and Derann,I know Vidar has it on 16mm. But to anyone else who owns this most poignant and superlative print... Hang on tight to it, it is a masterpiece of Walt Disney and Derann's History!!

[ August 19, 2014, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Andrew Woodcock ]
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on August 19, 2014, 06:57 PM:
It is an amazing print. It's one that has a special time here on or about Christmas every year, and unlike the rest of my Christmas films doesn't stay shelved all year long either.

A few years ago I showed it to my son's Cub Scout den. The story grabbed this bunch of hyperactive boys and kept them quiet from start to finish (this is pretty rare..). They kept asking each other questions about what was going on, because it doesn't fall into the Christmas narrative literally until the very last minute.
Posted by Andrew Woodcock (Member # 3260) on August 19, 2014, 08:16 PM:
It is indeed, as you say Steve, an amazing print! Glad your audience appreciate it as much as I did this evening!

One I shall never part with, top shelf only with Wallace & Gromit & co! [Razz]
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on August 20, 2014, 12:36 PM:
I have this Disney/Derann 600ft as well.

I've always been intrigued with this film, as this was Don Bluth's "swan song" at the Disney studios, (soon to start his own studio with that first feature "Secret of Nimh" another Derann feature, as well as the TV show "Banjo the Woodpile Cat", a major rip off, stylistically, of the "Aristocats"), and you see both the Disney style, as well as the distinct character design that became the general look of Don Bluth production animation, (look at the animation and style of the boys father, for instance).

I enjoy both Bluth's animation as well as Disney.

By the way, I forget as to whether it was released by Derann or otherwise, but the Don Bluth feature, "All Dog's Go To Heaven" was also a super 8 feature film!
Posted by Andrew Woodcock (Member # 3260) on August 20, 2014, 12:51 PM:
"The Small One" was released by Derann in the 90's as a Disney release. It was one of only five 600ft Disney releases they put out after acquiring the negatives from Disney after cementing the deal with them for their features.

"All Dogs.." was not released as a Disney film by Derann and never featured in their Disney section of their catalogues although as you quite rightly pointed out, Derann did release this feature just as a Don Bluth animation.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on August 21, 2014, 12:25 PM:
Thanks Andrew, I didn't know for sure if it was a Derann release. I wouldn't mind finding that feature as it's bound to look wonderful, given Derann's track record!
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on September 09, 2014, 11:31 AM:
Since a review of this title already exists, this thread is closed to avoid duplicate topics. Please post further replies here.


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