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Posted by Wayne Tuell (Member # 1689) on March 23, 2012, 08:45 PM: there I was, running my film transfer machine today having fun...I was wet-gating about 4000' of film when what do I see in my monitor??? A DUST BUNNY!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! I'm going crazy trying to get more fluid into the media out comes the canned air...NOTHING STILL!!! Then poof, it is gone...few minutes later another one shows up!...then goes away...shows up...goes away...then it hits was printed in the film! I thought my film-o-clean had let me down...nope...a lab technician did many years ago.
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 23, 2012, 09:34 PM:
Wayne,I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall,just to
listen to the epithets and terms of endearment that were being
used at the time,..............and he seemed such a nice boy too.
Posted by Greg Marshall (Member # 1268) on March 23, 2012, 11:32 PM:
LOL.. that's funny. Speaking of a fly on the wall... well, sort of.... I once had a trailer of 'Sphinx' that had a fly crawling up the image, over to the side, then flew away. That was weird too.
Posted by Larry Arpin (Member # 744) on March 24, 2012, 01:35 AM:
Anybody see Gremlins 2 at the theater? That was really weird when the film broke. I thought it was real until the Gremlin shadows came up.
Posted by Janice Glesser (Member # 2758) on March 24, 2012, 10:44 AM:
A similar thing has happened to me recently. First when I couldn't remove a hair from the projector lens or the gate which I later realized after numerous attempts with the air can and brush turned out to be in the original film. The second occurred just yesterday when the framing adjustment on the projector appeared to have no effect on masking the frame properly ...I was still getting the top and bottom of the images. Turned out to be a problem with the camera.
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on March 24, 2012, 11:00 AM:
I have had exactly the same experience with several of my film prints where the hair in the gate was actually on the film print itself. If I have not projected these prints for a while, I get fooled every time!
In a similar vein, I was projecting the S8 feature of 'High Society' the other night and there is one shot where the boom microphone can be clearly seen hanging over Frank Sinatra's head!
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on March 24, 2012, 01:00 PM:
This series of posts reminds me of a classic moment in comedy as well as animation, supplied by the one and only Tex Avery, (and the gag would be repeated by Benny Hill as well!)

The cartoon is "Musical Maestro". There is a "Butch" the bulldog, dressed as a Opera singer. he has dissed a cat, looking for a job. The cat takes over for the conductor and raises hell with the bulldog.

There are many a great gag in this classic, but the over the top topper is that at one point in the cartoon, a "hair" appears in the projector, and wiggles about for around thirty seconds or more. Suddenly, "Butch" stops singing, all audio disappears. "Butch" actually "plucks" the hair out of the image, tosses it aside, shrugs his shoulders at the audience and then the cartoons resumes it's manic pace. This was an early 1950's cartoon!

Great gag! Tex and his animators no doubt somehow, filmed a film being projected, with a "malignant" hair vibrating off to the side off the screen, in the bottom corner and then actually animated the same movements on film! Forever after that film, I felt Tex to be a genius of comedy!
Posted by Hugh Thompson Scott (Member # 2922) on March 24, 2012, 03:51 PM:
You've got it right there Osi,I love "The Cuckoo Clock","Bad Luck
Blackie" and "Counterfeit Cat".The latter I won in a competition
in Derann's mag about '93, the same week my little cat was run over,that gave me reason to stand there with a long puss.

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