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Posted by Ernie Zahn (Member # 274) on April 21, 2007, 10:47 AM:
I'm having a problem with a B&H. It can't help but jump at 24fps. I'm not really sure as to why, but whenever it's on 18 it works ok, but then on 24 it jumps and the sound is watery. We tried to clean and it showed no change, is this a common issue? I don't use my 16mm as much as my super8.
Posted by Jeff Taylor (Member # 442) on April 27, 2007, 10:28 AM:
Assuming your B&H is a 5xx-25xx series machine, the first two things to check are the main drive belt (frequently stretches making the machine act up), and the worm gear (they generally crack and eventually fail completely). Pull the back off the machine and check both before looking for more obscure causes.
Posted by Kevin Faulkner (Member # 6) on April 28, 2007, 11:23 AM:
Also check the two floating tensioner rollers before and after the capstan (Flywheel) as they should move up and down freely but often the grease goes hard and they go very stiff so that the film has the wrong tension or no tension as it goes round that capstan.


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