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Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on June 12, 2011, 11:18 PM:
Excuse my use of words, I am having a break and its amazing the power I still on at the moment I am worn out. This afternoon I was relaxing to the Bee Gees "Stayin Alive" [Roll Eyes] at home when "wham" we got hit with a big one. I rushed next door to check our neighbours they were really shaken as I was taking to them all this liqufaction started gushing out of the ground terrible stuff so got the gum boots on and tried to slow it down. I went back to our house it was like a river coming out everywhere. With the help of others we managed to reduce its effect. It slowed down in time and I thought we had things under control. I continued sweeping thinking we are on top of it...then wham I was thrown against the fence, watching our house from the outside bounce on the piles, I really thought this over..this massive aftershock set of the liqufaction big time again everyone back on the brushes but this time is was way to much. I have no idea of the magnitude is was shallow and very violent. Although we have power on all water mains sewage all gone the road outside is again totally wrecked. Did save our home cinema this time towels everything I could think of to stop this river of crap getting in. Our neighbours are elderly and only came back after the Feb one, they are totally mentally worn out. I dont think the house is worth saving this time round as the cracks are much bigger I hope the insurance people write it of so we can leave this area for good they can turn it into a park or something we cant keep fixing things like this. This part of the city is in big trouble watching the land, house and everthing shake like this is to much we are still getting small aftershocks. My daughter turned up with the grandkids the kids were in tears the effect on the children has been is terrible. well sorry to ramble my wife just made me a nice cup of tea [Smile] with our stored emergency water supply...well better go help has arrived.

Posted by Larry Arpin (Member # 744) on June 13, 2011, 01:11 AM:
Just read on the news that Christchurch had a 6.0 earthquake. Sorry to read about this as we here in California have had some big ones but not as many together as you have had.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on June 13, 2011, 01:48 AM:
Thanks Larry
My wife boss and family turned up to help, we have managed to get most of that liqufaction onto the street I have just run a power cord across to our neighbour's house as they and everyone else south of us on the street are without power. We are on a different grid and it finishes on the pole outside we are the last house on the street on that grid. Its winter and dark no street lights..nothing. The first one hit was 5:3 although that was bad enough the later 6:0 was real nasty. This fault line is very close. At the moment as I type another one just came through "not as bad" you can hear them coming before it hits, but the poor old house has taken a hammering over the last five months. The worst thing Larry is there is nothing you can do except hang onto something till it stops, I doubt many in this city will sleep tonight, just as well we still have a chemical toilet from the last one in February but its water we will need the most so I guess those water tankers will return. Its a real shame that this has happend considering all the work and money spent to get things right from the last one. At the moment I feel we are right back to the start. I dont see any future living in this part of the city, the land is to unstable so I hope this time the insurance will pay out as no one will want to live here.

Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on June 13, 2011, 07:49 AM:

Reading your story is horrifing. I just can't imagine being there. It's one thing to see it in a movie, but when you read about it from someone who is experiencing it for real, it's scary. Thank God you are all alive and uninjured. I'm glad we don't get anythign like that where I live in USA. You will all be in my prayers. I think you have the right idea..time to move. best of luck with the recovery.

Pat DAlessio
Posted by Bill Brandenstein (Member # 892) on June 13, 2011, 08:36 AM:
Sorry to hear of this. What can we say? Wish we could be there half a world away to pitch in and give you a hand. And bring you both another pitcher of tea! I'm so sorry this is a recurring nightmare. Hang in there, friend, in more than one way! Having been through ONE of these, I sure wish I could help out.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on June 13, 2011, 10:28 AM:
Carry on Graham. Take care of yourself. Are you fully settled there for life or would you consider moving to a less earthquake prone area (apparantly) just to be safe?
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on June 13, 2011, 07:25 PM:
My thoughts are with you and your family Graham. I've been through one bad hurricane, but it pales in comparison to what you are experiencing. All I can do is wish you all the best and hope that you all stay safe and better days lie ahead.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on June 14, 2011, 02:48 AM:
Thanks everyone
Today we got cleaning our young projectionist mum phoned me last night took the day of work to bring her family over to help. They were fantastic plus others soon joined in. After the clean up at our place we went to our neighbour house to help out.
If there is a positive side it was the help we got and here are a couple of photos of this amazing group of people we are so grateful for there help

The following photos are the neighbour house.
The team.
This hole in the backyard is where a lot of the liqufaction came from...its a deep hole.
The street our house is the white uneven fence as the land has changed a bit.
one last photo taken at the end of the day the owners of the house are Margaret far right with the red top and Gus with the blue overalls every barrow load was like moving cement is was hard going and this one photo says a lot for those people and cant praise them enough. We are still getting shakes as I type but not as bad as yesterday..hopefully no more big ones.

Posted by Thomas Smith (Member # 1889) on June 14, 2011, 03:58 AM:
hello graham
i see the news in england on the tv i hope all is over now
wish you all the best---tom
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on June 15, 2011, 03:33 PM:
Thought I might change the name of the topic [Roll Eyes] got a bit stressed on Monday. One of the things regarding the house, is that being a wooden frame on concrete piles it will move, bounce, creak and crack [Eek!] but not fall down. The stone work on the outside is not structural. I think all this goes back long ago as Eathquake wise this country has had a history of it, so the building codes were strict, however no one could imagine this kind of thing. In other countries where building codes are less strict everything would fall down I am sure of that.

Just after the 6:0 on Monday I went straight to the street and our neighbour was standing in the middle of the road almost in shock, even then you could see the power poles, trees everthing was still swaying, everything around you ground wise was still moving. I have to admit when all this silt "liquefaction" started to come up from the ground we felt shattered. It continued for at least 20 minutes after the shake until the ground would settle.

The experts did say that there was a 23% of one around the 5-6 mark withen the next 12 months now they say its 30% of another between 6 to 7 within the year. Our neighbour and us are sitting on a time bomb with that huge hole in there back yard, another big one and that hole will spew that silt out like old faithfull at Yellowstone park and there is nothing any of us can do to stop it. Many people who are renting in this area are leaving and I cant blame them, for the rest of us who own our properties we are would anyone here like to buy a cheap house complete with large sand pit as extra [Smile] We were in a hardware store the other day and they were selling all kinds of spirit levels, I said is this a joke as nothing in this area is.

As far as aftershocks they contiue still and will for some time and test eveyones nerves as long as the bigger ones dont hit we will be ok, well sort of.

Our neighbour was in tears on Tuesday with the help from total strangers who came to help, she wanted to pay them but they refused they just wanted to help. One other lady came back with coffee and cake and drinks for everyone, in times like this you see the best and worst in people and those that helped were the best.

Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on June 17, 2011, 07:08 AM:

I just can't imagine living in thoses conditions. When I read your postings I get nervous myself just trying to imagine what it's like. You will continue to be in my prayers.

God Bless

Pat DAlessio
Posted by Bryan Chernick (Member # 1998) on June 17, 2011, 11:54 AM:
As a Geologist living in an earthquake prone area (Seattle), your story really touched a nerve with me. I have been through several earthquakes, the largest being a 6.8 back in 2001. I have not been through anything like you went through. The most damage I had was the pee literally scared out of my dog. We have wood frame houses in this area as well so the most damage you see is usually collapsed brick chimneys.

I'm amazed at the amount of liquefaction you experienced. Hopefully this is a once in a lifetime event for Christchurch and you can move on with your lives. If you get the opportunity to get out of that house, definitely move to an area with better soil. That's the same problem we had in Seattle in 2001, the areas built on bad soil sustained the most damage. Everywhere else had very little damage.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on June 17, 2011, 04:42 PM:
Thanks Pasquale and Bryan

Bryan I totally agree in getting away from this area. The Goverment and Insurance people I hope will make a decision soon as the land is to unstable and will always be prone to liquefaction. The aftershocks still continue, although not as big as Monday, a few though are getting close to it. With the experts stating a 30% chance of one 6 to 7 in the next 12 months anything like that will kick of that liquefaction big time. The effect on everyone is not good it drains you, and you feel constantly on edge.

I do hope the decision to pay out and not sit on the fence and see what happens by the insurance people is made very soon.

Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on June 27, 2011, 12:04 AM:
Hi Folks

Hope you are enjoying your summer, its winter out here [Frown] well the latest news is the Government has announced that properties in what they call in the "red zone" will be bought out, around 5000 homes will be flattened because of the land they are not worth fixing. In some ways this is good news, as those worst effected can take the money and move on, hopefully to ground a lot more stable.

As for us and our neighbours its looking like at the moment we will be staying put, just outside that zone so things will be hopefully fixed, although still very uneasy about what we are sitting on and what a good shake might do to old faithfull "the hole" next door

Anyway with three active fault lines, everyone in this city takes a turn getting a good jolt. Last week the other side of town got one, as our part time projectionist was going home after the last sessions finished dark and late at night he cut across the park "spooky at the best of times" when he entered the underground walk tunnel under the railway just when the 5:3 hit, he said it sounded like a train and the tunnel started shaking, he ran through it, then looked train..and the ground was still moving [Eek!]

Well the good news after a zillion repairs to our street water mains they are going to spend the next six weeks putting new water pipes in. I really feel sorry for those guys they would fix things then another shake would come along and wreck it. I hope the new pipes are the flexy type they will need to be.

Just got a copy of "Chubbchubbs" from Derann so I must watch it tonight. [Smile]

Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on June 27, 2011, 08:57 AM:

Keep the updates coming. Glad you are OK. You are in my prayers.


Pat DAlessio
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on June 27, 2011, 06:19 PM:
Thanks Pasquale

I will do that.

Regards Graham.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 24, 2011, 04:21 PM:
Last month it was the earthquakes with liquefaction, this month its snow and the odd shake but not to bad, thank goodness both elements did not combine. We are just out of what they call the red zone, which starts across the park where over 5000 homes will demolished. The government is buying people out if they want the money as the land is not suitable for re-building. The problem is is you want to stay in this city the insurance companys will not give you a new insurance on any property bought anywhere else even in areas unaffected and without insurance you cant get a loan. Although our house hopefully will get fixed someday the ony door that actually shuts is the front one the rest will come right when the piles are fixed and the house is on more even keel.

The most used item in this side of town is "gumboots" wellies for you British folk. The multi-million sports complex complete with pools and hydro-slide across the road is coming down, as with so much here. The town hall, the centre of the city and the old movie theatres will soon be all gone.

The nearest mall to us was closed in February and some of it will re-open in September as for the Reading cinema thats part of it I am not sure of its future. I understand they haven't been allowed into it as yet. When I got out of there in February the broken water pipes made a mess so can imagine the state of carpets and seats etc are like now.

Well hope you are enjoying summer.
As for us.
Time to build that snowman [Smile]

Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on July 24, 2011, 07:18 PM:

Glad to hear from you. My wife is a Brit so she is very familiar with "wellies". I'm so happy to hear things are getting better.

Pat DAlessio
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 25, 2011, 01:49 AM:
Thanks Pasquale

One thing we have all learned since September is to be better prepared with such things as a battery radio, three days of drinking water, plus tin food, gas heater and gas camping stove etc "a back up plan" everyone should have. I used to not think of those things so much, but not anymore and appreciate running water and things like that a lot lot more. What has been hard is the thought that it might not again happen for 100 years but could be tonight or tommorow you just dont no and with that level of uncertainty and the track record of aftershocks since September 7:1 no one can be sure.

The effect on people is that many tend to be on edge every time a small one comes through especially at night, when its been quiet, when there is little activity, thats the time I get uneasy, as often the pressure has been building in one of those fault lines. The energy released is down right scary and there is nothing anyone can do except hang on and hope its not a big one. I have lived in this city since 1973 and its been a real shame to see level of damage and the effect it has had on people lives. Even at the cinema where I work we have the school holidays at the moment and just the thought of anything like what has happend here as just aftershocks with full cinemas of kids during the day makes me feel very uneasy. At the end of the night I am glad to shut things down and get away from the place as it becomes plum spooky up in that projection room.

As to the future, living somewhere else sounds a good idea however even if we wanted to move we couldn't as no one is going to buy into this place even if they could get insurance, so we are stuck...anyway we do have our spare room and projectors and plenty of Super8 film to enjoy [Smile] next week the lions club wants me to put on a mystery film evening, even though I dont belong to their club they keep coming back every year.

Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on July 25, 2011, 10:39 AM:

Reading your story and picturing it in my mind is like something strait out of a disaster movie on the sci-fi channel on tv. I'm frightened just reading it. nevermind experiencing it. I will continue my prayers every Sunday at church for all of you.


Pat DAlessio
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 25, 2011, 08:15 PM:
Thanks Pasquale

I thought I might add this one last photo on a more positive note of our Grandson Connor with his Snowman [Smile] taken yesterday

Regards Graham.
Posted by Bill Brandenstein (Member # 892) on July 26, 2011, 03:13 PM:
Graham, doesn't the snowman need to be holding an empty film reel, or something? I mean, gotta train these kids up right!
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 27, 2011, 04:06 AM:

You are absolutely right [Smile] I should have thought of that when I took the photo. It might be a bit late for another one as the weather has been sunny and by now "Mr Snowman" will have melted [Frown]

Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on August 22, 2011, 04:25 AM:
Well folks on the news today its been 6 months exactly since the February 22 shake, never mind the June ones, also mentioned its now over 7000 aftershocks since September. [Eek!] most you dont feel, but many you do eg a 4.2 this morning and another shallow 4.2 only 10km away last Saturday very early morning "wake up call" as the house moved around on its piles. Its strange, first things you think of every time, is power on and water running and make sure last night dishes if any are done quickly [Roll Eyes] "just in case" One day in the next few years hopefully the house might get fixed and the doors will again shut and no more walking down hill in the hall to the front.

As for our home cinema apart from not being level "well nothing is" it has stood up to things really well and the GS1200 still runs [Smile]

Posted by Tony Stucchio (Member # 519) on August 24, 2011, 05:23 PM:
And we had an earthquake here on the East coast of the USA yesterday -- surprised that no one mentioned it.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on August 25, 2011, 01:27 AM:
And we had an earthquake here on the East coast of the USA yesterday -- surprised that no one mentioned it.

Well, you were unfortunate in that the East Coast earthquake happened in the shadow of the Derann tragedy.

I'm glad to hear there was no major damage caused, Tony.
Posted by Patrick Walsh (Member # 637) on August 25, 2011, 02:09 AM:
Yes I heard of the quake in the USA hope anyone who was affected is ok, Ive been shaking around down here with Graham as well, by business was closed for 6 months and now is finally open again (cinema) and I have been lucky in the fact that the insurance has been kind as well.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on August 25, 2011, 03:55 AM:
Hope everyone is OK and you do not get hit with a follow on series of strong aftershocks.

Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on October 09, 2011, 03:01 AM:
Well folks yesterday my wife and I went shopping and after a lull for a few weeks the cafe shook to a 4.8 the lady at the next table said to me ...that was a good one [Eek!] ...Tonight mother nature just gave us another kick in the pants to an even stronger one 5.5 and it was close [Eek!] . The house did its usual thing "shake rock and roll" but no liqufaction [Smile] and with a new "flexy" mains pipe on the street water is still flowing [Cool]

So folks who would like to buy a our "bouncy castle" so we can get out of this place [Roll Eyes]

Posted by Ken Finch (Member # 2768) on October 09, 2011, 06:46 AM:
Very sorry to hear you have been hit again by another quake. It must be really horrifying for you all. I visited NZ a few years ago doing an APT tour and stayed in Christchurch a couple of days. We had no idea it was an earthquake zone. I do hope you all keep safe and are able to move to another area. The only comparison I can make with how it must feel like is living through the London Blitz, the "doodlebugs" and rockets when I was a kid. My very best wishes to you all, Ken
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on October 09, 2011, 08:31 AM:
HI Graham

Not again? I'm glad your all it OK. I might consider buying your home as I like living "on the edge". Is the home theater and equipment included in the sale? I don't mean to take this lightly just trying to cheer you up.

God Bless

Pat D

[ October 09, 2011, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: Pasquale DAlessio ]
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on October 09, 2011, 12:47 PM:
Thanks Ken

Pat Our home cinema is still working, last week I finished putting extra brackets to secure things that might still fall over..glad I did [Smile] Pat our house "the bouncy castle" is yours [Big Grin]

I phoned work last night and our projectionist was threading "Real Steel" on the Bauer at the time, he said that he hung onto it "thats the projector I am taking home when the place closes" and watched everything else in the projection room do the bounce and shake act. Its funny that cinema is the only one in the city that has taken three major hits countless aftershocks survived talk of shutting down for the last 12 years that I have been there and has kept going. However in the coming months its to come down. I wonder if it will survive that [Roll Eyes] its been very very lucky so far [Smile]

Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on October 09, 2011, 12:52 PM:

You and your family and the cinema will be in my prayers.


[ October 10, 2011, 09:31 AM: Message edited by: Pasquale DAlessio ]
Posted by Patrick Walsh (Member # 637) on October 09, 2011, 05:23 PM:
I was in the supermarket last night when that 5.5 hit shook like hell!
All good though, however one of the projectors at the cinema moved a bit and am in the process of crow-bar-ing it back into it's old spot! [Big Grin]

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