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Posted by Louis Franchetti (Member # 2035) on August 25, 2014, 07:53 AM:
I was just curious how hard is it to find a 3-D prints of "Spooks" and "Pardon My Backfire" on 16mm? I know they were on Super 8, but I've never seen them come up for sale. I know one guy who has a print of both on 16mm, but he probably would never sell them. Also, how would the effects hold up on the prints and how much would they probably cost to buy?
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on August 25, 2014, 01:13 PM:
Both titles were originally released in 35mm polarized dual print, and looked great. The 16mm anaglyph's were struck much later. Low fade prints struck from non faded source material should look fine, or at least as fine as anaglyph 3D can look. Faded prints will look like crap, as the anaglyph glasses will no longer be able to cancel out the opposite eye's image.

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