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Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on March 26, 2011, 01:25 AM:
I thought I might share this we story with you. Just before the quake hit last month as we were sitting in our lounge I looked outside and saw a person what seemed to be jogging past, however he did not look right, so looking out the window I saw he was on his face on the ground. I said to my wife this person has just collapsed so we went out to help. I told my wife to call an ambulance. The first thing I thought of was that he had a heart attack and as both myself and the other projectionists at work completed a first aid course last year I was thinking or trying to remember CPR, anyway thank goodness the elderly gentleman came round so we made him as comfortable as possible. It turned out he had Parkinson and was also confused where he was. The ambulance did arrive and they took over. A few days later when I got home from work a car had just turned up and this gentleman the pasenger got out and came up our drive. It was the person we had helped all he could remember, as he said was doing the flying superman act hitting the ground. He gave both me and my wife a box of chocolates and we chated for a while, he came across as really nice and it was a shame that he suffered from Parkinson disease, anyway I was pleased he was ok, so there you have it folks if you have good health enjoy it as none of us know what the future holds.

Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on March 26, 2011, 07:05 AM:
Great story Graham. Some times we forget to count our blessings.

Posted by Martin Jones (Member # 1163) on March 26, 2011, 09:17 AM:
And well done for helping, Graham!
A couple of weeks ago, on a whim, my wife (who's 88 this year) purchased a book by English Author, Charles Kingsley. It was one of my favourite books as a young child, and the name of one of the characters has remained with me all my life. It's one of my "philosophies of life"... and it would be good if more people adopted it.
She was called "Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby"... a name that speaks for itself.

PS That would make a cracking Username!
Posted by Paul Spinks (Member # 573) on March 27, 2011, 01:18 AM:
"The Water Babies" was the very first book I ever read, apart from the "Janet and John" stuff in the infants school. Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby was unforgettable and affected me greatly and has always been part of my life. Isn't it amazing how the role models from our childhood stay with us throughout our lives.

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