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Posted by Elyas Tesfaye (Member # 3356) on February 20, 2015, 03:44 PM:
Hello all,

what better way to start the weekend than getting a free EIKI SSL-O [Smile] ? (It did eat up one of my movies a bit... Well two to be precise, but nonetheless, my SSL-O now has a twin [Smile] ... That having been said, I also noticed that the newer one appears brighter (hoping I'm not seeing things lol) and wanted to ask about this thing I had always been curious about as I couldn't even find out what to call it in the repair manual? What does it do? It had a layer if what seems like carbon dust on it n started to clean it off but wanna ask if I shouldn't have done that? Any clue [Smile] ?


Posted by Barry Fritz (Member # 1865) on February 20, 2015, 06:40 PM:
Where is it located on the projector? If it is in the lamphouse, between the lamp and aperture, it is likely a heat shield. The shield drops down between the lamp and the aperture when the film speed slows down to a point where heat from the lamp could burn the film.
Posted by Elyas Tesfaye (Member # 3356) on February 20, 2015, 11:22 PM:
Hi Barry,

thanks for the reply, I figured it out as soon as I had posted the inquiry [Smile] ... It's a heat shield to prevent film burn while using the pause switch. Thanks again and hope you are having a great weekend [Big Grin] !!!

Posted by Steven J Kirk (Member # 1135) on March 12, 2015, 11:18 AM:
Yep, heat shield. You can clean it if you want.

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