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Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on April 18, 2012, 05:30 AM:
Hi there all,
I have been searching for 16mm Doctor who for a long time to no avail. I'm most interested in 16mm episodes or segments/clips from the CLASSIC SERIES (ie: Not the 2 Cushing Films) but I am also interested in things like location/models/effects footage. I am even more interested if it is in a BBC film can, but that isn't imperative. My favourite items are related to cybermen, daleks or the yeti, but I'm interested in almost anything...
I was just wondering if anyone on the board has anything, knows someone who may have something or knows where I could find something. If you have anything, please either reply here or send me a message.
Kind Regards,
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on April 18, 2012, 02:48 PM:
Don't know why I said message there... Please either reply on the board or send me an email.
Best wishes,
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on April 22, 2012, 10:19 AM:
Hi Richard,
Dr. Who is very hard to find in 16mm -- there were two on ebay in the last month or so. One went for £1600 and the other went for £750.
Not quite sure why you care about what cans they are in, but that would make it even more difficult.
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on April 22, 2012, 12:35 PM:
Hi there,
It doesn't have to be in a BBC film can, I just like to have an original can. But as I say, that isn't really important.
I did see the ebay auctions and I have no idea why they went so high! I've heard that an average price is around the 300 mark, but it can differ. Its not just episodes that I'm interested in though, anything from location footage to model effects interests me.
But thank you for the advice.
I may have found a source for some 16mm Doctor Who, so I will post if I have any luck with that.
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on April 22, 2012, 02:39 PM:
£300 is a good deal for Dr. Who prints - if you can get prints for that sort of price, I would grab them. But, I can't imagine anyone would sell prints for that price anymore given the two recent sales on ebay. The first one was possibly an original, but the second one was a dupe for sure. So there are people out there willing to pay £750 for a dupe...
Good luck with your contact - If he/she has any prints you don't want to buy yourself, let me know - I'm always trying to add more to my collection.
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on April 22, 2012, 02:54 PM:
It is very odd that they went so high, especially the non-original. Most people who I speak to about prints are collectors, generally specifically or mainly collecting doctor who, and most find the recent ebay prices very *strange*, especially considering ones from a year or two back have been WAY cheaper. I think (HOPE!!) that most specific doctor who collectors will already have formed a general opinion on what their items are worth and will ignore this 'blip'.
I'll let you know if I'm not successful, but that will probably only be the case if the items really have no appeal to me (which would be very odd!!), something better appears (multiple leads) or I cannot afford it (which is rather likely!).
Do you actually have any dr who items, as you said you wanted to add to your collection?
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on April 22, 2012, 03:04 PM:
It's a question of supply and demand.. There's very little supply, and a fair amount of demand. Therefore, the prices go up... If there is less demand or more supply in the future, then I suspect prices will go down again...
And to answer your question, yes, I have the largest (known) collection of Dr. Who Telerecordings outside of the BBC. (Wasn't that you who messaged me about them on the missing episodes forum?)
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on April 22, 2012, 03:08 PM:
Haha!! Its you! Small world... just sent you another message on the ME forum in fact. I should have guessed!
Posted by Christian Bjorgen (Member # 1780) on April 22, 2012, 03:30 PM:
Steven, out of sheer curiosity, how many reels do you have of it? Would it be possible to see some photos?
Posted by Mark Todd (Member # 96) on April 23, 2012, 11:03 AM:
Gawd help us and bring on the DVDs of each story at around £5 each !!!!! delivered.
Be Mark.
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on May 06, 2012, 03:45 PM:
This may sound like a direct contradiction to my original post, but out of interest, does anyone have one of the 2 Cushing dalek films that they would consider selling? Ideally the first one, but both are cool.
Thank you,
Posted by Jonathan Trevithick (Member # 3066) on May 06, 2012, 04:53 PM:
You just missed one on Ebay. I was watching it. It went for 150 pounds.
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on May 06, 2012, 04:58 PM:
Hi Jonathan,
I didn't miss it; I was watching it too, but at the time I wasn't really in the right circumstances to buy it. It was a nice print though. Thank you for notifying me anyhow. Any chance that someone has something similar?
Posted by Jonathan Trevithick (Member # 3066) on May 07, 2012, 03:58 AM:
I've been looking around for them too.
The first one is for sale here if you have $400 to spare!
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on May 07, 2012, 04:43 AM:
If only that site had a half-price sale.
I'm sure another will turn up soon though. I've seen a lot go by in the past. I have the super8mm cut-downs, but its not the same!!
Looking back on it: It is actually an adapted scope print, and they are worth a lot more, so that could explain the price.
[ May 07, 2012, 05:52 AM: Message edited by: Richard Fullerton ]
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on May 10, 2012, 11:19 AM:
$400 is a good price for that print - not only is it in Adapted scope, it's IB Technicolor (Will NEVER fade - color will be orders of magnitude better than that print on ebay)......
If I didn't already have an IB/Adapted print of this film, I'd buy it in a second...
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on May 10, 2012, 12:35 PM:
Hi Steve,
While it would be nice to have a copy with pristine colour, I would probably prefer one with slightly less good colour, non-scope with a slightly lower price..
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on May 10, 2012, 12:56 PM:
Seems like a waste of money to me - for what amounts to £100 more, you get a print that wont fade, has a correct aspect ratio and will certainly hold its value a lot better over the long run...
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on May 10, 2012, 01:23 PM:
Its the 100 more that causes the trouble!
I'll keep an eye on it certainly.. My budget probably couldn't acommodate a price such as that at the moment. I have a few other things to look into first..
If there was a cheaper one knocking about, I'd be more inclined, but for what it is, that is a pretty good price.
Posted by Jonathan Trevithick (Member # 3066) on May 11, 2012, 03:28 AM:
Going off topic slightly but continuing with Doctor Who, my Dad has a 16mm telerecording of a BBC pop magazine show from the 1960s which appears to be one of the many shows they wiped. It's called "A Whole Scene Going". It features a short section on the British film industry with a little on-location footage of "Daleks Invasion Earth". There's also an interview with its director Gordon Flemyng. We are going to put it on Ebay in the next week or so. I will probably put some clips of the show on Youtube when it's listed. As it's half mine,who knows, if it sells I might even be able to afford that 16mm Technicolor Dalek print! Details to follow.....
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on May 11, 2012, 10:15 AM:
@ Jonathan - have just sent you a private message about your film.
Posted by Richard Fullerton (Member # 2457) on May 11, 2012, 12:16 PM:
Hi there Jonathan,
I look forward to see your film on ebay, it sounds very interesting.
Posted by Jonathan Trevithick (Member # 3066) on May 16, 2012, 01:01 AM:
[ May 30, 2012, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: Jonathan Trevithick ]
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