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Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 07, 2012, 07:09 AM:
Now I'm sure we can all relate to this one,for what ever reason
we have been forced to part with beloved prints.Some have been
re-united with their loved ones,others alas are still in limbo and
wondering if they'll ever be together again,well you get the
picture and you can thank Gerald Santana for this one.My lost
loves are; "PINK FLOYD-THE WALL"16mm 'scope,"THE SONG
16mm,"ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST" S/8 feature,
"SLAUGHTER OF THE VAMPIRES" S/8.That'll do for now as I can't
take anymore.So give us the bad news.
Posted by Joe Taffis (Member # 4) on March 07, 2012, 09:05 AM:
The title I regret selling the most is 7TH VOYAGE OF SINBAD for $200.00

[ March 08, 2012, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: Joe Taffis ]
Posted by Greg Marshall (Member # 1268) on March 07, 2012, 10:03 AM:
LION KING and WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT.... new prints from Derann in the mid-90's. Now I wish I hadn't.
Posted by Gerald Santana (Member # 2362) on March 07, 2012, 01:06 PM:
Films I sold and now, wish I didn't:
The African Queen Super 8 feature, obviously...
The Spiderwoman (1944) feature on 16mm
and The Uninvited (1944) feature, also on 16mm

Here is also something; films I could have bid up higher but, passed it up, now I kick myself for not going all the way:

Polyester (1981) on 16mm -- only bid $150 (it went for about $300)
2001 A Space Odyssey on Super 8 -- only bid $200 (it went for $201)
City Lights on 16mm -- only bid $200 (it also went for $201)

Those are some films that I thought I was going to get but, was outbid on the last second. Still looking for these titles...anyone? [Confused]
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on March 07, 2012, 01:15 PM:
The one I wish I didn't let go?

"High Road to China" Super 8 optical sound feature!

I originally collected super 8 back in the late 1980's, and I bought that optical sound feature from Dave Thomas Films, for like, 40.00 dollars, and when I let go my collection in the early 90's, (to move into laserdisc ... don't laugh, I still hurt over THAT stupidity!), that one went with them all as well ...

... and I have never seen another print of that come down the pike. It was a fun film that I still like to this day!

Posted by Allan Broadfield (Member # 2298) on March 07, 2012, 01:28 PM:
'Monster Maker', 'Blood on his lips', and 'Slaughter of the Vampires', all super 8 and sold to get 'King Kong'(this at a time when we were dead broke, what an understanding wife). Perry's Movies got them, and I don't think I had much lolly left after buying the aforementioned film, (£60) which I still have. I suggested selling it recently, but ny kids (now grown up) wouldn't hear of it.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on March 07, 2012, 01:42 PM:
TALES FROM THE CRYPT - A nice Agfa print.

( Sorry, Mike [Big Grin] )
Posted by Larry Arpin (Member # 744) on March 07, 2012, 01:49 PM:
ALIEN super 8mm scope feature from Derann. Why did I do that?
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 07, 2012, 02:03 PM:
Gerald,all this is down to you!Osi,I've got that title on 16mm and
it's a firm fav with my better half,she likes Tom Selleck,but I've
seen it at least twice over here,once in the "Film for the Collector"
advertised by a known dead wrong 'un and it might have been
Perry's on s/8.Incidentaly I have a 16mm copy of "Grizzly" that
you're welcome to."AFRICAN QUEEN "turns up now and then as
does "MONSTER MAKER"& "2001" BUT "TALES FROM THE CRYPT" you'd better have a good excuse Michael.
Posted by Claus Harding (Member # 702) on March 07, 2012, 02:05 PM:

That one is really inexcusable.... [Big Grin] [Roll Eyes]

I have never sold any films, but one print I wish I hadn't returned for a replacement reel was my 6-by-400 complete "King Kong" in Super-8. Between me getting ready to come to the US and the "business" collapsing in the late 70es, I never got a replacement print of it.

(However, today I have the old boy in 16mm and on Blu-Ray, so I'll live....still, it could have been nice to have my first feature.)

Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on March 07, 2012, 02:36 PM:
I'm with you on the Alien copy as well Larry!
I passed on "Enter the Dragon" and "Return of the Dragon" Scope Full Length. What I did take was "Game of Death". Only to find that the "Game of Death" is abridged and definitely not as rare as the previous 2. I have not heard of these copies showing up since I was offered them in 1999. [Frown]
Posted by Joe Caruso (Member # 11) on March 07, 2012, 02:40 PM:
Was I the only smart one? Original boxes and films, like the gum cards, Warren magazines, Aurora kits, LPs and other toys, I never let them get away - A few stragglers here and there, but video magically didn't consume me - Remember 8-Track Cartridges? Cassette Tapes (I still have all I had and still look fore the unusual) - My one exception is the DVD, I will admit that having certain shorts and such films, TV shows and all is choice, so I've gone with a selection of DVDs I like and others - Never give up your old collection, now you guys try and find your at-large prints, it'll make you feel happy come showtimes - Shorty
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on March 07, 2012, 02:54 PM:
I've regretted selling quite a few and have never replaced them,I've had most if not all the Derann Disney features,Some nice James Bond films,Enter the Dragon 4x400 which was really nice with re-recorded English sound,The list goes on...Mark.
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 07, 2012, 03:01 PM:
I remember" Enter the Dragon",I sold mine to help pay for IB
"Seventh Voyage OF Sinbad" in 16mm,but the blow was softened
because I have it on 16mm.
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on March 07, 2012, 03:08 PM:
I've never sold a film, mind you I've had one or two that were so bad I gave 'em away.


Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on March 08, 2012, 08:08 AM:
S8 feature...The Warriors, I thought at the time I had watched that movie enough I wouldn't miss it...I was wrong.

16mm Feature...Surf Nazis Must Die...I even had public display rights granted to me by Lloyd Kaufman for that title.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on March 08, 2012, 12:49 PM:
Thanks for the thought Hugh, but I'm only interested in the super 8 optical sound feature version. Actually, the 16MM version is fairly common. I see that Grizzly pop up here and there, but the optical feature, very rarely, (and I'm always beaten to the punch!)

Now, I think I'll sit down, relax, and watch my scope super 8 print of "Alien" IN STEREO! Hahahahahahahaha! [Smile]

Sorry larry! Just couldn't resist!
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on March 08, 2012, 03:42 PM:
I sometimes regret selling my 16mm james Bond prints. However, when I watch my 50" HDTV and enjoy my dog "Bailey" I'm OK. That's just 2 of the purchases I made with the money. I also got a great start in super 8mm with my "Goldfinger" print. But I still miss the other 007 films.
Posted by Chris Fries (Member # 2719) on March 08, 2012, 05:40 PM:
Six months ago, when I sold off most of my old library films, I was only interested in clearing shelf space and paying bills. As I was checking eBay for values, I did not realize how much film was still out there. As I was selling, I was also keeping an eye on films I always wanted. Well, the collecting bug bit again and I found myself buying as well as selling.

The one library title I wish I still had was "The Aristocats Meet Scat Cat". I am rebuilding my Disney 200' collection and that is one title I cannot seem to find. Even a faded and lined copy is better than nothing.

I also buy to sell. Sometimes I make a profit but mostly I break even.

Last September I got a copy of "The Empire Strikes Back Part 2". A very nice LPP print. I sold it to Osi. No regrets there as I did make a profit. The thing I did not know was how difficult it would be to find another. For me to keep, not sell. Even if it was slightly faded, I would be happy. Then I saw that Osi was selling his old copy. I wanted to get it but I did not have enough money at the time. His copy sold for what I paid for the LPP print.

Osi, I am sorry I did not ask if you were keeping you old copy or not. I didn't even think about it at the time. Although, if I remember correctly, I think you said you did have some regret about selling it. If I had known, we could have swapped prints and you could have paid less for the LPP. But, it was not meant to be.

No, my real regret was what happened last Halloween. I found a copy on eBay. From agcasal, a seller from Spain. I bid (pretty high, I might add) and won. I waited about three weeks. No film. I emailed him and got this response,

"I think there is a tracking number in the receipt I got from the post office. It is in my office. I will check on Monday and let you know, don't worry."

He did not email me back. I sent a message a week later. He said,

"Yes, I have the tracking number. Sorry, I thought I had already forwarded it to you. I will e-mail this afternoon. As of spanish mail I have still no information. It seems it is a problem with customs paperwork but they have not told me yet exactly what paper is missing... I will contact them this morning again. Sorry about the inconvenience."

A week later I got a tracking number. It did not work. So, I sent one more note.

"I have already sent two emails directly to you and there has been no response. The film I purchased has not yet arrived. The tracking number does not work. I do not know if the film was sent or not. It has been more than 30 days so I cannot make a request through eBay to request a refund. I will ask you directly. Please refund me the purchase price and shipping cost. If the film has been sent and ever does arrive, I promise I will pay for it. If I do not hear back from you I will have to assume the worst. That there will be no refund or there never was a film. I hope not. If so, I am sorry for both of us. I appeal to you for the last time. Please. Please help me."

There was no response.

No refund.

No film.
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 08, 2012, 07:35 PM:
That was a despicable move he played on you Chris,and you have
my sympathies as I too have fallen foul of unscrupulous people
one in the UK and the other two in the US who got a great deal of money between them,so one has to be vigilant.This thing that E-BAY operates with the 30 day routine certainly needs looking into
because the way the mail operates what with Customs etc or
a cheaper surface freight,could mean your goods being in transit
long after their deadline and they have a responsibility to the
buyer,especially in your case, as it's to simple to say"it's in the
mail"That excuse doesn't cut it in the UK,especially where
Motor Vehicle Tax is concerned.Also what's to stop him sending
an empty box,as was done to me,just so he can obtain a
receipt of posting.
Posted by Gerald Santana (Member # 2362) on March 08, 2012, 09:04 PM:
Very sorry to hear about this Chris, I hope you get your film some day. I waited six months for a box of films once, at the time it seemed like I would never see them -- then one day, I did.

Same thing, many emails and no replies. It took me outing the seller here on Forum and sending massive messages to his friends and family to finally receive them. May the force be with you...
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on March 09, 2012, 12:53 PM:
That's always a terrible tragedy, Chris. I'm malways on pins and needles (so to speak) when it comes to buying from overseas.

Send me an e-mail Chris ...
Posted by David Michael Leugers (Member # 166) on March 09, 2012, 06:23 PM:
I was in Denver in 1984 for about one month for training. I went to a photo shop that had tons of used gear for sale. They had a pile of S-8mm feature films on 800 - 1200ft reels. I could have bought 1 or all of them for $25 each... I wasn't into collecting films at the time and talked myself out of buying...
Posted by Chris Fries (Member # 2719) on March 15, 2012, 10:05 AM:
There are such things as a happy ending.

No, I did not hear back from the seller in Spain.

However, I am now the proud owner of an excellent and very familiar "The Empire Strikes Back Part 2" on LPP.

Many thanks to Osi and his new 'scope print of "Empire" for selling this back to me.

Best of luck on your sale of "Part 1".
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 22, 2012, 07:22 PM:
Good to know that you've got a much loved print back Chris, and
hears hoping the robbing ******* in Spain stiffens for the rotten
stunt he pulled on you.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on March 23, 2012, 12:39 PM:
Its happened to the best and worst of us. When I first got back into the super 8 collecting thing (2002), I found a fella overseas in the UK who, along with his auctions for super 8 prints on ebay, informed me that he has a STAR WARS scope print for sale, but not on ebay. I agreed to buy it for 300.00 which I felt was a bargain. I asked if he could send it with the won auctions that I had bought from him on ebay, and he said, he would rather keep the two transactions serperate.

Lousy ba***rd! Convenniently, the STAR WARS package got lost in the mail (supposedly), but hey, what do you know, both ebay auctions I got from him arrived just fine. When I pursued him about the STAR WARS not arriving, he sent me a screenshot of the "post notification" of the packages that he sent, which had mine on it, but he could have scribbled that in after that post stamped document was stamped by the post, and when I asked for at least half my money back, the lousy ba***rd said no, flat out!

I wish I remembered who the ba***rd was. For all I kinow, it might be someone who I know now in the film community, (but won't reveal himself, for obvious reasons!).

But I hope the cheating lousy ba***rd enjoyed his money, and I hope that he was royally screwwed time and time again after my "purchase" from him!

... and yes, if you think I'm still bitter about it after all these years, your right!! (Be nice if the lousy rotten cheap ba***rd would anonymously send half back to me, then I agree to stop calling that UK living (cuz he was from or still in the UK)
lousy, lower than a snake, someone I wouldn't spare a pint of piss if he was burning in hell ba***rd, all these fine names which, in my book, this person certainly has earned ...

got lost in the mail my arse!!

Ahhhh, that felt quite good.
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 23, 2012, 04:16 PM:
Sorry to hear of that Osi,two names that spring to mind that are
unscrupulous in the UK, and I'll just use surnames, Watson and
James are definately to be avoided.Two in the US that cost me
nearly $2000.oo some years ago,and again I'll just use their surnames
De Falco of L.A and Haupt of Baltimore,I would love to sit them
each on a pointed stake and every day I would place a brick in their hands.That was through replying to ads these conmen
had placed in the "Big Reel."Unfortunately these people spring up where ever, and we just have to remain on our guard and
hopefully keep an eye out for each other.Those unfortunate
experiences haven't coloured my perceptions of people as in
this great hobby of ours I've met and dealt with some lovely folk
some have passed on but a few are still here and the people on
this very Forum I feel as though I've known them for years,so
the robbers that are out there can't take that away.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on March 24, 2012, 12:31 PM:
Very true. In fact, this person I discussed in my previous post is the only one of two people, in ten years of collecting, that I had a bad experience with.

The ironic thing is that the other one, was a fellow over in Australia. I had bought, "Blockheads", "Creature From the Black Lagoon (3D) and one other Laurel and Hardy feature, which title escapes me, and I never recieved them, and the person conviently disappeared not to be heard from again. All I remember was that the persons e-mail went something like "PCBobby", and that was a 150.00 dollar rip-off, but that one doesn't hold the sting that the STAR WARS one did, just because, well heck, it was STAR WARS!

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