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Posted by Jim Schrader (Member # 9) on August 17, 2009, 08:40 AM:
Are parts from this compatible with any of the the other 2500,3500 series? [Confused]
Posted by Richard C Patchett (Member # 974) on August 17, 2009, 12:34 PM:
Greetings Jim
Many parts are compatible with the 2500,3500 series?
Most parts are still available for same I carry Many new parts for the Bell & Howell, Elmo, Eiki,
Posted by Jim Schrader (Member # 9) on August 17, 2009, 03:15 PM:
I got this free and I am afraid to try a film in it for fear it may reck them, the lever on the bottom that is used to load the film is not working properly if anybody wants or need parts off this let me know I can ship them to if one pays the shipping.
Posted by Richard C Patchett (Member # 974) on August 17, 2009, 05:32 PM:
Greetings Jim

The film is loaded from the top. Not the bottom (the lever on the bottom that is used to load) What lever? If you got a bad 2500 take that part off and replace it.
Posted by Jim Schrader (Member # 9) on August 19, 2009, 01:14 PM:
Richard the auto load lever is suppose to lock it dose not it just slides so far then never locks I only have the 80 series so I cannot go off any of those units to see what is going on.
Posted by Richard C Patchett (Member # 974) on August 19, 2009, 06:07 PM:
OK Jim
The auto load Switch (lever) Top where you put the film in 1st
A small spring might be missing.
If you have a piece of old film or leader Incert that 1st Hold down Switch (lever) Top See If that loads. normal. That way your good film would not be in shredded matter
May also needs a slight adjustment. On the auto load side
Posted by Jim Schrader (Member # 9) on August 20, 2009, 04:10 PM:
Richared I ran some leader through it it ran fine until it got to a certain spot ths spot must be where the release happens while loading I tried it again and manually released the autoload lever and it went through all the way I then tried another leader and it worked fine, so then i tried a film that has some bad sprockets that is junk but there is some good sprockets and it ran fine.
I then decided to try a full film that is good and it ran fine all the way through, afilm that I inspected with bad sprockets that was jumping all over the place in my 3580 [Frown] ran fine in the 1585 [Smile] hows that for a success story.
I did inspect the worm gear it has a small hairline crack starting but the unit runs fine.
Posted by Richard C Patchett (Member # 974) on August 21, 2009, 05:16 AM:
Greetings Jim
When this happens dose the film bunch up just before the sound drum? So are you keeping the projector? Sounds like it might need a good cleaning. I have seen worm gears with small hair line cracks that last for years.
Email me at
Posted by Richard C Patchett (Member # 974) on August 21, 2009, 03:10 PM:
Thanks Jim
for contacting me on this

If any one needs this gear i have them in stock

So the film bunches up before the sound drum
Gear needs replacement
The plastic gear has a metal insert that brakes away from the plastic
Bell & Howell part is no longer available

I have a machine shop that makes these gears for me
This is a 38 tooth gear that drives the lower sprocket shaft on the B&H projector. This is necessary because the sprocket on this model of slot loading projector runs in the opposite direction of all other B&H projectors. B&H gear number 015533, color, white; aluminum hub with setscrews; bore .250 inch. Diameter about 1.250 inches
Your cost is $28.00 plus mailing

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