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Posted by Jon Addams (Member # 816) on February 27, 2012, 09:46 AM:
This is from Fortune magazine related to PayPal's holds policy.

Read the article here


[ February 27, 2012, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Jon Addams ]
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on February 27, 2012, 01:16 PM:
Thats a great read and apparantly, I'm not the only pissed off seller. I didn't know about the angle of making more interest off of the held finances by in fact, holding onto them.

I hope that the barrage of complaints that ebay is getting and the people beginning to cancel thier accounts will cause ebay to change the policy and reverse it to the way it was originally, instead of "feeding" off of good, reputable sellers
well earned profits. It should be illegal.

As the article states, maybe this will be a "netflix" moment and the company will realize that punishing thier own members is NOT the way to do good business. Greed can sometimes reach just a little too far and if they aren't wise, the ebay "camel's back may be broken".

Thanks 4 posting that Jon! Good job!
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on February 27, 2012, 03:42 PM:
Here's yet another example of ordinary people being used and
abused by the blood suckers.Well the answer Ladies and Gents
is quite simple,DON'T USE THEM.What did you do before?You used
cheques and money orders or Moneygrams as they now call them.
Hit these people where it hurts and starve them of your business,
they'll either give in or go bust,they can't operate without your
custom.They treat you in much the same way as a drug addict,
that you can't possibly exist without paypal(notice I didn't give
them a capital "p") I don't have paypal & don't want one,I don't
possess a mobile phone simply because I don't need one. these
people only have the upper hand when you buy into their way
of thinking.So why should people be subjected to this kind of
treatment,purchaser and seller inconvenienced to suit some
greedy #### in a boardroom,is because people let them, my advice, hit them where it
hurts and give them some inconvenience and don't use 'em.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on February 27, 2012, 08:12 PM:
Funny, I'm 46 and I have never owned a cell phone and I don't think I'm missing anything special ...

... though I hate o say it, but if my music takes off, I'll probably have to get one to keep up with things, when on the road and such.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on February 27, 2012, 10:55 PM:
Osi having a cell phone and not having ones can be huge different in the case of emergency.

Thinking you are in the middle of nowhere and your car gets broken.

Long time a go you could only wait for another car to come and asked for a favor. Now you can dial certain numbers and the road assistance will come.

Another story, two sellers in the market selling similar items. The first seller without a cellphone still can sell his items, but the second seller can sell more because he also take orders via his cellphone.

If the first seller did not in touch totally with the second seller, he will think that he has a normal day from time to time.... and say "there is no different between having and not having a cell phone, so I don't think I'm missing anything special ..."

Like it or not, technology is to make our life easier.... like the internet we are using now... [Wink]
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 01, 2012, 04:55 PM:
What about the third seller Winbert who stayed home and used
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on March 01, 2012, 08:34 PM:
Still Hugh, a seller who stay at home vs. people who stay at home and monitoring Ebay from his smart phone (another type of nowadays cellphone), the later one will make better score.

This is about how fast we can.

With a cellphone connected to Ebay uninterruptedly, it can give a real time alarm about the selling/buying occasions.

Again, technology is to make our lives become easier.

Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 02, 2012, 04:49 AM:
Not necessarily easier Winbert,Iwould say more complicated and
all this techno usually comes at a price.The speed that things
move at now especially with your smart phones, means that the
model you have now,becomes an antique in a few weeks time
and some people just have to have the latest in these things.As
for actually buying things,I don,t think there will ever be a real
substitute for going into a shop and actually seeing and touching
the article as opposed to buying through the ether which isn't
always a success.One only has to watch a woman buy a dress
or some similar item on the computer only to see when said
item arrives, bears little resemblence to what was on offer,you
only have to read the feedback on Amazon to see my point.Yes
technology is good in some aspects but it is far from perfect.
The majority of people who may be wizards on techno can't
do the simplest DIY,As hands on skills are no longer taught
in schools and kids today have little or no interest in things
that are going to be useful in life,put them in front of a console
and thats a different story.Good with keyboard tapping but can't hammer a nail in.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on March 02, 2012, 09:57 AM:
Hugh, however, it is proven to myself that I got a lot of bargain stuffs because my cellphone, i.e how quick I answer an email. You can find many my posts here, that includes $85 for a working GS1200.

I didn't rely on my desktop computer to answer emails which can only be used when I am sitting on my desk. I answered and browsed all emails/craiglist/kijiji any time, any where (Coca Cola) to beat other people's offer.

BTW, I never changed my phone. As long as it can open emails it is enough for me. And it is not a smartphone either, just a normal cellphone with GPRS capability.

Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 02, 2012, 11:57 AM:
Winbert,I take on board every thing you say,you were fortunate indeed with your projector,but my point is not so much with
technology,it is how some people become obsessive about their
phones.Some folk are on the verge of hysterics if it's misplaced
because reliance on this thing has gone beyond being a form
of communication and is now a personal computor with far too much personal data on it's owner contained within.So consequently when this is stolen,their safety net has gone and
this creates it's own problems.The new idea is to be able to purchase items in a shop by using the cell phone as a swipe card and proof of ID.The troubles are lining up,even Google is under question about gathering information on people and
they are one of many being asked why? I acknowledge that the
ability to communicate with someone great distances away but
I feel we're losing the social skills of communication with the
person sitting next to you on the busWhen I was a youngster
I engaged in activities a kid should do,outdoors in Gods fresh
air, but too many children now have shunned these activities
in favour of video games,virtual worlds and chatrooms where
they kid themselves they have many friends,Its a sad indictment of our society where children miss out on a proper
childhood, because you only get the one. I suppose it will only
be a matter of time and they'll be a "What did I watch last night
on my cell phone" on the Forum.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on March 02, 2012, 12:22 PM:
ps: and dont forget my other score to get Star Wars full feature at barely no cost. Both sellers of GS1200 and Star Wars are on Ebay, so not sort of newbies. I got them...just because I can approach and respon the sellers quickly and nicely.

Hugh, I understand what you are saying. I too got upset to see that Facebook becomes a norm to say "Happy Brithday" or "Merry Christmas" putting aside the physical contact that we used to live.

Yes your right that nowadays social livse become less important because of these kind of social netwroks.

I never opened nor replied e-Cards..... [Razz] that`s why I was so surprised when Christian B. (a member of this forum) starting an innitiative to send a physical Chrismas Card last year.

I admit that I used to turn on the push-mail facility on my cellphone but found that was too annoying when the cellphone could not distinguish between genuine emails or junk mails. Now I turn it off and let me decide when I am going to open my emails.

I could not also handle the latest trends when people are enjoying themselves with BlackBerry Messanger or Whatsapp and
chatting between other users almost every where.

But i still think without these technologies, I would also be left behind. So just know where I have to use it.

Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 02, 2012, 05:06 PM:
Winbert,you've just hit the nail on the head,these things are tools
and a lot of people end up by being "enslaved" by these things,
and the sad thing is that they give up so much personal information on some of these sites, that really only exist to make
lots of money for phone companies.I've got to take my hat off to you on these deals you've done on E--bay,not so much a cell phone, more like Aladdins lamp!Well done that man!
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on March 04, 2012, 11:35 AM:
I think the majority of people are addicted to their cell phones. People have these things stuck in their ear constantly, they can't exist without it.
My wife and I were in a restaurant recently and a couple at a table close to us were on their cell phones the whole time they were there - they never spoke one word. Perhaps they were talking to each other on their phones! [Big Grin]
But its gone beyond being funny. I guy almost ran me off the road last week because he was texting while driving. People are watching movies on their cell phones while driving!
I have a basic Net 10 cell phone. Pay as you go, no camera, no web, just a bare bones phone. Its there in the car for emergencies and a very occasional call when I'm not driving.
Incidentally what are the fines and penalties in the UK for using a cell phone while driving, and for texting while driving?
Because here in Florida there are none - what a joke that is! [Mad]
Posted by Jon Addams (Member # 816) on March 04, 2012, 02:00 PM:
How does a thread about an article in Fortune Magazine related to PayPal's holds morphs into a cell phone thread?
[Confused] [Confused] [Confused]

Posted by Keith Ashfield (Member # 741) on March 04, 2012, 02:19 PM:
How does a thread about an article in Fortune Magazine related to PayPal's holds morphs into a cell phone thread
We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to —


[Smile] [Big Grin]
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on March 05, 2012, 01:28 PM:
... and therefore, you have just crossed into ...

"The Twilight Zone"

... yep, full of pretty boy aneorexic Vampires! [Smile]

You know what I'd REALLY like to see? A vampire film with a fat, overweight vampire, complete with hairy moles and all! Now, I'd go to see THAT vampire film!

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