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Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on October 25, 2014, 01:47 PM:
Now that i am moving onto 16mm i am wondering what kind of year 16mm movies etc were stopped being produced. I ask because i am a great fan of 70s/80s horror and sci-fi movies. Some i know exist like An American werewolf in london,Halloween and Jaws etc just wondering whats out there for me. PS if someone knows of a copy of The Dark Crystal for sale i must have it :)Also are the Star wars movies available in 16mm?
Posted by Lee Panton (Member # 4443) on October 25, 2014, 02:50 PM:
I look for a 16mm version of The Dark Crystal too William.
Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on October 25, 2014, 04:10 PM:
My wife has made it my mission to find it for her
along with about 20 other titles haha.
Posted by David C. Lucidi (Member # 4020) on October 25, 2014, 07:56 PM:
William, prepare to shell out HUGE HUGE money for Star Wars in non-faded color.
A friend of mine just won an ultra rare copy on Ebay -- For $2085 US -- color is perfect!
A completely, totally pink Empire Strikes Back recently sold for $1000 US.
Jaws and Halloween will command high prices too, as most copies that sell cheaper are faded to pink, and the non-fade ones are very rare.
Dark Crystal is out there (and due to when it was made, will likely be in LPP or AGFA low fade stock, although first printed versions may not be and thus, may be faded to pink), but the price could range from a few hundred up to $600 or more, depending upon demand and condition.
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on October 25, 2014, 08:01 PM:
Hi William get the 1st 3 star wars on Blu Ray and the trailers on super 8 low fade.
A bit of reality needed on some of the crazy titles.
Best Mark.
Posted by David C. Lucidi (Member # 4020) on October 25, 2014, 08:37 PM:
But the copy of Star Wars that sold for $2085 was the original 1977 release. That means:
-No BS added scenes
-No BS special effect modifications
-No BS "Greedo Shot First" crap.
-Special effects that LOOKED the way they were supposed to in 1977 (and were well respected as such)
Lucas has made it a quest to make sure ZERO versions exist in the hands of viewers, besides his "special edition" versions. He has gone on record to state anyone having the original VHS or Laserdisc versions will have them deteriorate in a few more years and then the ONLY copies that exist are the ones HE wants people to see. (And it's also been documented that he is notorious for confiscating film prints of his work, too).
So when you factor in that this is the original unaltered version, that is as rare as hens teeth in a low fade format, I think the price was within reason if you are a fan.
Posted by William Fleming (Member # 2632) on October 26, 2014, 04:04 AM:
Wow that is a reality check on what prices can be demanded for prints. I suppose we all know this is not a cheap hobby/passion and do pay out for the right print just glad there are bargains still out there if you look about and speak to the right people. Off to visit David Guest today at his home lets see what i can come home with
Posted by Vidar Olavesen (Member # 3354) on October 26, 2014, 04:13 AM:
Luckily Lucas doesn't own the rights anymore ... The original trilogy is coming for Blu-Ray release soon I've heard. And I still crossing my fingers for my LD's and DVD's to keep on working for at least my time
Lucas destroyed the industry and that is sad, as he was my hero when Star Wars came. Digital was almost pushed onto us by Lucas. Now Tarantino is my hero
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on October 26, 2014, 06:54 AM:
Hi Vidar so thats the origional versions soon, hope so.
Should of been on the blu ray release anyway really.
I know cine is a selfish, and compulsive, I own it sort of hobby in a lot of ways but prices are nuts and does`nt help the hobby.
Things like your recent clash of the titans Vidar are the real deal and some good and cheap 35mm buys etc.
I personally find a lot of nice B+W say on dvd on a certain setting on my quite old VP looks very filmie.
Best Mark.
Posted by David C. Lucidi (Member # 4020) on October 26, 2014, 09:18 AM:
"Luckily Lucas doesn't own the rights anymore ... The original trilogy is coming for Blu-Ray release soon I've heard. And I still crossing my fingers for my LD's and DVD's to keep on working for at least my time"
Not totally true -- at least not for now.
The original trilogy has no plans of being released anytime soon due to a number of hurdles in place.
20th Century Fox owns the rights to Episodes 1 through 6 (Phantom Menace to Return of the Jedi). Those rights expire in 2020.
However, they own permanent rights to Episode IV, A New Hope (which is what I previously referenced).
Here is an interesting article explaining the complexity of the situation of an "uncut" version, and why you will (sadly) likely never see it happen, at least not anytime soon: -Coming-Blu-Ray-66870.html
Page 2 goes into the specifics regarding Lucas, but the whole article explains it in detail. And this article is current (written August 2014). So again, the only way to enjoy it (currently) is on film, or old VHS/Laserdisc.
Is there hope? Sure. But not until after Lucas dies, I would bet. In any case, don't expect to see it anytime soon (which is a REAL shame). At least Speilberg regretted his alterations to E.T., apologized to the fans, and included the original on the DVD along with the modified version. He also went on record to state to NEVER watch the modified version and that he would never do that to one of his films again.
Posted by Vidar Olavesen (Member # 3354) on October 26, 2014, 09:33 AM:
Sorry if I was mistaken, but seen some posts suggesting that it should happen.
I do have the non-anamorphic DVD's and the LD, so I am fairly satiesfied with that anyway
Posted by David C. Lucidi (Member # 4020) on October 26, 2014, 09:42 AM:
No need for apologies at all....I actually wish it WAS true, what you said.
I had read that same article (which was around the same time as the one I posted). First thing I saw wrong with it, was when they said Disney owned the rights. I knew right there that the article was misleading, because Disney doesn't -- 20th Century does.
Posted by Vidar Olavesen (Member # 3354) on October 26, 2014, 09:50 AM:
I thought they bought it all, but you are right, Fox have always had the rights to the first (fourth) film. Lucas is still an ass :-)
Posted by David C. Lucidi (Member # 4020) on October 26, 2014, 11:16 AM:
Your comment about Lucas is putting it VERY mildly
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on October 27, 2014, 10:12 AM:
> A friend of mine just won an ultra rare copy on Ebay -- For $2085 US -- color is perfect!
Yes, there are very good 16mm LPP scope reduction prints out there of the original Star Wars before it was re-titled to a new hope. The price David mentioned is about what they sell for these days. They are still cheaper than a British IB Tech 35mm print goes for.
Posted by Mitchell Dvoskin (Member # 1183) on October 27, 2014, 03:19 PM:
> I thought they bought it all, but you are right, Fox have always had the rights to the first (fourth) film.
Fox gave/sold the rights to the original film back to Lucas as part of the deal to distribute episodes 1 thru 3. When that distribution deal expires, all rights will revert back to LucasFilm/Disney.
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