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Posted by Rob Koeling (Member # 35) on October 20, 2005, 09:08 AM:
I'm looking for a scope bracket for my Elmo-CL16 and one for my Eiki SSL-1.
Let me know if you have anything available.
- Rob
Posted by Kevin Clark (Member # 211) on October 20, 2005, 09:21 AM:
Hello Rob.
If you can get a Kowa 8z or 16H 'scope lens it will screw straight onto the front of the prime Elmo 16CL 50mm lens without the need for adapter rings or brackets = perfect alignment & save a fortune as the brackets are often more expensive than the lenses. The Eiki / Elf swing down mounts come up from time to time on Ebay but likely never when you actually need one!
Posted by Rob Koeling (Member # 35) on October 20, 2005, 11:01 AM:
Hello Kevin,
That's an excellent tip. You are right about the availability of these brackets. I have seen quite a few brackets for the Eiki over the years (but very few recently), but those for the Elmo seem to be really scarce.
Ok, I extend my search to one of the two above mentioned scope lenses. Anyone?
Will you be at the BFCC, Kevin?
- Rob
Posted by Kevin Clark (Member # 211) on October 20, 2005, 10:46 PM:
Hello Rob
Yes I'll be at the BFCC tomorrow, looking forward to it very much as my last visit to a film convention was 20 years ago (I really do need to go out more!). Also another thought, whilst it will be great if you can find a Kowa 8z / 16H you can easily unscrew the front ring of the Elmo 50mm lens then bring it to the BFCC to try it on other makes of 'scope lenses that dealers may be selling. It may be possible to do the same with the front ring of the Eiki too that way you can be sure any purchase you make will fit without the need to carry the whole lens around. Good hunting though (it's all part of the fun of the hobby) and check your messages as you have a PM!)
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on October 21, 2005, 08:37 AM:
You can probably get the SSL scope bracket from Bob Halls at Projex
I bought one a few months ago. Bob still imports Eiki spares and projectors from Japan, and the price of new spares is sometimes less than used ones on eBay!
Posted by Jeff Taylor (Member # 442) on June 02, 2006, 03:39 PM:
Speaking from personal experience, get the bracket if you can. At least with the Eiki the extra weight of a scope adapter tends to lead to focus creep, not to mention the convenience of being able to set the horizontal alignment once and forget about it.
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