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Posted by Robert Crewdson (Member # 3790) on September 11, 2018, 07:03 AM:
Way back in 1969 I watched what I thought was a wonderful comedy on the TV, it was 'My Wife's Family', a 1956 British film with Ronald Shiner and Ted Ray, with Fabia Drake as the mother-in-law from Hell. At that time, before I ever got into home movies I thought how wonderful it would be if I could own this print just shown by the BBC. It's not been broadcast since. Last year I grabbed a copy on Ebay. It's a US TV print, and from my research even these are very rare, as the distributor of all the US prints, Seven Arts, got out of film distribution for TV after only 2 to 3 years, 1962-65. The print is in perfect physical condition, but the exposure is a tad dark to me, which was a bit disappointing, but I was more than happy to own this film last seen 48 years ago. Yesterday evening I was Googling one of the stars from the film, and to my surprise, another copy was on offer on Ebay. My first thought after the surprise of another copy showing up, was, is it better contrast than the print I have or identical? At less than half the price that I paid for my first copy, I was determined to have it. In no more than three minutes from seeing the listing, I had told my wife, explained why I wanted to buy a copy of a film I already have, and pressed the 'Buy it Now' button. So now I'm waiting for it to come, sometime in the next two weeks. Whether it's better than my first copy or identical I shall be keeping both copies.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on September 13, 2018, 10:52 AM:
Fingers crossed on that one and best wishes!
Posted by David Guest (Member # 2791) on September 13, 2018, 11:20 AM:
I am almost sure I have the trailer for this film
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