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Posted by Maurice Leakey (Member # 916) on September 30, 2013, 06:30 AM:
I have a copy of "Woman Times Seven" (Shirley MacLaine) which is on LPP stock. The copy has excellent colour but has some sort of patches along its whole length. At first I thought they might be damp patches but now I'm not so sure.
As the film has a slight unknown smell (does not smell like V/S) I am wondering if it has been incorrectly treated with some cleaner or preservative.
The marks only show on the screen in very light outdoor scenes, in all darker interior scenes they are not noticeable.
I have tried Isopropyl Alcohol in an attempt on a short section to see if I can remove the marks but it has no effect whatsoever.
Has anybody got an idea what has caused the marks?
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on September 30, 2013, 07:15 AM:
I believe these marks are a result of incorrect processing as they usually show on screen with a definite sort of curl effect to them and for just a few seconds intermittently. If I was a betting chap I would lay money of chemistry being contaminated or perhaps the stabilizer was exhausted. You wont remove them by cleaning that’s for sure and I would expect the effect to worsen sorry to say. I does beg a question for those who spend thousands on LPP prints made by that lab in that they may just have a waiting time bomb sitting on reels when one day they come to run a film and this problem finally shows up.
Posted by Maurice Leakey (Member # 916) on September 30, 2013, 08:56 AM:
An interesting thought, Lee, but would your theory also account for the unusual smell?
Posted by Bill Brandenstein (Member # 892) on October 01, 2013, 12:01 PM:
Can a lab do a "wash" of the film and improve the situation?
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