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Posted by Burton Sundquist (Member # 5813) on November 26, 2018, 11:11 PM:
A classic Bogart film. Many digests are mainly highlight reels, getting straight to the best or most memorable scenes of a film.
This Derann release is a true digest, as it presents The main titles and film opening then follows the main narrative, excludes certain sub-plots and offers a conclusion. A pretty nice edit. Unfortunately, not included in this version is the "Stinking Badges" shoot-out scene.
The print I received is on Eastman L.P.P. Poly stock. In C+ to B
condition due to the occasional green emulsion scratch and Black line. I am usually disappointed with the look of a B&W print on color stock but this one surprised me. Good sharpness and contrast too. An A rating for the audio: Nice and clear with that Good booming Max Steiner score.
If you are a fan of Bogart you will enjoy this release.

Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on November 27, 2018, 12:28 PM:
Great review of a great film!!! That's certainly a digest to look for. It doesn't come up too often on ebay or otherwise.
Posted by Burton Sundquist (Member # 5813) on December 02, 2018, 01:24 AM:
Thanks Osi, for your compliment.
I wish I had a feature version to review!
This year is almost over and I saw the digest up for sale twice. I agree it is not bandied about like NOTLD prints. So this is a keeper until I Find the feature printed on B&W Stock.
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on December 02, 2018, 01:17 PM:
No Stinking Badges?!!!
In this case you really DO need them!
Just like in the Derann Mad Mad World Digest they omitted Ethel Merman slipping on a banana peel!
You really need that too!
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