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Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on April 25, 2006, 06:21 PM:
Well, here we are in New York and what a wonderful city it is. It gets better with every visit, especially as we have now mastered the subway and no longer spend hours heading in the wrong direction before coming up into the daylight on the wrong side of the city!

This trip however was made even more special by the kind invitation from Mr Moderator (Douglas), and his wife Maureen to go along to their apartment for an evening of cine chat and as it turned out an opportunity to meet up also with forum members Alan Rik and Brian Hendal.

We had a great evening, first eating in a local eatery and then sitting down to a show on Dougs GS 1200 of the 6th reel of M&C and one or two Godzilla films. Godzilla is all new to me but I shall be looking out for some titles when I get back into buying mode [Smile] .

It was great to spend an evening with people who through constant chatter on the forum have come to feel like old friends.

Many thanks Doug for arranging it all and I look forward to seeing you and Alan at a future BFCC.


ps; Paul, as you will have noticed, we didn't make it to Florida after all so weren't able to take you up on your kind offer, but I look forward to neeting up with again at a future BFCC. [Smile]
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on April 25, 2006, 07:35 PM:
Hi Mike,
Glad you are enjoying 'The Big Apple'! Sounds like you had a great evening at Doug's place- wish I could have been there. Goes to show what a great forum this is, where people can make friends across continents! [Smile] While you are in NY try to get to the theater and see '42nd Street'- a knockout musical straight out of 1930's New York, and has all those great Warren and Dubin songs and Busby Berkeley routines.
Posted by Carlos Plaza (Member # 578) on April 25, 2006, 07:45 PM:
Glad you are enjoying (or enjoyed) NYC. Since I often work in the 'Big Apple' near the Wall St. area, it would have been great to at least shake your hand while you were (are) here. If you have already left, then let me know when you will be passing through again. If it is during the summer, perhaps a group of forum members could spend a day on my boat, and watch some films in the evening. Be well!
Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on April 25, 2006, 08:35 PM:
It was great seeing you again and meeting your friend! I have to say...with every look less and less sinister! [Smile]
Many thanks for taking the time to come to our little gathering and a great big thank you to Mr. Moderator for setting it up. The conversation was great. I mean..who else in my friend network knows what a GS1200 is? Or a mint in the box Eumig 940? Who? Only the people here!!
The best thing about everyone that I have met in the UK and here in NYC, Brian, Doug, that everyone is SO nice. Just a really great bunch of people. Now if we could only get Paul, Dan, Jan here....Or maybe one day..soon..schedule a whole trip to go to the UK and hang with Mr. Clancy, Kev...just pondering!
Great times...great times.
Posted by Dan Lail (Member # 18) on April 25, 2006, 09:27 PM:
I've got it! We could all hire Carlos to take us to the BFCC in his boat. [Wink] The Dramamine is on me. [Big Grin]
Posted by Michael De Angelis (Member # 91) on April 25, 2006, 10:24 PM:
Sounds like a lot of fun.
Speaking of Boats and film,
well there is always Anchors Away,
Follow the Fleet, Jaws,
and there all on Super 8 [Big Grin]

Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on April 26, 2006, 07:34 PM:
Thanks for the replies Chaps, the idea of us all getting on Carlos' boat and heading off to the UK for the BFCC with a continual cine fest on the way does appeal [Big Grin] .

Is there any where on your boat Carlos, where we can plug a projector in or would we have to get Bill or Kevin to specially modify one to run off 12 volts? [Wink]

It sounds as though you chaps should get together and arrange a group deal to the UK to coincide with either Blackpool, Tadley or the BFCC. We could get together with you when you arrive and arrange a minibus tour up to Derann and Classic Home Cinema at the same time! Now that would be a trip [Wink] .

Still enjoying the Big Apple, we're hear until Friday and then off to Pennsilvania to stay with friends there. Made a visit to B&H, reputedly the worlds biggest photographic store and was delighted to find that I could buy Kodaks; E64T, Plus X TriX and 200T over the counter [Smile] , I bought two carts of Tri X to keep me going until I get back to the UK but was surprised that the sales assistant thought I was buying slide film for my old SLR! Guess you can't expect everyone, even in the Worlds biggest photographic store, to have heard about super 8 [Smile] .

Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on April 26, 2006, 09:55 PM:
Mike, Welcome to New York!

I tried to get in to meet you the other day, but the travel would have been a real bear after work! I'm about 60 miles away.

This is so typical of people that live in New York: Mike's been here a couple of days and been to B&H. Even though I've lived here all my life and order from them a lot, I've never been there! Never been to the statue of Liberty either! Been to the Empire State building once, 25 years ago!

B&H has AGFA Scala, 35mm B&W slide film. I'm shooting with it now to give me filler between reels.

They also stock some Gepe reels, and can order sizes they don't have.
Posted by Carlos Plaza (Member # 578) on April 29, 2006, 10:00 AM:
AC power is not a problem on my boat, as it generates its own. get the distance to properly project onto a screen would be a challenge. But... a dock party to view some L & H oldies, I think, would be a smash.
Posted by James N. Savage 3 (Member # 83) on May 03, 2006, 06:18 AM:
Aww, Mike- No visit to Washington, D.C., the nation's capital [Eek!] .

Thats so cool that you guys got to have your own little BFCC right there in New York City! [Cool] Pennsylvania is also a very nice place to visit, and very peaceful (most parts). Hope you enjoy the visit.

Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on May 06, 2006, 09:47 PM:
I am so happy that we were able to get together. Although we've communicated by e-mail for years, this was my first meeting with Rik and Brian. It took visitors from the UK to get some New Yorkers together!
So what was on the program at our own BFCC? We started the show with that memorable short, Derann's scope alignment reel! Master & Commander's great battle sequence (the entire reel 6) was next and it looked incredibly sharp with a new scope lens that I recently got from The Reel Image (review coming soon!). Keeping the scope motif going, I threaded up the first reel of the 1999 version of "The Mummy ", a german import. This print really looks sensational. Mike's new friend, Godzilla, finished out the evening with a cutdown of "Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster".
As Rik said, it was a such a blast to talk about not only film collecting, projectors, etc. but also to hear Mike and Dean's stories about their travels. What an amazing trip they've had so far.
Brian, Doug, GS, Mike and Rik.

Mike and Dean in front of Doug's "closet o' celluloid".

Steve, I'm sorry you couldn't make it. Carlos, I had no idea you worked in the city, sorry! But about that dock party.....

Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on May 07, 2006, 01:17 PM:
The scary thing is...that is just the tip of the iceberg to the "closet o celluloid"! extends about the length of 2 football one end is "The Rose" and at the other? ..."Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind" Full Feature....!! [Smile]
Posted by Jan Bister (Member # 332) on May 07, 2006, 01:45 PM:
Not exactly a Close Encounter with The Rose, then, is it [Big Grin]
Posted by Dan Lail (Member # 18) on May 13, 2006, 09:04 PM:
Gee, wish I had been there. Mike doesn't look sinister at all! I guess it's the lack of the beard. You guys look like you're setting up a game plan to rob a bank. [Big Grin] Seriously though, I'm envious. Dean looks like cool a guy. [Cool] Does he do super 8 too.

[ May 19, 2006, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: Dan Lail ]
Posted by John Cook (Member # 203) on May 16, 2006, 08:15 PM:

Based on the smiles in those pictures you gents had a good time.

Doug, your members photo always made me think you were a college kid, the photo above sure proved me wrong, you're almost as old as I! [Big Grin]

Alan Rik, you sold me my first projector a few years back and your photo doesn't fit my mental picture of you either. [Razz]

Gents I'm jealous, that sounded like fun, here's to keeping film alive in the big apple.

Regards, John

P.S. How are you gents attaching your members photo? I searched the member profile area and came up empty.
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on May 16, 2006, 09:18 PM:
Is that a Xenon GS?
Posted by Dan Lail (Member # 18) on May 16, 2006, 09:28 PM:
John, to find out how to post your pic, click on the "search option" and enter "member picture", then choose the post "How To Post A Picture Of Me". [Smile]
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on May 16, 2006, 09:29 PM:

A college kid? My son is in his first year of college!
Great that you want to add your member picture. Just e-mail the picture to Brad Miller, list your full name and "8mm forum" in the text of the e-mail and he'll set it up.


Although I have a Xenon GS, I didn't use it that night. That's a halogen GS sitting on top of a Teac 10 Band Graphic Equalizer. Now which Forum member gave me the idea for that? Thank you, Mr. Adsett!

Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on May 16, 2006, 10:31 PM:
He he...actually that is my Mission Impossible Make up! I actually am Blonde, and Tall! (Well.when Im in Alan Gouger mode!)
Posted by John Clancy (Member # 49) on May 17, 2006, 02:43 AM:
Yes, Alan Gouger never did make it to the Princess Louise. Perhaps he's coming this weekend.
Posted by John Cook (Member # 203) on May 17, 2006, 06:19 PM:
Alan Rik

Funny you should mention the other Alan, he too sold me a projector some years back (NEC XG135LC.) Combining the money I sent the two of you would make a good down payment on a house. [Eek!]

Enjoy, John

Posted by Tony Milman (Member # 7) on May 19, 2006, 01:01 AM:
Great Pic Doug, I just wish I had been the one travelling around the world instead of busting my chops back home!

Mike. What happened to all the sinister facial hair? looks 10 years younger (lol) [Eek!]
Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on May 20, 2006, 09:05 AM:
Doug, great photos, thanks for posting them!

Dan, sadly Dean is nolonger into super8, although it was him that got me into it just a few years ago - so I guess he's to blame for my sad addiction [Wink] .

Tony, facial hair had to go due to difficulty of maintenance - no where to plug my trimmers in in the ger tent [Frown] .

It was a great evening, thenks again Doug and Maureen, and Alan and Brian it was great to meet up with you guys [Smile] .

Mike [Cool]

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