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Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on April 24, 2011, 03:02 AM:
Could we possibly have some kind of referendum regarding the posting of prices alongside items for sale?

It's a lot easier for prospective buyers if they know what the seller is looking for.
....AND... it has also been proven to be in the sellers interests as many ( such as myself) will just automatically pass on the items if they don't see a price. Relatively few will actually bother to email the seller - one of the other forums did a survey of it's members and this was proved to be the case.
I really cannot see ANY reason at all for not posting a price.
What's to hide???
EVERY seller knows what he wants to receive for the item - so why not just post it??
Posted by Barry Fritz (Member # 1865) on April 24, 2011, 10:52 AM:
I agree.
Posted by Brad Kimball (Member # 5) on April 24, 2011, 01:12 PM:
I never understood why prices are shrouded in mystery myself. Why is pricing information on a by-request basis? Is it so sellers can get a temperature check on what people are willing to pay? C'mon, that's what Ebay is for. I think anything posted on a forum should be out in the open.
Posted by Christian Bjorgen (Member # 1780) on April 24, 2011, 02:29 PM:
Agree 100% with this. I actually find it abit discouraging having to mail someone just to ask for prices, when they really should be included in the post! If you don't have a set price for it, then at least say "Bids wanted" or something.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on April 24, 2011, 02:30 PM:
Hiding the price is "cheating" that is my understanding.

How can I use that strong word?

OK this for example, Mr A puts a list on the forum without mentioning the price.

Mr B is interested and contacts Mr A. Mr A answers it by giving $10 for a film. Mr. B agrees for the price.

Mr. C is also interested and contacts Mr. A on the same day. Now, Mr A says that the price is $15 for a film with understanding that if Mr C does not agree he still can go to Mr. B.

And then Mr. D is also interested and get the answer from Mr A that the price is $20 for a film. Mr D agrees.

And....keep going like that....!

When Mr. A reaches the highest price, he easily says to Mr B, C, D (...etc) that he cannot sell his films because of ..... (he can say any reason from reasonable to unreasonable ones).

That what I call cheating.

From one view you can say that he is eligibly OK to do that, but my view is not.

Sorry... show the price please! [Wink]
Posted by Colin Robert Hunt (Member # 433) on April 24, 2011, 02:30 PM:
I agree Michael. If the price is not there then I dont bother any more. Same at conventions, if the price is not there I cannot be bothered to keep asking the price. So yes is my vote show the price.
Posted by Joe Taffis (Member # 4) on April 24, 2011, 03:03 PM:
I think the answer is simple. Sellers who don't list prices are always hoping that someone offers them more than what they would normally ask for a film, they're afraid of losing money by posting prices.
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on April 24, 2011, 03:16 PM:
Yes, I agree also. Items for sale should have a price on them. I have had plenty of times at flea markets where someone had "make an offer" on an item and after my offer they say "are you crazy?" and I reply "no, you said make an offer!"

Like you said Michael they know what they want but would like to see if they can get higher. And that is completely fine...list it on eBay and hope for some bidding. If it's a case of not knowing what something is worth than you could ask for some advice before settling on a price to list it.

My thoughts, Bill [Smile]
Posted by Graham Sinden (Member # 431) on April 24, 2011, 05:14 PM:
I think most of the time sellers who do not show prices, particularly for 'so called mint' derann features, do not show the price because they are overpriced and hope by someone emailing them it keeps their interest in a certain film and mabye are more likely to find the money to buy it. When an expensive price is shown strait away most members will leave it instantly.

I also do not like members who try to auction their films to the highest bidder by asking for bids until a certain date. If you want an auction, sell it on ebay. Forum members should name a price they are happy with and stick to it.

Graham S
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on April 24, 2011, 06:31 PM:
I think most of the time sellers who do not show prices, particularly for 'so called mint' derann features, do not show the price because they are overpriced and hope by someone emailing them it keeps their interest in a certain film and mabye are more likely to find the money to buy it. When an expensive price is shown strait away most members will leave it instantly.

If there are sellers having this kind of thought, I think they live in a primitive world.

I believe in nowadays world where a potential buyer who is interested in a Derann item and found the price is expensive has two choices:

a. Prepare money and send an email to the seller for that price
b. Send an email to the seller to negotiate for lesser price.

I also do not like members who try to auction their films to the highest bidder by asking for bids until a certain date. If you want an auction, sell it on ebay.
YES, and that I already express in other thread, if I happen to have "Grizzly Adams" I will be listing it at Ebay, but let the forum's members know. Forum's members who are interested can bid accordingly at Ebay.

BTW, If in the case of "hidden price" like this, when a member got a private answer about the prices, and then the said member putting that prices on the seller's thread, will that hurt the seller?
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on April 25, 2011, 02:17 AM:
So, how 'bout it, Doug??
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on April 25, 2011, 08:37 AM:
I don't wish to sound controversal here but in the true spirit of democracy on this forum I think it is really up to the seller if he wishes to put a price on a print or not.

If a seller has a rare print why shouldn't he/she make as much money as possible on the sale?

Personally speaking I prefer prices to be attached to a sales list but I feel that we dont really want to put anyone off posting there rare prints here if we dictate that a price must be attached.

Of course it should be mandatory if someone has a print of GRIZZLY ADAMS for Osi to put it here prior to ebay lol [Smile]
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on April 25, 2011, 10:30 AM:
I agree as well ...

If there are no prices on the prints, it usually means the seller has a price that is the "sellers desired price" and that is like a person who buys a car for ten thousand and after a few years, attempts to get as close to ten thousand as possible, not realizing that it drops by a thousand or two just being driven off the car lot. Film prints are like that too. Cost a lot but resale rarely even comes close to what they paid for them new,.

I think the only adendum I would add to that is if they were just putting up a post stating that they are on ebay, in which case the interested people can just follow the link ... and make the price whatever they wish! [Smile]
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on April 25, 2011, 10:36 AM:

Excellent topic! I personally am more comfortable knowing the exact amount a seller wants for their print. However, I'm not sure that I would delete a post that doesn't list prices. We have always had non-collectors who find the Forum through a search because they would like to sell a relative's collection, but don't know anything about 8mm. I wouldn't like to discourage those posts.

I'd gladly place an "Attention Sellers: Please List Prices With Your Items" sticky at the top.

Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on April 25, 2011, 11:30 AM:
I'd gladly place an "Attention Sellers: Please List Prices With Your Items" sticky at the top.
or Doug, how about the rule to put tag on the subject whether [NO PRICE] or [WITH PRICE].

If a member forgot to put this either tags, use moderator's prerogative to edit the title by adding tag on the subject, so it becomes:


[NO PRICE] For sale Sound of Music 1 * 400'


[WITH PRICE] For sale Sound of Music 1 * 400'

By having this, people who don't like list without price can just skip it.

This is fair to all.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on April 25, 2011, 12:39 PM:

With respect, newbies who don't know what price to ask can quite easily do a little research into film prices or email a regular seller who I'm sure would be glad to help them out.
I'm not suggesting deleting posts which do not have prices listed but that such sellers be contacted and reminded that prices need to be listed.

Anyhow, the decision is yours, but, yes, a sticky such as you suggest would certainly go a long way.

Mark W,

If a seller has a rare print he or she should still know what it's worth. If they don't there are plenty veteran collectors who would be able to help them out by means of PM or email. This is how I've valued prints in the past.

If a seller has a rare print why shouldn't he/she make as much money as possible on the sale?
Sure - but, if that is their aim, then they should put it up on an auction site. This forum is not an auction site. It should be for private sales between collectors.
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on April 25, 2011, 12:58 PM:

That sounds like an excellent idea.


A lot of the times the novice or newbie seller hasnt a clue if a print is rare or not so perhaps asking for offers is not such a bad idea if they want to find out if its rare or not?

Certain prints may be worth more to certain collectors than others i/e Osi's quest for Grizzly Adams.

Ebay is really a bit of a waste of time these days in my opion,high sale fees etc

If someone puts in a private higher offer to a member of this forum whats wrong with that?

Perhaps the seller could donate 10% of the final sale amount to the site as is the norm on other forums.

As Dough says we really dont want to discourage anyone from selling here do we?
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on April 26, 2011, 03:27 AM:
Ebay is really a bit of a waste of time these days in my opion,high sale fees etc

If someone is trying to make money from his/her films must be ready with the fees Ebay will charge. Nothing such free lunch in this world. Funny for me if someone does not want to pay fee when he gets more money.


If someone puts in a private higher offer to a member of this forum whats wrong with that?

Yes, that is OK if in his post he says that he will sell to higher offer and give the limit that he will take the highest offer until certain date.

But I have personal experience where a new member listed his films and when I asked the price he said certain amount.

I agreed and he said OK.

I asked what was his paypal account, no a reply was recieved.

A few days later I knew another member bought it for a higher price. And when I questioned this, his answer was that he could not understand my email (WHAT !!!!, a silly answer)

So he might tell that member that I already made an offer for a price and if he could make any higher. He could show a copy o fmy email (without my concern).

I was so disappointed with it and felt to be cheated.

Why he didn't say "I will come back to you later on" instead of saying "Yes I agree, let us make a transaction"...but then he never showed up with his paypal account but instead selling it to other members for higher price.

So Doug, once again, I suggest this forum to urge member to tag his/her listing with [NO PRICE].

ps: I cannot also take a reason that seller will check the films and put the price later on. This is only the other way to hide the price. Just put this tag [NO PRICE] and you can do what you want to do. Fair enough, isn't it?
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on April 26, 2011, 04:19 AM:
Winbert, I agree with your reasons for including a price.

However, I do believe you are being over-complicated with these Price/No price tags you keep mentioning.

The way ahead is either 1) insist that prints put up for sale have a price attached or 2) leave things as they are.

ps: I cannot also take a reason that seller will check the films and put the price later on.
Of course not - the seller should decide on a price before listing the print.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on April 26, 2011, 01:11 PM:
Which reminds me ... anybody have an optical feature of Grizzly Adams lying about? [Big Grin]

(this has pretty much become a running gag in my life!)
Posted by Graham Sinden (Member # 431) on April 26, 2011, 03:52 PM:
If anybody has that ultra rare print of "Grizzly Adams" on LPP there wont be a price attached, in fact its priceless [Big Grin]

Graham S
Posted by Steven Sigel (Member # 21) on April 29, 2011, 01:20 PM:
To Mark W:

You said:

Ebay is really a bit of a waste of time these days in my opion,high sale fees etc
While it is true that their fees are a bit on the high side, I completely disagree with your statement that it's a "Waste of time". I sell between 100-200 prints a month on ebay - hardly a waste of time... As for forums -- I've tried posting on forums (this one, the 16mm forum etc) many times, and almost never sell anything. And for buyers, ebay has the largest selection of films around - there just isn't another option. It would be great if there were others, but the reality is that there are not....
Posted by Mark Williams (Member # 794) on April 29, 2011, 02:38 PM:
Hi Steve,

I,m really looking @ from a UK perspective so my comments still stand,perhaps is the place to sell these days then??
Posted by Tony Stucchio (Member # 519) on April 29, 2011, 05:48 PM:
My film and projector collection wouldn't be half of what it is today without eBay. Before eBay, I paid stick-up prices to various sellers would would snail-mail monthly lists. I used to pay $50 for a Stooges title, $35 - $40 for most other 2-reelers (L&H, A&C, W.C. FIELDS.) L&H features were at least $125.
I paid $400 plus shipping for an Elmo ST1200 HD that was a constant headache for years -- had to buy new belts within a few months from Elmo in Canada at high cost.

The eBay comes along -- I bought another ELMO ST1200 HD in top condition for less than $200. Too bad I had already completed my L&H collection, since the average short runs much less than $35.
Most L&H features can be had for much less than $100 -- even less than $75.

Nothing is perfect -- including eBay -- but I'm sure glad it's there.

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