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Posted by Andrew Wilson (Member # 538) on May 20, 2007, 04:39 AM:
I was just thinking were Roy Spence is now.He was the main 16mm film maker in Northern Ireland,winning serveral Ten Best Awards back in the MOVIE MAKER Mag;days.The last i herard he was living in
p.s my point is he still around.

[ May 20, 2007, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: Andrew Wilson ]
Posted by David Ahrens (Member # 714) on May 21, 2007, 01:24 PM:
Last I heard Andy he was still living in Comber. There was interesting documentary on him and his brother Noel on UTV back in Xmas 2005. Showing his home cinema and lots of clips from their films. After which they showed one of their films complete. Here is a link about it Link

Posted by Andrew Wilson (Member # 538) on May 21, 2007, 02:15 PM:
Thanks for that David.Roy was my primary school teacher,and i remember he brought in his 16mm projector back then.He ran a few castle/50s monster movies-ie THE DEADLY MANTHIS ETC...and i was hooked.Andy.
P.S Now you know who's fault it is,that i collect REEL film,all be it Super8.
Posted by David Ahrens (Member # 714) on May 22, 2007, 02:18 AM:
Yes I think school teachers have to take some of the blame. One of my old Junior school teachers used top bring his Super 8 projector in on the last day of school before Xmas and run Tom and Jerry cartoons as well as Catch the Pidgeon Looney toon etc. He even once ran a 400ft cutdown of Carry on Abroad ? It was my favourite day of the year. [Smile]

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